Business Items |
1 | {Minute} Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes: |
| Item Minute - 08 July 2004  |
2 | {Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct |
| Item Minute - 08 July 2004  |
3 | {Minute} Minutes: of the meeting of the Commission held on 17 May 2004. (Copy Herewith) |
| Item Minute - 08 July 2004  |
| {Supporting Paper} Minutes: of the meeting of the Commission held on 17 May 2004. (Copy Herewith) |
| Council Resources Commission Minutes - 17 May 2004  |
4 | {Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items - Items 8 & 9 |
| Item Minute - 08 July 2004  |
5 | {Minute} Public Arrangements - Questions: To consider any questions pursuant to Standing Order 27. |
| Item Minute - 08 July 2004  |
6 | {Minute} Requests for Inclusion of Items in Future Work Programme: To consider any requests from Members members of the public Council or Committees for items to be included in the Commission's future work programme. |
| Item Minute - 08 July 2004  |
7 | {Minute} Forward Plan of Key Decisions: There are no Forward Plan Key Decisions to report to the Commission at the meeting |
| Item Minute - 08 July 2004  |
8 | {Report} HIC BREAK-OUT SPACE SCHEME- POSSIBLE LITIGATION: The Director of Administration to submit a written report. Will Members please bring to the meeting their copy of the report circulated to all Members of the Council with the Cabinet agenda for the meeting to be held on 30 June 2004. |
| {Appendix} HIC BREAK-OUT SPACE SCHEME- POSSIBLE LITIGATION: The Director of Administration to submit a written report. Will Members please bring to the meeting their copy of the report circulated to all Members of the Council with the Cabinet agenda for the meeting to be held on 30 June 2004. |
8 | {Minute} HIC BREAK-OUT SPACE SCHEME- POSSIBLE LITIGATION: The Director of Administration to submit a written report. Will Members please bring to the meeting their copy of the report circulated to all Members of the Council with the Cabinet agenda for the meeting to be held on 30 June 2004. |
| Item Minute - 08 July 2004  |
| {Report} HIC Breakout Space Scheme - Internal Audit Investigation: The Audit Manager to submit a written report. Will Members please bring to the meeting their copy of the report circulated to all Members of the Council with the agenda for the meeting of cabinet to be held on 30 June 2004. |
| Exempt - HIC Breakout Space Scheme Internal Audit Investigation |
| {Appendix} HIC Breakout Space Scheme - Internal Audit Investigation: The Audit Manager to submit a written report. Will Members please bring to the meeting their copy of the report circulated to all Members of the Council with the agenda for the meeting of cabinet to be held on 30 June 2004. |
| Exempt - HIC Breakout Space Scheme Internal Audit Investigation |
| Exempt - HIC Breakout Space Scheme - Internal Audit Appendix 3 |
| Exempt - HIC Breakout Space Scheme Internal Audit Investigation |
| Exempt - HIC Breakout Space Scheme - Internal Audit Appendix 5 |
10 | {Minute} COUNCIL RESOURCES COMMISSION REPLACEMENT CO-OPTEE: Further to Council Resources Commission Minute 107/03 members to consider co-option arrangements for the new Commission. |
| Item Minute - 08 July 2004  |