Meeting documents

Harrogate - Organisation Improvement and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission
Wednesday, 16 January 2008 5.30 pm

Business Items
1{Minute} Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes:
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
2{Minute} Declarations of Interest: Members to advise of any declarations of interest to be made under the Code of Conduct.
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
3{Minute} Minutes: of the meetings of the Commission held on 10 September and 17 December 2007. (Copies herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Report} Minutes: of the meetings of the Commission held on 10 September and 17 December 2007. (Copies herewith)
 Minutes of OI & Environment Commission of 10 September 2007 
 Minutes of OI & Environment Commission of 17 December 2007 
 {Appendix} Minutes: of the meetings of the Commission held on 10 September and 17 December 2007. (Copies herewith)
 Highways Agency Agreements Report - Addendum to Minutes of 17 December 2007 
4{Minute} Exempt Information: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items.
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
5{Minute} Public Arrangements - Questions: To consider any questions pursuant to Standing Order 27.
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Minute} Draft General Fund Revenue Budget 2008/09: The Scrutiny Officer to submit a written report outlining the process for the consideration of the Draft General Fund Revenue Budget by the Commission. (Copy herewith) Members will then be invited to consider those elements of the budget which fall within the remit of the Organisation Improvement & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission. Please see attached reports for the following items:
 Item Minute - 21 January 2008 
 {Report} Draft General Fund Revenue Budget 2008/09: The Scrutiny Officer to submit a written report outlining the process for the consideration of the Draft General Fund Revenue Budget by the Commission. (Copy herewith) Members will then be invited to consider those elements of the budget which fall within the remit of the Organisation Improvement & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission. Please see attached reports for the following items:
 Draft General Fund - Consideration.doc 
 {Appendix} Draft General Fund Revenue Budget 2008/09: The Scrutiny Officer to submit a written report outlining the process for the consideration of the Draft General Fund Revenue Budget by the Commission. (Copy herewith) Members will then be invited to consider those elements of the budget which fall within the remit of the Organisation Improvement & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission. Please see attached reports for the following items:
 Appendix A Draft General Fund - Consideration.doc 
6{Minute} Harrogate International Centre: The Leader to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Management Services attached herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Appendix} Harrogate International Centre: The Leader to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Management Services attached herewith)
 HIC Budget Appendices.pdf 
 {Report} Harrogate International Centre: The Leader to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Management Services attached herewith)
 Draft General Fund Budget 2008-09 - Harrogate International Centre 
 {Report} Economic Development Unit: The Leader to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Property and Economic Development attached herewith)
 Draft General Fund Revenue Budget 2008-09 - Economic Development Unit 
 {Appendix} Economic Development Unit: The Leader to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Property and Economic Development attached herewith)
 Economic Development Appendices.pdf 
 {Minute} Economic Development Unit: The Leader to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Property and Economic Development attached herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Minute} Department of Corporate Policy and Improvement (including the office of the Chief Executive): The Leader to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Assistant Chief Executive attached herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Report} Department of Corporate Policy and Improvement (including the office of the Chief Executive): The Leader to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Assistant Chief Executive attached herewith)
 Department of Corporate Policy and Improvement (including the office of the Chief Executive) 
 {Appendix} Department of Corporate Policy and Improvement (including the office of the Chief Executive): The Leader to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Assistant Chief Executive attached herewith)
 DCPI Budget Appendices.pdf 
 {Appendix} Legal and Democratic Services Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services attached herewith)
 Legal and Democratic Services budget appendices.doc.pdf 
 {Report} Legal and Democratic Services Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services attached herewith)
 Draft General Fund Revenue Budget 2008-09 - Legal and Democratic Services Business Unit 
 {Minute} Legal and Democratic Services Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services attached herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Minute} Financial Management Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Financial Management attached herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Report} Financial Management Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Financial Management attached herewith)
 Financial Management Business Unit 
 {Appendix} Financial Management Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Financial Management attached herewith)
 Financial Management Budget Appendices.pdf 
 {Appendix} Property Management Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Acting Head of Property & Economic Development attached herewith.
 Property Management Budget Appendices.pdf 
 {Report} Property Management Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Acting Head of Property & Economic Development attached herewith.
 Property Management Business Unit 
 {Minute} Property Management Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Acting Head of Property & Economic Development attached herewith.
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Appendix} Human Resources Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Human Resources attached herewith)
 Human Resources Budget Appendices.pdf 
 {Report} Human Resources Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Human Resources attached herewith)
 Human Resources Business Unit 
 {Minute} Human Resources Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Human Resources attached herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Minute} Information Technology and Development Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Information Technology and Development attached herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Report} Information Technology and Development Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Information Technology and Development attached herewith)
 Information Technology and Development Business Unit 
 {Appendix} Information Technology and Development Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Head of Information Technology and Development attached herewith)
 ITD Budget Appendices.pdf 
 {Appendix} Department of Resources Business Support Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Business Support Manager attached herewith)
 DR Business Support Budget Appendices.pdf 
 {Report} Department of Resources Business Support Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Business Support Manager attached herewith)
 Business Support Business Unit 
 {Minute} Department of Resources Business Support Business Unit: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to introduce the budget area. (Copy of the report of the Business Support Manager attached herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
7{Minute} CALL - IN OF CABINET MEMBER (PLANNING AND TRANSPORT) DECISION - HARROGATE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK SITE ALLOCATIONS (HOMES AND JOBS) DPD: PREFERRED OPTIONS - PT77DEC12: The Commission to receive a report back following the special meeting of the Commission held on 8 January 2008.
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
8{Minute} Forward Plan of Key Decisions: To consider relevant Forward Plan Key Decisions. (Please use the above link to the Forward Plan to access the latest Plan)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
9{Minute} Matters arising from the special meeting of the O I & Environment Commission held on 17 December 2007: The Commission to receive a verbal update. (See Minutes of the meeting under item 3)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
10{Minute} HIC Exhibition Halls Redevelopment Panel: The Commission to receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 15 November 2007. (Copy herewith)
 Item Minute - 16 January 2008 
 {Report} HIC Exhibition Halls Redevelopment Panel: The Commission to receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 15 November 2007. (Copy herewith)
 HIC Exhibition Halls Redevelopment Panel Minutes of 15 November 2007 
 {Report} Requests for Inclusion of Items in Future Work Programme: To consider any requests from Members members of the public Council or Committees for items to be included in the Commission's future work programme. Additional information is attached.
 Future Items of Work.pdf 
11{Minute} Requests for Inclusion of Items in Future Work Programme: To consider any requests from Members members of the public Council or Committees for items to be included in the Commission's future work programme. Additional information is attached.
 Item Minute - 21 January 2008