Venue: Committee Room - Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT
Contact: Victoria Foreman 01757 292046 or Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Minutes: The Funding Sub-Committee were informed by the Democratic Services Officer that they needed to elect a Chair for the remainder of the 2018-19 municipal year.
It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Paul Welch be appointed as Chair of the Funding Sub-Committee for the remainder of the 2018-19 municipal year.
RESOLVED: To appoint Councillor Paul Welch as Chair of the Central CEF Funding Sub-Committee for the remainder of 2018-19 municipal. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Disclosures of Interest A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at
Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests. Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.
If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
To note the Funding Framework against which funding applications will be considered. Minutes: The Funding Sub-Committee noted the Funding Framework. |
Funding Applications Received To consider funding applications received. Minutes: The Funding Sub-Committee considered the following applications.
At this point the Chair indicated that the Sub-Committee would consider agenda item 4.3 – Groundwork on behalf of the Student Council - Selby, ‘The Friendship Café – Selby Youth Council’ first. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for £336 for the Friendship Cafe.
The Sub-Committee heard a short presentation from the applicants, and asked the representatives from the Student Council a number of questions on issues such as food hygiene, how they would measure success and the different roles the young people from the Student Council would be undertaking in relation to the project.
The Sub-Committee considered the application against the funding framework and confirmed that it met the requirements. The Sub-Committee were very supportive of the Youth Council’s idea and also offered to provide further support and training in areas such as customer service.
RESOLVED: To recommend to the Partnership Board that a grant of £336 be approved towards delivery of the work as outlined in the application.
Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for £3,000 for the Selby Park Picnic Brass Events Programme 2019.
The Sub-Committee heard a short presentation from the Development Officer on behalf of the applicant, who explained the aims of the project.
Members of the Funding Sub-Committee expressed their support for the application, and asked a number of questions regarding park capacity, ticketing, stewarding, placement of fireworks and the size of the bandstand.
The Sub Committee considered the application against the funding framework and confirmed that it met the requirements.
RESOLVED: To recommend to the Partnership Board that a grant of £3,000 be approved towards delivery of the work as outlined in the application.
Selby Big Local, 'Big Aspirations - The Empowerment Project', £4,000 Additional documents:
Minutes: The application was for £4,000 for the Big Aspirations Empowerment Project.
The Sub-Committee heard a short presentation from the applicant, and asked a number of questions in relation to the application regarding proposed attendance, the ages of the young people being targeted by the project and how success would be measured and reported on.
The Sub Committee were supportive of the application and considered it against the funding framework. It was confirmed that it met the requirements.
RESOLVED: To recommend to the Partnership Board that a grant of £4,000 be approved towards delivery of the work as outlined in the application.
To NOTE: 'Waterfall of Poppies', Poppy Appeal Selby Area - British Legion, £5,000 To note the urgent funding application received from Poppy Appeal Selby Area – British Legion for the ‘Waterfall of Poppies’ display at Selby Abbey (£5,000).
This grant was approved by the Partnership Board by email under urgent application procedures, and then agreed by the Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers in August 2018. Minutes: The application was for £5,000 for the Waterfall of Poppies at Selby Abbey.
The Sub-Committee noted that the application had been considered and agreed by the Board in September 2018 by email under urgency provisions, and subsequently approved by the Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers.
RESOLVED: To recommend to the Partnership Board that the grant of £5,000 to Poppy Appeal Selby Area, as outlined in the application, be noted.