Meeting documents

Harrogate - Council Resources Commission Recruitment and Retention Issues Panel (old)
Wednesday, 5 April 2006 5.30 pm

Business Items
 {Minute} Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes:
 Item Minute - 05 April 2006 
2{Minute} Minutes: of the meeting of the Panel meeting held on 9 March 2006. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 05 April 2006 
 {Report} Minutes: of the meeting of the Panel meeting held on 9 March 2006. (Copy herewith)
 Minutes of Recruitment and Retention Panel 9 March 2006.doc 
 {Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct.
 Item Minute - 05 April 2006 
4{Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items.
 Item Minute - 05 April 2006 
 {Minute} RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION ISSUES PANEL - FINAL REPORT: Members to consider a draft version of the Panel's final report prior to it's submission to the Council Resources Overview and Scrutiny Commission. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 05 April 2006 
5{Report} RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION ISSUES PANEL - FINAL REPORT: Members to consider a draft version of the Panel's final report prior to it's submission to the Council Resources Overview and Scrutiny Commission. (Copy herewith)