Meeting documents

Harrogate - Cabinet
Wednesday, 24 August 2005 5.30 pm

Business Items
2{Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct.
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
3{Minute} Minutes: of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 13 July 2005. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
 {Report} Minutes: of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 13 July 2005. (Copy herewith)
 Cabinet Minutes of 13 July 2005 
4{Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items.
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
5{Minute} The Commission for Local Administration in England - Annual Letter 2004/2005: The Local Government Ombudsman Patricia Thomas to attend to discuss the Annual letter for 2004/05. (Copy letter herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
 {Report} The Commission for Local Administration in England - Annual Letter 2004/2005: The Local Government Ombudsman Patricia Thomas to attend to discuss the Annual letter for 2004/05. (Copy letter herewith)
 Letter and supporting information 
 {Minute} Library Gardens - North Yorkshire County Council - Family History/Discovery Centre: The Head of Parks and Open Spaces to submit a written report in connection with the above proposal. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
 {Appendix} Library Gardens - North Yorkshire County Council - Family History/Discovery Centre: The Head of Parks and Open Spaces to submit a written report in connection with the above proposal. (Copy herewith)
 Library Gardens Report Appendices.pdf 
6{Report} Library Gardens - North Yorkshire County Council - Family History/Discovery Centre: The Head of Parks and Open Spaces to submit a written report in connection with the above proposal. (Copy herewith)
 Library Gardens - North Yorkshire County Council - Family History-Discovery Centre 
7{Report} Purchase of Green Waste Recycling Vehicle: The Head of Environment to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Purchase of Green Waste Collection Vehicle Report & Appendix.pdf 
 {Minute} Purchase of Green Waste Recycling Vehicle: The Head of Environment to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
 {Minute} Yorkshire Regional Home Loans Service - the development of a home appreciation loan for local authorities in North Yorkshire - Forward Plan reference no 06/05/HH108: The Executive Officer (Housing Strategy) to submit a written report.
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
8{Report} Yorkshire Regional Home Loans Service - the development of a home appreciation loan for local authorities in North Yorkshire - Forward Plan reference no 06/05/HH108: The Executive Officer (Housing Strategy) to submit a written report.
 Yorkshire Regional Home Loans Service - the development of a home appreciation loan for local authorities in North Yorkshire - Forward Plan reference no 06-05-HH108 
 {Appendix} Yorkshire Regional Home Loans Service - the development of a home appreciation loan for local authorities in North Yorkshire - Forward Plan reference no 06/05/HH108: The Executive Officer (Housing Strategy) to submit a written report.
 Yorkshire Regional Home Loans Service - the development of a home appreciation loan for local authorities in North Yorkshire - Forward Plan reference no 06-05-HH108 
 {Report} Financial Procedure Rules: The Head of Financial Management to submit the draft Revised Financial Procedure Rules for consultation. (Copy herewith)
 Financial Procedure Rules Report.pdf 
 {Minute} Financial Procedure Rules: The Head of Financial Management to submit the draft Revised Financial Procedure Rules for consultation. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
9{Appendix} Financial Procedure Rules: The Head of Financial Management to submit the draft Revised Financial Procedure Rules for consultation. (Copy herewith)
 Financial Procedure Rules 
 {Minute} Contract Procedure Rules: The Head of Financial Management to submit the draft Revised Contract Procedure Rules for consultation. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
10{Report} Contract Procedure Rules: The Head of Financial Management to submit the draft Revised Contract Procedure Rules for consultation. (Copy herewith)
 Contract Procedure Rules 
 {Appendix} Contract Procedure Rules: The Head of Financial Management to submit the draft Revised Contract Procedure Rules for consultation. (Copy herewith)
 Contract Procedure Rules 
11{Minute} Diversity Strategy: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
 {Report} Diversity Strategy: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Diversity Strategy Report and Appendices 
 {Minute} Civil Contingencies Corporate Strategy: The Civil Contingencies and Resilience Officer to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
12{Report} Civil Contingencies Corporate Strategy: The Civil Contingencies and Resilience Officer to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Civil Contingencies Corporate Strategy 
 {Appendix} Civil Contingencies Corporate Strategy: The Civil Contingencies and Resilience Officer to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Civil Contingencies Corporate Strategy 
 Civil Contingencies Corporate Strategy 
 {Minute} Harrogate Borough Council Strategic Plan 2005-2008: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
 {Appendix} Harrogate Borough Council Strategic Plan 2005-2008: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Appendices to Strategic Plan Report.pdf 
13{Report} Harrogate Borough Council Strategic Plan 2005-2008: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Harrogate Borough Council Strategic Plan 2005-2008 
14{Minute} Key Decisions - Financial Thresholds: The Head of Legal and Democratic Services to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
 {Report} Key Decisions - Financial Thresholds: The Head of Legal and Democratic Services to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Key Decisions - Financial Thresholds Report 
 {Minute} 2004/2005 Performance Indicators - Year End Report: The Performance Officer to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
15{Report} 2004/2005 Performance Indicators - Year End Report: The Performance Officer to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 2004-2005 Performance Indicators - Year End Report 
 {Appendix} 2004/2005 Performance Indicators - Year End Report: The Performance Officer to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 2004-2005 Performance Indicators - Year End Report 
 {Minute} Sub-Regional Tourism Delivery Structures: The Deputy Director HIC to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
16{Report} Sub-Regional Tourism Delivery Structures: The Deputy Director HIC to submit a written report. (Copy herewith)
 Sub-Regional Tourism Delivery Structures Report and Appendix 
 {Report} 2004/2005 Performance Indicators Year-End Report: The Chair of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission Councillor Heather Adderley to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) This item will be taken in conjunction with agenda item 15 appearing on the main agenda for the meeting of Cabinet.
 Report of Chair of Environment Commission 
17{Minute} 2004/2005 Performance Indicators Year-End Report: The Chair of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission Councillor Heather Adderley to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) This item will be taken in conjunction with agenda item 15 appearing on the main agenda for the meeting of Cabinet.
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005 
40{Minute} Apologies for Absence:
 Item Minute - 24 August 2005