Meeting documents

Scarborough - Legal, Democratic & Governance Portfolio
Monday, 23 December 2019

No. Item


Review of webcasting pdf icon PDF 408 KB

To consider the report of the Director (LD) (Reference 19/240) attached


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder:

(i)              approve the recommended changes to webcasting provision of meetings in the Council Chamber, which comprises meetings of the Council, the Cabinet, Planning and Development Committee, Overview and Scrutiny Board, and other formal committee meetings held in the Council Chamber;


(ii)             approve that the current contract with Public-i not be renewed when it expires in May 2020;


(iii)            approve the capital investment required to purchase the necessary equipment for the recommended provision after May 2020; and


(iv)           approve the new Protocol on Webcasting, Reporting on and Filming Meetings attached as Appendix 3 to the report.



Public Question Time at full Council pdf icon PDF 366 KB

To consider the report of the Director (LD) (Reference 19/261) attached


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder approves:

(i)              the extension of the Council’s Public Question Time scheme to full Council on a trial basis with effect from the meeting on 6 January 2020; and

(ii)             that the trial be reviewed by the Governance Working Group in due course.