Venue: Sneaton Castle, Whitby
Contact: St John Harris
No. | Item |
Invited witnesses Mr Edwin Black, co-opted member of Whitby Harbour Board Cllr Mike Cockerill, Portfolio Holder for Harbours, Assets, Coast & Flood Protection and Chair of Whitby Harbour Board Cllr Dorothy Clegg, member of Whitby Harbour Board Mr Nick Edwards, Director of Business Support, Scarborough Borough Council Cllr John Flinton, member of Whitby Harbour Board Mr Tony Hornigold, co-opted member of Whitby Harbour Board Mr Geoff Lodge, Whitby Harbour Consultative Group Cllr Herbert Tindall, member of Whitby Harbour Board Cllr Phillip Trumper, Whitby Town Council representative on Whitby Harbour Consultative Group Mrs Sandra Turner, former Borough councillor and member of Whitby Harbour Board Capt Ian Vasey, Borough Harbour Master, Scarborough Borough Council Mr David Wall, co-opted member of Whitby Harbour Board
Support officers Mr St John Harris, Overview and Scrutiny Manager Mrs Hilary Jones, Deputy Chief Executive
Declarations of interest Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have a personal, prejudicial or pecuniary interest to declare in any of the items on this agenda. If so, the nature of the interest must be declared at the start of the meeting, or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were received.
Review of Whitby Harbour Board pilot A programme for the review is attached. Minutes: (i) Welcome by the Chair of the Task Group, Councillor Jane Mortimer Cllr Mortimer welcomed all those present to the meeting and explained the background, objectives, scope and format of the review.
(ii) Evidence of witnesses
Capt Ian Vasey, Borough Harbour Master
Key points
Geoff Lodge, Whitby Harbour Consultative Group
Key points
Former Cllr Sandra Turner – former SBC member of WHB
Key points