Meeting documents

Harrogate - Organisation Improvement and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission
Monday, 17 December 2007 6.00 pm

Business Items
1{Minute} Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes:
 Item Minute - 17 December 2007 
2{Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct.
 Item Minute - 17 December 2007 
3{Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items.
 Item Minute - 17 December 2007 
4{Minute} Public Arrangements - Questions: To consider any questions pursuant to Standing Order 27.
 Item Minute - 17 December 2007 
5{Minute} Co-option of Members From Scarborough Borough Council: To consider and confirm the co-option of Councillors Brian O' Flynn Mrs Rosalyn Fox and Brian Watson as Members of the Commission for the meeting.
 Item Minute - 17 December 2007 
6{Minute} NYCC REVIEW OF THE HIGHWAYS AGENCY AGREEMENTS AND HIGHWAYS AGENCY SERVICE - INFORMATION CONSIDERED BY THE TRANSPORT AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMIITTEE ON THE 28 NOVEMBER 2007: - Review of the Highways Agency Agreements and Highways Agency Service covering report and report to Executive (16 October 2007). (Copy herewith) - Executive summary of Harrogate and Scarborough Borough Council's position on the possible termination of the Highways Agency Agreement. (Copy herewith) - History of the current agency review process. (Copy herewith) - Harrogate and Knaresborough and Scarborough Highways Agency - overall commentary on NYCC report to the Executive on 16 October 2007. (Copy herewith) - The new local government agenda and its implications for the Highway Agency Agreements. (Copy herewith) - Scarborough Highways Agency - Service and Financial Impact. (Copy herewith) - Harrogate and Knaresborough Highways Agency - Service and Financial Impact. (Copy herewith) - Letters and emails received from Parish Councils. (Copy herewith) The Cabinet Member Planning and Transport and the Head of Development Services to provide a presentation. Appropriate Councillors and Officers have been invited from NYCC for this item.
 Item Minute - 17 December 2007 
 {Report} NYCC REVIEW OF THE HIGHWAYS AGENCY AGREEMENTS AND HIGHWAYS AGENCY SERVICE - INFORMATION CONSIDERED BY THE TRANSPORT AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMIITTEE ON THE 28 NOVEMBER 2007: - Review of the Highways Agency Agreements and Highways Agency Service covering report and report to Executive (16 October 2007). (Copy herewith) - Executive summary of Harrogate and Scarborough Borough Council's position on the possible termination of the Highways Agency Agreement. (Copy herewith) - History of the current agency review process. (Copy herewith) - Harrogate and Knaresborough and Scarborough Highways Agency - overall commentary on NYCC report to the Executive on 16 October 2007. (Copy herewith) - The new local government agenda and its implications for the Highway Agency Agreements. (Copy herewith) - Scarborough Highways Agency - Service and Financial Impact. (Copy herewith) - Harrogate and Knaresborough Highways Agency - Service and Financial Impact. (Copy herewith) - Letters and emails received from Parish Councils. (Copy herewith) The Cabinet Member Planning and Transport and the Head of Development Services to provide a presentation. Appropriate Councillors and Officers have been invited from NYCC for this item.
 NYCC review of Highways Agency.pdf