Meeting documents

Harrogate - Forward Plan
Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Business Items
1{Forward Plan} Strategic Asset Review - Public Toilet Provision To consider results of further officer work undertaken including appropriate consultation and equality impact assessments relating to various public toilets throughout the district and recommended way forward for each of them.
 Strategic Asset Review - Public Toilet Provision 
2{Forward Plan} Bilton to Ripley Cycleway-Compensation to Land Owners To consider way forward wih regard to negotiations with landowners who are seeking compensation.
 Bilton to Ripley Cycleway-Compensationa to Land Owners 
3{Forward Plan} Catering Review at Knaresborough Swimming Pool The report will review the provision of catering at Knaresborough Swimming Pool. The decision could potentially result in a change to the current catering provision.
 Catering Review at Knaresborough Swimming Pool 
4{Forward Plan} Tender for Sun Pavilion Management Arrangements To award the Tender for the marketing arrangements at the Sun Pavilion with options to include sales marketing catering and bars for five years. Decision could result in change in management arrangements at the Sun Pavilion.
 Tender for Sun Pavilion Management Arrangements 
5{Forward Plan} Harrogate District Local Plan : Funding of the Transport Evidence Base To seek agreement to remove the ring fence around car parking surplus currently earmarked for parking provision in the market towns in order to fund preparation of the transport evidence base.
 Harrogate District Local Plan Funding of the Transport Evidence Base 
6{Forward Plan} Corporate Annual Grants to the Voluntary and Community Sector - Proposal to extend current arrangements into 2015/16 To consider extending current arrangements in order for the Harrogate District Public Services Leadership Board joint commissioning framework to be piloted within 2015/16
 Corporate Annual Grants to the Voluntary and Community Sector - Proposal to extend current arrangements into 2015-16 
7{Forward Plan} Proposed Adoption of Capital Asset Valuation for Amenity Trees (CAVAT) The Council does not currently have a formally adopted amenity tree valuation system in place.
 Proposed Adoption of Capital Asset Valuation for Amenity Trees (CAVAT)