Meeting documents

Selby - Central CEF Partnership Board
Wednesday, 14 March 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room - Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT

Contact: Alice Courtney  01757 292176 or Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


The Democratic Services Officer informed the Partnership Board that apologies had been received from Councillor Karl Arthur.


Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at


Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.


Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.


If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer.


Councillor Chilvers declared a personal interest in agenda item 7.2, a funding application submitted by Selby Camera Club, as he was a member of the club. He stated that he would leave the room during consideration of the item, and that Michael Dyson (Vice Chair) would Chair that item.


Anthony Wray declared a personal interest in agenda item 9 as Barlow Parish Council, of which he was a member, had submitted a nomination for the Team Up to Clean Up project.


Fred Matthews declared a personal interest in agenda item 7.4, a funding application submitted by Magnetic Arts. Selby Town Council, of which he was a member, was indirectly involved in the project as Selby Town Hall was the host venue.


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Paul Welch entered.


Councillor Judith Chilvers and Michael Dyson declared a personal interest in agenda item 9, as they were members of Brayton Parish Council and Selby Civic Society respectively, which had submitted nominations as part of the Team Up to Clean Up project.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Central CEF Partnership Board held on 3 January 2018.


The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 3 January 2018.


Under the second paragraph of minute 29.3, Fred Matthews highlighted that Selby Town Pond did not have poor water quality, but that the water quality required improvement, and requested that this be reflected in the minutes.


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Brian Marshall entered.



To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 3 January 2018, subject to the amendment above.


Co-opted Member Vacancy

To discuss the co-opted member vacancy on the Central CEF Partnership Board, with reference to the personal statements received from the two interested parties.


The Partnership Board noted that a personal statement from the two individuals interested in being co-opted had been included in the agenda. Andrew Quarmby and Steve Shaw-Wright left the room while the Partnership Board considered which individual to co-opt.


It was agreed that Steve Shaw-Wright would be co-opted onto the Central CEF Partnership Board.


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Stephanie Duckett entered.



To co-opt Steve Shaw-Wright onto the Central CEF Partnership Board.


Additional Sites for the Consultation Plan

To receive additional information and an update on sites in relation to the Pool of Sites Consultation.


The Principal Planning Policy Officer updated the Partnership Board on progress in relation to the Site Allocations Local Plan.


It was explained that the initial Pool of Sites Consultation had taken place in Autumn 2017, and that the current consultation exercise was in relation to 48 new sites and 5 amended sites which had been submitted. The Partnership Board was informed that the aim of the Additional Sites Consultation was to seek views on the suitability of the additional and amended sites, and that the consultation would run from 8 March to 19 April 2018.


It was stated that all responses to the current consultation would be considered alongside previous comments submitted to the consultation in Autumn 2017. The Principal Planning Policy Officer highlighted that no decisions about sites were made at this stage, and that the purpose of the consultation was just to gather views.


The Planning Policy Manager outlined the locations of the additional and amended sites within the Central CEF Area, and took questions from the Partnership Board.


The Partnership Board was informed that the main consultation documents were available for inspection at the Civic Centre, the Council’s Contact Centre and at libraries across the District, and that they were also available on the Selby District Council website. It was noted that the documents were also available at Selby Town Hall, due to Selby Library being closed for refurbishment.



To note the update in relation to the Additional Pool of Sites Consultation.


Budget Update pdf icon PDF 18 KB

To consider the Central CEF budget.


The Partnership Board noted the budget update, which confirmed a remaining balance of £15, 036.28.



                        To note the budget update.


Funding Applications pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To consider the following funding applications received, with reference to the funding framework:


The Partnership Board considered the following funding applications:


Selby Health Walks: Walking Programme Printing and Public Liability Insurance Cover - £360 pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Additional documents:


The application was for £360 to fund 12 months’ printing costs for the organisation’s quarterly walk programmes, and to provide the insurance premium cost for 12 months’ Third Party Public Liability Insurance. The funding applicants were present and summarised the application, and highlighted that the organisation provided free walks across the whole of the Selby District, which promoted health and wellbeing.


The funding applicants informed the Partnership Board that they organised over 100 walks per year, and 20-25 walks were printed in a quarterly walk programme. It was explained that without funding support, the organisation may have to start charging a membership fee, which it was reluctant to do as this could lead to a reduction in the number of members.


The Partnership Board asked a number of questions in relation to:

• The use of Information Technology to promote the group

• The financial sustainability of the group

• Links with Selby Leisure Centre

• Funding applications submitted to the other CEFs


The funding applicants responded to questions, and the Partnership Board was satisfied that the application met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan and was in accordance with the Funding Framework. The Board agreed to grant the full amount of £360.



                        To approve £360 of funding for Selby Health Walks.


Selby Camera Club: New High Resolution Laptop - £750 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Ian Chilvers left the room, as he had declared an interest in the item. Michael Dyson was asked to Chair the meeting for this item.


The application was for £750 to fund the purchase of a new high resolution laptop to facilitate the display of images in accordance with the new Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) requirements. The funding applicant was present and summarised the application.


The funding applicant explained that the Camera Club was very successful, and had competed at a number of regional and national photography competitions. The Partnership Board was informed that in order to continue participating in such competitions, the Camera Club needed to ensure that any equipment was compliant with the new PAGB regulations.


The Board noted that the application form included information related to encouraging young people to join the Camera Club, and was supportive of this aim. The funding applicant responded to questions in relation to how the Camera Club intended to target young people.


The Partnership Board noted that the Central CEF had awarded funding to Selby Camera Club in April 2017 for the purchase of new display stands, and that it could not fund the same application two years running. The Board was not satisfied that the application constituted a different application to the previously funded one, as it involved the purchase of further equipment. It was therefore agreed to refuse the application, as the Board was not satisfied that the application aligned with the Funding Framework.


The Board noted that it was supportive of a separate project that focussed on encouraging young people to get involved in the Camera Club, should the group wish to submit a new application for funding.



To refuse the application for funding from Selby Camera Club for the reasons outlined above.


Groundwork North Yorkshire / Central CEF: Selby's Taylor Hubbard Steam Crane Feasibility Study - £2,000 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Ian Chilvers re-entered the room.


The application was for £2,000 to fund a feasibility study in relation to the conservation or restoration of an historic Taylor & Hubbard Steam Crane. The Development Officer summarised the application, and highlighted that the crane was an important piece of heritage from Selby’s industrial past.


The Development Officer stated that a feasibility study was required ahead of submitting a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to undertake conservation or restoration work.


The Partnership Board noted the current instability of the crane in its current position, and the urgency to act as a result. However, there were concerns over the ownership of the land where the crane was located, and if access had been granted to conduct the feasibility study or any future conservation or restoration works.


The Partnership Board was supportive of the project, and it noted that more needed to be done in Selby to preserve heritage. It was agreed that the project met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan and was in accordance with the Funding Framework.


The board agreed to approve the application, subject to clarification on access to the site of the crane and the project management costs associated with the feasibility study that would be paid to Groundwork.



To approve £2,000 of funding for Groundwork North Yorkshire / Central CEF, subject to clarification in terms of access to the site and the project management costs outlined in the application.


Magnetic Arts: Spring into Art - £1,000 pdf icon PDF 105 KB


The application was for £1,000 to fund a six week structured course at Selby Town Hall that would culminate with a small art display in a local café. The funding applicant was present and summarised the application.


The Partnership Board was informed that the organisation worked with individuals with mental ill health in varying degrees, and was funded solely by donation. The funding applicant highlighted that there were no similar organisations operating in Selby.


It was explained that the target audience for the project was the unemployed; therefore it needed to remain completely free to the participant.


In response to questions, the funding applicant stated that individuals were referred to the project by the mental health team at North Yorkshire County Council, the Live Well Team, Horton Housing and the Job Centre. The funding applicant also confirmed that the participants would come from the Central CEF Area.


The Partnership Board agreed that the application met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan and was in accordance with the Funding Framework. The Board agreed to grant the full amount of £1,000.


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Jude Thurlow left the room and did not return.



                        To approve £1,000 of funding for Magnetic Arts.


Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum

To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 24 January 2018 (oral update).


The Development Officer highlighted the success of the Forum held on 24 January 2018, and that a variety of external partners had attended to speak. It was noted that public attendance was good, but could be increased through working more closely with the Communications Team at Selby District Council.


Team Up to Clean Up pdf icon PDF 209 KB

To consider the projects nominated for the Team Up to Clean Up campaign.

Additional documents:


The Development Officer informed the Partnership Board that eight site nominations had been received in relation to the Team Up to Clean Up Campaign, and summarised the nominations received.


The Partnership Board asked a number of questions related to the ownership of the land at the sites, and whose responsibility it was to maintain the sites. Board Members raised concern in relation to funding improvement projects on land where a local authority had a statutory duty to carry out maintenance.


The Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers highlighted that during the previous round of Team Up to Clean Up in 2016, the emphasis was on facilitating sustainable, aesthetically pleasing improvements to areas identified by the public, rather than just litter picking which was the statutory duty of responsible authorities.


The Partnership Board raised particular concerns in relation to nomination four, as there were safety issues associated with a lack of fencing around the pond area at Marsh Lane, Barlow. The Partnership Board requested that Selby District Council’s Legal team investigate who owned the land, and if it was Selby District Council, then they should consider erecting a fence for safety reasons.


Steve Shaw-Wright highlighted that the previous round of Team Up to Clean Up involved identifying ‘Grot Spots’ and then working with statutory authorities who owned that land to improve the site, with grant money being awarded to assist the work.


It was confirmed that the above approach would be replicated for the current campaign, and the Partnership Board members agreed to score the eight submitted sites upon receipt of an email from the Democratic Services Officer, and that the three highest scoring sites would be taken forward for further investigation to be undertaken in relation to potential improvements.



i.              To ask Selby District Council’s Legal team to investigate land ownership of the pond area at Marsh Lane, Barlow, as it posed a safety issue that needed to be rectified.


ii.            To score all eight submitted sites upon receipt of an email from the Democratic Services Officer, and that the three highest scoring sites would be taken forward.


Community Development Plan pdf icon PDF 335 KB

To consider progress and developments related to the Central CEF Community Development Plan.


The Partnership Board considered progress and developments related to the Community Development Plan (CDP).


The Development Officer stated that she had made the changes that were requested at the last Partnership Board meeting, and suggested that the CDP needed to be refreshed.


The Partnership Board agreed to form a CDP Working Group to draft a refreshed version of the CDP, comprised of Councillor Ian Chilvers, Tony Wray, Steve Shaw-Wright and Michael Dyson. It was agreed that the draft CDP would be presented to the Partnership Board for approval.



i.              To note progress and developments relating to the Community Development Plan.


ii.            To appoint Councillor Ian Chilvers, Tony Wray, Steve Shaw-Wright and Michael Dyson to the CDP Working Group, and to submit the draft CDP to the Partnership Board for approval.


Marketing and Publicity

To discuss ideas to promote the Central CEF.


The Development Officer informed the Partnership Board that Selby District Council’s Communications team could assist with gathering residents’ views on what Forum themes should be, through social media.


The Partnership Board confirmed that discussions needed to take place in relation to setting some of the CEF budget aside to pay for marketing and publicity. It was noted that social media could provide lots of publicity at minimal cost, and this option needed to be explored. Board Members also suggested that there may be an option to distribute CEF flyers to school children, who would take them home to their parents.


The Partnership Board requested a written report be submitted to a future Partnership Board meeting that presented the options for marketing and publicity, to include: what options were feasible, associated costs, and what the other four CEFs did regarding marketing and publicity. It was agreed that the Development Officer would work with Melanie Davis to produce the report.



To ask the Development Officer and Melanie Davis to submit a written report on marketing and publicity options to a future Partnership Board meeting, to include the items listed above.



To discuss any points of interest relating to the Central CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work.


There were no Central CEF communications.


Impact Reports pdf icon PDF 240 KB

To consider the following completed impact reports:

Additional documents:


The Partnership Board considered the following impact reports, which were included in the agenda pack:


Tamarak Selby District Campsite

• Selby Community Cycle Hub

• Litter Bins


Board Members highlighted that the Cycle Hub was not comprised of three cycle lockers as stated in the report, because issues had been raised in relation to the safety of the sharp corners of the lockers. It was explained that following these concerns, the Partnership Board had agreed to install racks, which resulted in the installation of more cycle storage than originally agreed, due to the lower cost of cycle racks.



                        To note the impact reports.



Next Meetings and Meeting Dates 2018/19

To note the date and location of the next Central CEF meetings, and to note the meeting dates for 2018/19:


Dates of next meetings

Wednesday 4 April 2018



Scott Road Community Centre

Wednesday 30 May 2018



Location TBC

2018 / 19 meeting dates

Wednesday 4 July 2018


Partnership Board

Committee Room, Civic Centre

Wednesday 12 September 2018



Location TBC

Wednesday 3 October 2018


Partnership Board

Committee Room, Civic Centre

Wednesday 12 December 2018



Location TBC

Wednesday 9 January 2019


Partnership Board

Committee Room, Civic Centre

Wednesday 13 March 2019



Location TBC

Wednesday 10 April 2019


Partnership Board

Committee Room, Civic Centre



The Partnership Board confirmed the date and location of the next Forum as Wednesday 4 April 2018, 6.30pm at Scott Road Community Centre, and agreed to move the following Forum date to Wednesday 13 June 2018, 6.30pm at a venue to be confirmed.


The Partnership Board noted the dates of the Central CEF meetings for 2018/19.



i.              To confirm the next two Forums as Wednesday 4 April 2018, 6.30pm at Scott Road Community Centre, and Wednesday 13 June 2018, 6.30pm.


ii.            To ask the Democratic Services Officer to book a suitable venue for the Forum on 13 June 2018.


iii.           To note the meeting dates for 2018/19.