Meeting documents

Harrogate - Forward Plan
Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Business Items
1{Forward Plan} Strategic Asset Review - Public Toilet Provision To consider results of further officer work undertaken including appropriate consultation and equality impact assessments relating to various public toilets throughout the district and recommended way forward for each of them.
 Strategic Asset Review - Public Toilet Provision 
2{Forward Plan} Review of Policy for Waste Recycling and Collections
 Review of Policy for Waste Recycling and Collections 
3{Forward Plan} Nursery Review
 Nursery Review 
4{Forward Plan} To consider the preferred option on the future provision of recycling bring banks across the district.
 To consider the preferred option on the future provision of recycling bring banks across the district. 
5{Forward Plan} Re-roofing to approximately 100 Council owned dwellings in the financial year 2017/18 within the Housing Investment Programme of works.
 Re-roofing approximately 100 Council owned dwellings 
6{Forward Plan} Arrangements for the effective administration of Disabled Facilities Grants from 2018/19
 Arrangements for the effective administration of Disabled Facilities Grants from 2018-19