Business Items |
1 | {Forward Plan} Re-designation of council homes To consider the re-designation of council properties in order to meet the high demand for general purpose housing. The matter is a key decision because it is significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards. |
| Re-designation of council homes  |
2 | {Forward Plan} Changes to the Secure Tenancy Agreement To consider changes to the Secure Tenancy Agreement of all existing council tenants. The matter is a key decision becacuse it is significent in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards. |
| Changes to the Secure Tenancy Agreement  |
3 | {Forward Plan} Rossett Sports Centre - Future Management Arrangements and Options HBC have indicated their intention to remove themselves from the management of the sports facilities at Rossett School. The school have considered the option of running the facilities themselves and have agreed in principle to do so. However there are conditions attached to this proposal that need consideration and the options for HBC are detailed within the report. |
| Rossett Sports Centre - Future Management Arrangements and Options  |
4 | {Forward Plan} Award of Tender for the Banking Services Contract Decision to be taken by the Head of Financial Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources - Award of Tender for the banking services contract from April 2014 to March 2017 with the option of a 2 year extention. Considered to be a key decision due to the anticipated cost. |
| Award of Tender for the Banking Services Contract  |
5 | {Forward Plan} Agreement of Disposal Terms of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Garage Sites - 06/11/DCS203 Following a report to Cabinet in August 2011 it is anticipated that an unspecified number of HRA garage sites will be declared surplus with a recommendation that they are disposed of to generate additional affordable housing development. This report will determine the process and terms of any such disposals. |
| Agreement of Disposal Terms of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Garage Sites - 06-11-DCS203  |
6 | {Forward Plan} Waste Collection Review - 06/12/DCS219 A decision is required in relation to the introduction of charges associated to waste collection and disposal costs due to a change in legislation brought about by the introduction of the Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012. |
| Waste Collection Review - 06-12-DCS219  |
7 | {Forward Plan} Agree the Location for Ripon/Harrogate Customer Contact Centres - 08/12/CP14 Following investigation through the Innovate Customer Programme to agree the location for the Ripon Customer Contact Centre and the interim Harrogate Customer Contact Centre both to be implemented by April 2013. Additionally to agree the delivery method of services within the remaining district areas of Boroughbridge Knaresborough Masham and Pateley Bridge. |
| Agree the Location for Ripon-Harrogate Customer Contact Centres - 08-12-CP14  |
8 | {Forward Plan} HIC Catering Concession Contract To agree the award of the Harrogate International Centra Catering Contract Concession. |
| HIC Catering Concession Contract  |
9 | {Forward Plan} The Stray Act 1985-Tour de France 2014 The Council acting through the Chief Executive and Chief Solicitor makes a request to the Secretary of State to remove the restrictions imposed by the Stray Act for a defined geographical area of the Stray and for a limited period to enable the Tour de France event to proceed. Key decision because of the scale of the Tour de France event and the areas of the Stray which may be affected are within the boundaries of at least two wards. |
| The Stray Act 1985-Tour de France 2014  |
10 | {Forward Plan} Future of ARCH Mediation To consider the transfer of ARCH Mediation to the independent sector. This matter is a key decision as it concerns the future ownership of the services and it impacts on all wards. |
| Future of ARCH Mediation  |