Business Items |
1 | {Minute} Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes: |
| Item Minute - 15 January 2007 |
2 | {Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct. |
| Item Minute - 15 January 2007 |
3 | {Minute} Minutes: of the meeting of the Commission held on 6 November 2006. (Copy herewith) |
| Item Minute - 15 January 2007 |
| {Report} Minutes: of the meeting of the Commission held on 6 November 2006. (Copy herewith) |
| Organisation Improvement & Environment Commission Minutes of 6 November 2006 |
4 | {Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items. |
| Item Minute - 15 January 2007 |
5 | {Minute} Public Arrangements - Questions: To consider any questions pursuant to Standing Order 27. |
| Item Minute - 15 January 2007 |
6 | {Minute} DRAFT GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET 2007/08: Members to consider those elements of the budget which fall within the remit of the Organisation Improvement and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission. (Please see attached reports for the following items) Leader Portfolio - The Leader to present the following budget areas which fall within his portfolio: DCPI - The Strategic Policy Officer to attend for this item. HIC Holiday Tourism and Marketing - The Director of Harrogate International Centre to attend for this item. EDU - The Head of Economic Development to attend for this item. Cabinet Member (Finance & Resources) Portfolio - The Cabinet Member (Finance & Resources) to present the following budget areas which fall within his portfolio: Financial Management - the Head of Financial Management to attend for this item. Property Management - The Head of Property Management to attend for this item. Business Support (Resources) - The Business Support Manager to attend for this item. ITD - The Head of Information Technology and Development to attend for this item. Legal and Democratic Services - The Head of Legal and Democratic Services to attend for this item. Human Resources - The Head of Human Resources to attend for this item. |
| Item Minute - 15 January 2007 |
| {Report} DRAFT GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET 2007/08: Members to consider those elements of the budget which fall within the remit of the Organisation Improvement and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission. (Please see attached reports for the following items) Leader Portfolio - The Leader to present the following budget areas which fall within his portfolio: DCPI - The Strategic Policy Officer to attend for this item. HIC Holiday Tourism and Marketing - The Director of Harrogate International Centre to attend for this item. EDU - The Head of Economic Development to attend for this item. Cabinet Member (Finance & Resources) Portfolio - The Cabinet Member (Finance & Resources) to present the following budget areas which fall within his portfolio: Financial Management - the Head of Financial Management to attend for this item. Property Management - The Head of Property Management to attend for this item. Business Support (Resources) - The Business Support Manager to attend for this item. ITD - The Head of Information Technology and Development to attend for this item. Legal and Democratic Services - The Head of Legal and Democratic Services to attend for this item. Human Resources - The Head of Human Resources to attend for this item. |
| DCPI Budget report.pdf |
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| HIC Holiday Tourism & Marketing Budget report (including HIC Estimates report to Cabinet on 10 January 2007).pdf |
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| EDU Budget report.pdf |
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| Financial Management Budget report.pdf |
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| Property Management Budget report.pdf |
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| IT&D Budget report (to Cabinet on 20 December 2006).pdf |
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| Legal & Democratic Services Budget report.pdf |
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| Human Resources Budget report.pdf |
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| Business Support (Resources) Budget report.pdf |
7 | {Minute} Forward Plan of Key Decisions: To consider relevant Forward Plan Key Decisions. (Please use the above link to the Forward Plan to access the Plan for January - April 2007) |
| Item Minute - 15 January 2007 |
8 | {Minute} Car Parking Policy Working Group: The Chair of the Group to report on the progress made to date. |
| Item Minute - 15 January 2007 |
9 | {Minute} Requests for Inclusion of Items in Future Work Programme: To consider any requests from Members members of the public Council or Committees for items to be included in the Commission's future work programme. Additional information and the Commission's draft work programme 2006/07 is attached. |
| Item Minute - 15 January 2007 |
| {Supporting Paper} Requests for Inclusion of Items in Future Work Programme: To consider any requests from Members members of the public Council or Committees for items to be included in the Commission's future work programme. Additional information and the Commission's draft work programme 2006/07 is attached. |
| Future Work Programme.pdf |