Business Items |
1 | {Minute} Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes: |
| Item Minute - 23 February 2006 |
2 | {Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct. |
| Item Minute - 23 February 2006 |
3 | {Minute} Minutes: of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 26 January 2006. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 23 February 2006 |
| {Report} Minutes: of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 26 January 2006. (Copy herewith) |
| Minutes of Sub-Committee held on 26 January 2006 |
4 | {Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items. |
| Item Minute - 23 February 2006 |
| {Minute} Planning Applications Referred to Sub-Committee for Determination: To determine the following applications:- |
| Item Minute - 23 February 2006 |
5 | {Minute} Application No 6.22.48.D.OUTMAJ/05.06329.OUTMAJ: Application by Mr M Shillito and Mr D Wood for outline application for the erection of 13 dwellings to include 8 units for affordable housing with siting and access considered (site area 0.37ha) (revised scheme) at Land to the rear of the Lamb Inn Rainton. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 23 February 2006 |
| {Report} Application No 6.22.48.D.OUTMAJ/05.06329.OUTMAJ: Application by Mr M Shillito and Mr D Wood for outline application for the erection of 13 dwellings to include 8 units for affordable housing with siting and access considered (site area 0.37ha) (revised scheme) at Land to the rear of the Lamb Inn Rainton. (Copy herewith) |
| Application No 6.22.48.D.OUTMAJ-05.06329.OUTMAJ |
| {Appendix} Application No 6.22.48.D.OUTMAJ/05.06329.OUTMAJ: Application by Mr M Shillito and Mr D Wood for outline application for the erection of 13 dwellings to include 8 units for affordable housing with siting and access considered (site area 0.37ha) (revised scheme) at Land to the rear of the Lamb Inn Rainton. (Copy herewith) |
| Application No 6.22.48.D.OUTMAJ-05.06329.OUTMAJ |
| {Report} Application No 6.99.35.J.FULMAJ/05.06048.FULMAJ: Application by Millstones Restaurant for the erection of an 18 bedroom annex with caretakers flat associated landscaping and woodland planting provision of additional parking spaces and new lighting scheme to the buildings and surrounding areas. (site area 1.049ha) at Millstones Restaurant Skipton Road Felliscliffe Harrogate HG3 2LT. (Copy herewith) |
| Application No 6.99.35.J.FULMAJ-05.06048.FULMAJ |
| {Appendix} Application No 6.99.35.J.FULMAJ/05.06048.FULMAJ: Application by Millstones Restaurant for the erection of an 18 bedroom annex with caretakers flat associated landscaping and woodland planting provision of additional parking spaces and new lighting scheme to the buildings and surrounding areas. (site area 1.049ha) at Millstones Restaurant Skipton Road Felliscliffe Harrogate HG3 2LT. (Copy herewith) |
| Application No 6.99.35.J.FULMAJ-05.06048.FULMAJ |
| {Minute} Application No 6.99.35.J.FULMAJ/05.06048.FULMAJ: Application by Millstones Restaurant for the erection of an 18 bedroom annex with caretakers flat associated landscaping and woodland planting provision of additional parking spaces and new lighting scheme to the buildings and surrounding areas. (site area 1.049ha) at Millstones Restaurant Skipton Road Felliscliffe Harrogate HG3 2LT. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 23 February 2006 |