Venue: Committee Room - Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT
Contact: Alice Courtney 01757 292176 or Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer informed the Partnership Board that apologies had been received from Councillors Duckett, Thurlow and Welch. |
Disclosures of Interest A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at
Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.
Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.
If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer. Minutes: Fred Matthews and Melanie Davis declared a personal interest in agenda item 5.3, an application for funding submitted by Groundwork North Yorkshire for ‘Selby Town Community Pond Enhancements’, as they were members of the Selby Community Trust who were also involved in the project. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Central CEF Partnership Board held on 4 October 2017. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2017.
RESOLVED: To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 4 October 2017. |
To consider the Central CEF budget. Minutes: The Partnership Board noted the budget update, which confirmed a remaining balance of £28,152.48.
RESOLVED: To note the budget update. |
Funding Applications PDF 143 KB To consider the following funding applications received, with reference to the funding framework: Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the following applications: |
Hagge Woods Trust: Transportation for School Visits - £1,000 PDF 263 KB Minutes: The application was for £1,000 to provide assistance with transport costs for schools within Selby, so that there were no financial barriers to pupils who were less likely to have access to nature and green space.
The applicant was present and responded to questions asked by the Partnership Board. The Board was satisfied that the project was a good idea that was in line with the Funding Framework and agreed to grant the full amount of £1,000.
RESOLVED: To approve £1,000 of funding for Hagge Woods Trust for school visit transportation. |
Abbey Belles Chorus: Development and Outreach - £1,000 PDF 99 KB Minutes: The application was for £1,000 for the development of the chorus and outreach. A representative from the group was present and stated that the grant would be used to purchase music, to advertise the group and to fund coaching / room hire for ‘learn to sing’ courses, which would help to attract new members from a range of backgrounds.
The representative specifically informed the Board that the chorus wanted to attract a range of different age groups over the age of 18, and also individuals that did not have a background in singing. It was stated that the chorus did not audition prospective members, but that individuals were able to join the group regardless of singing ability and therefore the group was highly inclusive.
Partnership Board Members referred to the Funding Framework, and noted that Abbey Belles Chorus had applied for funding the previous year. However, the Board was satisfied that the current application constituted a completely separate project to the one that was originally funded, and agreed to grant the full amount of £1,000.
RESOLVED: To approve £1,000 of funding for Abbey Belles Chorus for the group’s development and outreach project. |
Groundwork North Yorkshire: Selby Town Community Pond Enhancements - £1,500 PDF 109 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for £1,500 to provide enhancements to the Selby Town Community Pond that included the clearance of vegetation and silt from the reed-bed that adjoined the pond, which would allow water run-off from the road to be collected and filtered before reaching the pond; therefore the water quality of the pond would improve.
The Operations Director, Groundwork was present and stated that a North Yorkshire County Council Ecologist had recognised the importance of the site, and that the pond area was close to constituting a site of significance, but that the water quality required improvement. It was outlined that the water quality was holding the site back.
The Operations Director, Groundwork highlighted that the project would involve and engage local schools and communities, and that a series of events would be held at the site upon completion of the work, such as ‘mini beast hunts’, pond-dipping and an official reopening of the site in the Summer, which would act as a ‘family day’.
The Partnership Board asked questions of the Operations Director, Groundwork, and was satisfied that the project met the aims of the Community Development Plan and was in line with the Funding Framework. The Board agreed to grant the full amount of £1,500.
RESOLVED: To approve £1,500 of funding to Groundwork North Yorkshire to provide enhancements to Selby Town Community Pond. |
Groundwork North Yorkshire / Central CEF: Team Up to Clean Up - £9,500 +VAT PDF 82 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for £9,500 + VAT to repeat the successful ‘Team Up to Clean Up’ project that was previously funded by the Central CEF. The project focussed on working in partnership with local communities to clean up neglected areas in the Central CEF area.
The Development Officer, Groundwork highlighted that the project would raise the public profile of the Central CEF, and would fund a further three projects in Selby, Brayton, Barlow and Barlby Bridge to the value of £3,000 each. It was further stated that the project aimed to engage different communities and make them aware of the role of the Central CEF. The Partnership Board also noted that the project would be heavily advertised, including through social media.
The Partnership Board was satisfied that the project met the objectives of the Community Development Plan, and due to the success of the previous ‘Team Up to Clean Up’ project, agreed to fund the full amount of £9,500 + VAT.
Members of the Partnership Board queried the progress of the litter bin project that was delivered by Groundwork, as it had been reported that a number of the allocated bins had not been installed. The Development Officer, Groundwork stated that she thought the project was complete, however asked Board Members to email her the locations of the missing bins and she would look into the matter. The Partnership Board also asked the Development Officer to provide the original list of the sites nominated for the bins.
RESOLVED: i. To approve £9,500 + VAT for the ‘Team Up to Clean Up’ project. ii. To ask the Development Officer, Groundwork to investigate the uninstalled litter bins upon receipt of location details from Board Members. iii. To ask the Development Officer, Groundwork to provide Board Members with the original list of sites that were nominated for the litter bins. |
Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 13 December 2017 (oral update). Minutes: The Partnership Board received feedback from the Development Officer, Groundwork about the recent Central Community Engagement Forum held on 13 December at St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, Brayton.
The Development Officer, Groundwork explained that the Community Engagement Forum had been well attended, and that at least two members of the public had attended for the first time and had stated that they would return to another Forum in the future.
It was highlighted that a key issue that arose from the Forum was that of social isolation, and Board Members were asked to put forward any project ideas that would assist the Central CEF in addressing the issue.
Melanie Davis explained that ‘Big Local’ was exploring this issue, and that she would share the information with fellow Board Members and that this would also ensure that there was no project duplication.
The Partnership Board noted that the four funding applications received helped to tackle social isolation, and that the Board needed to emphasise the importance of addressing social isolation to all funding applicants. It was also highlighted that the Partnership Board needed to communicate with other organisations tackling social isolation so that the CEF could signpost to different services.
The Partnership Board also highlighted that the CEF website needed to be updated, as some of the information was outdated.
RESOLVED: i. To ask Melanie Davis to share information that the ‘Big Local’ collate regarding social isolation. ii. To ask Board Members to consider any project ideas that addressed social isolation. iii. To ask the Democratic Services Officer to ensure that the CEF website was up to date. |
Community Development Plan PDF 631 KB To consider progress and developments related to the Central CEF Community Development Plan. Minutes: The current Community Development Plan (CDP) had been published with the agenda.
The Development Officer, Groundwork informed the Partnership Board about the key for the colour-coded system related to the action plan, and Board Members asked that the CDP be updated to include a key ahead of the next meeting. It was also requested that the colour-coded box in the table contain a word to indicate progress as well as the colour.
The Development Officer highlighted that there were a lot of completed projects and projects that were progressing, and very few projects that had been halted. It was agreed that ahead of the next meeting, the ‘blue’, completed projects should be collated in a separate table within the CDP document, and that any ‘red’, halted projects should be removed from the action plan.
The Partnership Board also requested that the map of the Selby District within the CDP should be amended so that the different areas had different patterns in black and white rather than being different colours, as it would be easier to distinguish between the different CEF areas.
RESOLVED: To ask the Development Officer, Groundwork to update the CDP in line with the above suggestions. |
Update from the Development Officer To receive an update from the Development Officer in relation to the future development of the Central CEF (oral update). Minutes: The Development Officer, Groundwork explained that she wanted to try and get different groups in the community involved and engaged with the work of the Central CEF.
The Development Officer, Groundwork asked the Partnership Board for their thoughts on inviting a couple of final year students from Selby College to act as non-voting Board Members. It was highlighted that this could help the Central CEF to gain new ideas and insight into the issues affecting the Central CEF Area, and it would also help the students’ personal development, as mentoring could be included as part of the scheme.
The Partnership Board agreed that it was a good idea to engage younger generations, and were happy for the Development Officer, Groundwork to look into this idea further. The Partnership Board encouraged the Development Officer, Groundwork to submit a funding bid to the CEF for consideration if needed.
The Development Officer also noted that it may be useful to do a Spring / Summer Roadshow to help encourage the submission of more projects from community groups.
RESOLVED: To ask the Development Officer, Groundwork to look into inviting some students from Selby College to act as non-voting Board Members on the Central CEF. |
Marketing and Publicity To consider best practice and consistency across the wider CEF brand, and to discuss ideas to promote the Central CEF. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered sharing best practice across the wider CEF brand and the other CEF areas. It was noted that other CEFs had flyers for their Forums printed and distributed professionally, and also provided food for members of the public. It was also noted that local residents were often asked what their issues were before Forums, and then these Forums were targeted towards the biggest issues.
The Partnership Board noted that they required some further cost-benefit analysis information in relation to the expenditure for flyers and food versus the increase in public engagement as a result – the Development Officer, Groundwork stated that she would look into it.
It was highlighted by the Board that asking local residents what issues were important to them was a good idea, but that this could be done easily through social media. The Partnership Board noted that the CEF’s current social media presence was inadequate and asked that more be done to promote the Central CEF through that medium. The Board agreed that flyers were not fit for purpose due to the rise in social media usage.
The Democratic Services Officer explained that CEF communications were being looked at by Selby District Council’s Communications Team, and that more information would be circulated in due course.
RESOLVED: i. To ask the Development Officer, Groundwork to provide some cost-benefit analysis regarding flyers and food for Forums. ii. To ask the Democratic Services Officer to keep Board Members updated with any progress in relation to CEF communications. |
Co-opted Member Vacancy To discuss the co-opted member vacancy on the Central CEF Partnership Board. Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer informed the Partnership Board that there was a co-opted member vacancy, and that expressions of interest had been received from two individuals.
The Board agreed that a decision on co-option be deferred to the next Partnership Board meeting, and that both individuals be asked to submit a short statement of approximately 250 words, which detailed who they were and why they wanted to be co-opted onto the Central CEF Partnership Board.
RESOLVED: i. To defer a decision regarding co-option to the next Partnership Board meeting. ii. To ask the Democratic Services Officer to contact both individuals to ask for a short statement about themselves, to include in the agenda. |
To consider the following impact reports received: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the following impact reports that had been submitted and were included in the agenda:
• Selby Community Trust •King’s Church Outreach • Abbey Belles Chorus • Dep Arts
The Partnership Board requested that the Democratic Services Officer amend the impact report form to include a section at the top that detailed the amount of money granted by the CEF and the date on which it was granted.
RESOLVED: i. To note the impact reports. ii. To ask the Democratic Services Officer to amend the impact report form in line with the suggestions above. |
Next Meetings To note the date and location of the next Partnership Board meeting and to confirm arrangements for the next public Forums.
Minutes: The Partnership Board confirmed the arrangements for the next meetings. It was confirmed that a representative from Selby District Council’s Planning Department would attend to speak at the Forum in January.
RESOLVED: i. To confirm the next two Forums as Wednesday 24 January 2018, 6.30pm at Selby Town Hall, and Wednesday 14 March 2018, 6.30pm. ii. To ask the Democratic Services Officer to book a suitable venue for the Forum in March. iii. To confirm the next Partnership Board meeting as Wednesday 4 April 2018, 6.30pm in the Committee Room at the Civic Centre. |