Meeting documents

Ryedale - Licensing Committee
Thursday, 25 January 2007

Thursday, 25 January 2007
Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton
Councillors Mrs Shields (in the Chair), Mrs Arnold, MrsCowling, Huntington, Mrs Keal and Mrs Taylor.
In Attendance
Mrs L Carter, Miss C Gaynor and S Richmond.

404. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from CouncillorPreston.
405. Minutes
The minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Committee held on5 October 2006 were presented.
That the minutes of a meeting of theLicensing Committee held on 5 October 2006 be approvedand signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
406. Licensing Sub Committee
The minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Sub Committee heldon 3 January 2007 were presented.
That the minutes of a meeting of theLicensing Sub Committee held on 3 January 2007 as submitted beendorsed.
407. Urgent Business
The Chairman reported that there were no items to beconsidered as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b)of the Local Government Act 1972.
408. Declarations of Interest
There were no interests declared.
409. Update on the Gambling Act 2005 and Licensing Act2003
The Environmental Health Manager submitted a report(previously circulated) the purpose of which was to update Memberson the progress of the Gambling Act 2005 and to review theimplementation of the Licensing Act 2003.
The Environmental Health Manager reported that the date forthe Council (as the Licensing Authority) to receive advanceapplications for Premises Licences from existing operators(applying for continuation rights) had been put back by threemonths. The new date from which Licensing Authorities were toreceive applications for the Gambling Act Premises Licences wouldbe 30 April 2007. The new deadline for existing operators toreceive continuation rights was 31 July 2007. This effectivelymeant that the Licensing Authority had three months less to processapplications. The report listed the legislation that had beenreceived from the DCMS for consultation.
Officers had produced and delivered an extensive informationpack to all bookmakers and arcades within Ryedale who would beaffected by the new legislation. The pack consisted of generalinformation, draft copies of applications forms for Premises,Operating and Personal Licences and the likely feestructures.
Licensing Act 2003
It was just over one year since the coming into force of theLicensing Act 2003. Since the initial date of 7 February 2005 whenapplications could be made to the Council, and up to the date of 24November, when the Act came into force the Council have issued thefollowing:
  • 315 premises licences (including Club PremisesCertificates)
  • 313 Personal licences
Subsequent to 24 November the following have been dealtwith:
  • 31 new premises applications (5 licences subsequentlysurrendered)
  • 75 Personal Licences
  • 29 major premises Variations
  • 90 changes of Designated Premises Supervisors (DPS)
  • 44 change of premises licence holder
  • 38 section 34 Amusements with Prizes applications
  • 297 Temporary Event Notices
The first annual fees had been prepared and sent out. To datethe section had recovered 97% of the annual fees. Of the threeoutstanding premises, two were no longer operating and one was withthe legal department for recovery.
The Gambling Act 2005 imposed new statutory duties on theCouncil. The framework for dealing with this new requirement waslargely in place following the introduction of the Licensing Act2003. Council had approved the Statement of Licensing Policy on 9November 2006. Since the introduction of the Licensing Act 2003,the fears of late night disorder due to extended drinking times hadnot been realised.
Members agreed that they would wish to address the settlementof fees for the Gambling Act 2005 rather than they be decided byCouncil. Members agreed that a letter of appreciation be sent tothe Licensing staff thanking them for their continuedefforts.
(a) That the report be received.
(b) That a report of the fees for theGambling Act 2005 and the Licensing Act 2003 be brought to the nextmeeting of the Licensing Committee to be addressed.
(c) That a letter of appreciation bewritten to the Licensing staff, thanking them for their continuedefforts.
410. Any Other Items Which the Chairman Decides areUrgent
No urgent business received.
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