Meeting documents

Harrogate - Forward Plan
Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Business Items
1{Forward Plan} Leeds City Region-Energy Company Obligation and Green Deal Scheme To inform Cabinet of progress of the scheme obtain approval in principle to call off from the Framework Agreement and implement management arrangements.
 Leeds City Region-Energy Company Obligation and Green Deal Scheme 
2{Forward Plan} Solar Panels to Council Housing Roofs - Pilot Project Solar Panels to Council Housing Roofs - Pilot Project - Key Decision due to expenditure.
 Solar Panels to Council Housing Roofs - Pilot Project 
3{Forward Plan} Contract for Processing Green Garden Waste To award a contract for the processing of green garden waste (collected from domestic properties in the borough) for the period November 2014 to March 2017 under the York & North Yorkshire Waste Partnership framework (NYCC/BES/27282)
 Contract for Processing Green Garden Waste 
4{Forward Plan} Strategic Asset Review - Public Toilet Provision To consider results of further officer work undertaken including appropriate consultation and equality impact assessments relating to various public toilets throughout the district and recommended way forward for each of them.
 Strategic Asset Review - Public Toilet Provision 
5{Forward Plan} Bilton to Ripley Cycleway-Compensation to Land Owners To consider way forward wih regard to negotiations with landowners who are seeking compensation.
 Bilton to Ripley Cycleway-Compensationa to Land Owners 
6{Forward Plan} Land West of Leeds Road Pannal To consider potential options for the future use of HBC owned land.
 Land West of Leeds Road Pannal 
7{Forward Plan} Catering Review at Knaresborough Swimming Pool The report will review the provision of catering at Knaresborough Swimming Pool. The decision could potentially result in a change to the current catering provision.
 Catering Review at Knaresborough Swimming Pool 
8{Forward Plan} Knaresborough Swimming Pool Refurbishment The report will detail works to be undertaken and expenditure.
 Knaresborough Swimming Pool Refurbishment