Meeting documents

Scarborough - TSHaTEaCaFDP
Friday, 11 December 2009 10.00 am

Contact: Anne Smith 

No. Item


Proposals for a Road Safety Scheme on Manor Road, Scarborough pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Technical Services (Reference 09/739) attached.

Additional documents:



That the report be received and approval be given to the following:


i.          Provision of new pedestrian refuge between Ramsey Street and Ramsey Street Back Road Junctions. 

ii.         Extend principle of central ladder markings over the bridge towards Manor Avenue.

iii.        Advertise prohibition of waiting all hours all days on lengths of Manor Road as indicated on drawing number Manor Road/Advert/111209/26.

iv.        Advertise prohibition of loading and unloading all hours all days Manor Road South side between Gordon Street and number 45 Manor Road.

v.         Carry out further studies into meeting the needs of pedestrians on section between Prospect Road and Wykeham Street.



2009/10 Local Transport Plan Schemes pdf icon PDF 183 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Technical Services (Reference 09/738) attached.



i.          the report be received;

ii.         the proposals for Valley Road and Westborough shown on the plans (ref. nos. Valley Road/ICMR/111209 and Westborough/ICMR/111209) to be tabled at the meeting be approved, with the proviso that the proposed bus shelters at Westborough be enabled for real-time passenger information;

iii.        that further details of proposals for the junction of Dean Road/Columbus Ravine be presented in a report early in the new year.