Meeting documents

Harrogate - Forward Plan
Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Business Items
1{Forward Plan} Agreement of Disposal Terms of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Garage Sites - 06/11/DCS203 Following a report to Cabinet in August 2011 it is anticipated that an unspecified number of HRA garage sites will be declared surplus with a recommendation that they are disposed of to generate additional affordable housing development. This report will determine the process and terms of any such disposals.
 Agreement of Disposal Terms of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Garage Sites - 06-11-DCS203 
2{Forward Plan} Agree award of the Harrogate International Centre Event Stewarding Contract To agree the award of the HIC event stewarding contract.
 Agree award of the Harrogate International Centre Event Stewarding Contract 
3{Forward Plan} In House Maintenance Team Contract for the Supply of Materials To decide a Procurement Route
 In House Maintenance Team Contract for the Supply of Materials 
4{Forward Plan} Merger of Community Safety Partnerships Decision on whether to request the Police and Crime Commissioner to agree to a merger of the existing LCSPs into one County-wide NYCSP with the new NYCSP taking on the tole of Responsible Authority on behalf of the Council.
 Merger of Community Safety Partnerships