Business Items |
2 | {Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct. |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
3 | {Minute} Minutes: of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 21 September 2005. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
| {Report} Minutes: of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 21 September 2005. (Copy herewith) |
| Minutes of meeting 21 September 2005.doc  |
4 | {Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items. |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
| |
| Item Minute - 20 October 2005  |
| {Minute} Corporate Customer Services Unit and Customer Relationship Management Technology: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) (This report will also be considered by the Urgency Committee on 20 October 2005) (Will Members please note that exempt material is not available via the internet) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
5 | {Report} Corporate Customer Services Unit and Customer Relationship Management Technology: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) (This report will also be considered by the Urgency Committee on 20 October 2005) (Will Members please note that exempt material is not available via the internet) |
| Corporate Customer Services Unit and Customer Relationship Management Technology  |
| {Appendix} Corporate Customer Services Unit and Customer Relationship Management Technology: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) (This report will also be considered by the Urgency Committee on 20 October 2005) (Will Members please note that exempt material is not available via the internet) |
| Corporate Customer Services Unit and Customer Relationship Management Technology  |
| |
| Item Minute - 20 October 2005  |
| {Minute} Strategic Tree Risk Management: The Director of Community Services to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) (This report will also be considered by the Urgency Committee to meet on 20 October 2005) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
6 | {Report} Strategic Tree Risk Management: The Director of Community Services to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) (This report will also be considered by the Urgency Committee to meet on 20 October 2005) |
| Strategic Tree Risk Management  |
| {Appendix} Strategic Tree Risk Management: The Director of Community Services to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) (This report will also be considered by the Urgency Committee to meet on 20 October 2005) |
| Strategic Tree Risk Management  |
| {Minute} Mercury Abatement - Crematorium: The Head of Parks and Open Spaces to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
| {Appendix} Mercury Abatement - Crematorium: The Head of Parks and Open Spaces to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Appendices to Mercury Abatement - Crematorium Report.pdf  |
7 | {Report} Mercury Abatement - Crematorium: The Head of Parks and Open Spaces to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Mercury Abatement - Crematorium  |
| {Minute} The Concessionary Fares Scheme: The Head of Transport to submit a written report on the Government's new scheme and the continuation of the existing Countrywide Concessionary Fares Scheme. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
8 | {Report} The Concessionary Fares Scheme: The Head of Transport to submit a written report on the Government's new scheme and the continuation of the existing Countrywide Concessionary Fares Scheme. (Copy herewith) |
| The Concessionary Fares Scheme  |
| {Minute} Capital Programme and Target Levels Non-Housing Services Small Schemes 2006/07 to 2008/09: The Head of Financial Management to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
9 | {Report} Capital Programme and Target Levels Non-Housing Services Small Schemes 2006/07 to 2008/09: The Head of Financial Management to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Capital Programme and Target Levels Non-Housing Services Small Schemes 2006-07 to 2008-09  |
| {Appendix} Capital Programme and Target Levels Non-Housing Services Small Schemes 2006/07 to 2008/09: The Head of Financial Management to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Capital Programme and Target Levels Non-Housing Services Small Schemes 2006-07 to 2008-09  |
| {Minute} 2005/2006 Best Value Performance Indicators Satisfaction Survey - Overview of Results: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
10 | {Report} 2005/2006 Best Value Performance Indicators Satisfaction Survey - Overview of Results: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Report & Appendices - Best Value PIs Satisfaction Survey.pdf  |
| {Minute} 2005/2006 Corporate Basket of PIs - Quarter One Report: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
| {Appendix} 2005/2006 Corporate Basket of PIs - Quarter One Report: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Appendix 1 Corporate Basket of PIs.pdf  |
11 | {Report} 2005/2006 Corporate Basket of PIs - Quarter One Report: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| 2005-2006 Corporate Basket of PIs - Quarter One Report  |
| {Minute} 2005/2006 Quarter One Corporate Action Plan Top Priority Actions Update: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
| {Appendix} 2005/2006 Quarter One Corporate Action Plan Top Priority Actions Update: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| Appendix 1 Quarter One CAP.pdf  |
12 | {Report} 2005/2006 Quarter One Corporate Action Plan Top Priority Actions Update: The Executive Director Corporate Policy and Improvement to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) |
| 2005-2006 Quarter One Corporate Action Plan Top Priority Actions Update  |
13 | {Minute} Proposals to change North Yorkshire Police Structure: The Deputy Leader to report. |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
14 | {Minute} Making Harrogate District Council a Fair Trade Council: The Deputy Leader to report. |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
| |
| Item Minute - 20 October 2005  |
| {Minute} VAT Exempt Limit: The Director of Resources to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) (This report will be considered by the Urgency Committee to meet on 20 October 2005) (This report is a non-delegated item and will be referred to Council for consideration.) |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |
15 | {Report} VAT Exempt Limit: The Director of Resources to submit a written report. (Copy herewith) (This report will be considered by the Urgency Committee to meet on 20 October 2005) (This report is a non-delegated item and will be referred to Council for consideration.) |
| VAT Exempt Limit  |
62 | {Minute} Apologies for Absence: |
| Item Minute - 19 October 2005  |