Business Items |
1 | {Minute} To Appoint a Chair: |
| Item Minute - 09 August 2007 |
2 | {Minute} Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes: |
| Item Minute - 09 August 2007 |
3 | {Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct. |
| Item Minute - 09 August 2007 |
4 | {Minute} Minutes: of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 26 July 2007. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 09 August 2007 |
| {Supporting Paper} Minutes: of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 26 July 2007. (Copy herewith) |
| Minutes of District Development Sub-Committee held on 26.07.07.doc |
5 | {Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items. |
| Item Minute - 09 August 2007 |
| {Minute} PLANNING APPLICATION REFERRED TO SUB-COMMITTEE FOR DETERMINATION: To determine the following application:- 1. Application No 6.19.138.F.FUL by Mr and Mrs R Staveley for the erection of a detached dwelling (site area 0.1 ha) at Carr House Farm Mickley Ripon HG4 3JG (Please refer to details of the application included in the enclosed report). |
| Item Minute - 09 August 2007 |
6 | {Report} PLANNING APPLICATION REFERRED TO SUB-COMMITTEE FOR DETERMINATION: To determine the following application:- 1. Application No 6.19.138.F.FUL by Mr and Mrs R Staveley for the erection of a detached dwelling (site area 0.1 ha) at Carr House Farm Mickley Ripon HG4 3JG (Please refer to details of the application included in the enclosed report). |