Meeting documents

Harrogate - District Development Sub-Committee
Thursday, 12 June 2008 4.30 pm

Business Items
1{Minute} Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes:
 Item Minute - 12 June 2008 
2{Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct.
 Item Minute - 12 June 2008 
3{Minute} Minutes: of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 29 May 2008. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 12 June 2008 
 {Report} Minutes: of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 29 May 2008. (Copy herewith)
 Minutes of the meeting of 29 May 2008 
4{Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items.
 Item Minute - 12 June 2008 
5{Minute} Planning Application Referred to Sub-Committee for Determination: Application number 6.107.43.G.FUL by Spinks Burn for the erection of 1 replacement dwelling with detached garage at Bank End Farm Norwood. (Copy report herewith)
 Item Minute - 12 June 2008 
 {Report} Planning Application Referred to Sub-Committee for Determination: Application number 6.107.43.G.FUL by Spinks Burn for the erection of 1 replacement dwelling with detached garage at Bank End Farm Norwood. (Copy report herewith)
 Bank End Farm Norwood.