Meeting documents

Selby - Central CEF Partnership Board
Wednesday, 3 October 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room - Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT

Contact: Victoria Foreman  01757 292046 or Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Steve Shaw-Wright and Councillors Karl Arthur and Jennifer Shaw-Wright.


Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at


Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.


Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.


If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer.


There were no disclosures of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 356 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Central CEF Partnership Board held on 4 July 2018.


The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2018.



                          To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 4 July 2018.



Chair's Report

To receive any reports and updates from the Chair (oral report).


The Chair informed the Board that the development support contract for the Central CEF had been renewed with Groundwork for another 12 months.


Budget Update pdf icon PDF 16 KB

To consider the Central CEF budget.


The Board noted the budget update, which confirmed a remaining balance of £26,568.



To note the budget update.


Funding Applications pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To consider the funding applications received, with reference to the funding framework and the recommendations of the Central CEF Funding Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee will report their recommendations to the Board at the meeting.




The Board noted the Funding Framework.


Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust (trading as Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles), 'Selby Park: Picnic Brass Events Programme 2019 - Celebrating the Park in this, the 950th anniversary of Selby Abbey', £3,000 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


The application was for £3,000 for the Selby Park Picnic Brass Events in Selby Park in honour of the Abbey’s 950th anniversary in 2019.


The Board received the recommendations of the Funding Sub-Committee which had met prior to the Board to consider the application. The Funding Sub-Committee recommended to the Board that the application for funding be approved.


The Board felt that the concerts would be great community events to tie in with the Abbey 950 celebrations and the regeneration of the park.


The Board agreed that the application met the requirements of the funding framework.



To recommend that a grant of £3,000 to Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles be approved, as outlined in the application.



Selby Big Local, 'Big Aspirations - The Empowerment Project', £4,000 pdf icon PDF 411 KB

Additional documents:


The application was for £4,000 for the Big Aspirations – Empowerment Project, proposed by Selby Big Local.


The Board received the recommendations of the Funding Sub-Committee which had met prior to the Board to consider the application. The Funding Sub-Committee recommended to the Board that the application for funding be approved.


The Board felt that the project would benefit local young people in a number of ways and agreed that the application met the requirements of the funding framework.



To recommend that a grant of £4,000 to Selby Big Local be approved, as outlined in the application.



Groundwork on behalf of The Student Council - Selby, 'The Friendship Cafe - Selby Youth Council', £336 pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Additional documents:


The application was for £336 for the Friendship Cafe, applied for by Groundwork on behalf of the Selby Youth Council.


The Board received the recommendations of the Funding Sub-Committee which had met prior to the Board to consider the application. The Funding Sub-Committee recommended to the Board that the application for funding be approved.


The Board considered the application further and were happy to support the initiative; they were particularly impressed with the ideas of the Youth Council, and agreed that it was good to see a positive story about young people.


The Board agreed that the application met the requirements of the funding framework.



To recommend that a grant of £336 to Groundwork, on behalf of the Selby Youth Council, be approved as outlined in the application.



TO NOTE: 'Waterfall of Poppies', Poppy Appeal Selby Area, £5,000 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To note the urgent funding application received from Poppy Appeal Selby Area – British Legion for the ‘Waterfall of Poppies’ display at Selby Abbey (£5,000).


This grant was approved by the Partnership Board by email under urgent application procedures, and then agreed by the Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers in August 2018.


The Board were asked to note an application for £5,000 for the Waterfall of Poppies at Selby Abbey, proposed by the Poppy Appeal, Selby Area. The application had been considered and agreed by the Board in September 2018 by email under urgency provisions, and subsequently approved by the Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers.



To note the grant of £5,000 to Poppy Appeal Selby Area, as outlined in the application.



Central CEF Annual Report 2017-18

To consider the Central CEF Annual Report 2017-18 (to be circulated at the meeting).



The Board noted that the Central CEF Annual Report for 2017-18 was not ready for circulation and would be sent out to Board Members by email for agreement, before consideration by Council in December 2018.




Closure of the Bridge at Chapel Haddlesey

To receive information from Sharon Fox from NYCC Highways on the closure of Chapel Haddlesey Bridge (oral update).


Sharon Fox from NYCC Highways was in attendance at the meeting to talk about the closure of Cape Haddlesey Bridge and alternative routes and arrangements that had been put in place.


Board Members noted that the main issues experienced with the closure so far were inappropriately large vehicles attempting to use other nearby bridges as an alternative route.


The Board were advised to let the Police know if they witnessed any speeding issues, and to note that Cawood bridge would also be closing soon for repairs.


The Board were also informed that the old toll bridge in Selby would be down to one lane from Monday 8 October 2018 for a few days for essential repairs and resurfacing and spraying with anti-skid covering. Local people were encouraged to use the bypass as an alternative route.





Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum

To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 12 September 2018 at the Cunliffe Centre.


The Development Officer gave feedback to the Board from the recent forum held at the Cunliffe Centre in Selby. Informative presentations from Drax, Selby Big Local, NYCC Stronger Communities and Big Lottery were given at the meeting.


The Board felt that the meeting had been successful and were pleased with the turn out; the refreshments that had been provided had been well received by attendees. It was agreed that more should be done to encourage local residents to attend future forums, namely providing refreshments and using leafleting and flyers to advertise the themes and meetings.


It was proposed and seconded that £400 be set aside from the Central CEF’s 2018-19 budget to trial the use of leaflets and refreshments at upcoming forum meetings.


The Board were supportive of this approach.



                                    To allocate £400 from the Central CEF 2018-19 budget to trial flyers and refreshments for upcoming Central Community Engagement Forums.




Community Development Plan pdf icon PDF 270 KB

To consider progress and developments related to the Central CEF Community Development Plan.


The Development Officer presented the Community Development Plan (CDP) which had been published with the agenda.


The Board noted that there were still gaps on the CDP for CEF leads. Members discussed the CDP and made the following points:


·           Work with Councillor Karl Arthur was continuing on this project, including mentoring schemes and early intervention to prevent ASB.


·           Selby’s Youth Council had submitted the application for a Friendship Café, showing that work on youth provision was moving in the right direction.


·           Tony Wray had volunteered to help the young people running the soup kitchen with aspects of the project in which they needed some support and training, such as customer service.


·           Councillor Judith Chilvers and Michael Dyson had taken the lead on the project to reinvigorate Selby Park. Some concerns had been raised about the recent questionnaire on the park circulated by IHL and the perceived lack of action on the project.


·           The Development Officer explained that work had been ongoing with the Communities team at Selby on the park regeneration; IHL were going to submit a funding application in the near future to get the area where the old greenhouses were back into use. The Board emphasised about the ongoing involvement of the CEF in the park project.


·           A query was also raised about children’s swings in the park which had been removed whilst resurfacing work was undertaken, and the maintenance of the outdoor gym equipment. The Board queried when the swings would be re-hung and who had responsibility for the gym equipment, and asked the Democratic Services Officer to follow these queries up with the Contracts Team and update the Board when responses had been received.


·           The Development Officer emphasised that the CEF leads for the projects in the CDP needed to be proactive and lead the projects themselves.


·           The Board noted that more volunteers were required for the Community Speed Watch project being led by Tony Wray; Board Members were asked to send their details to the Democratic Services Officer who would collate the details before sending them to the Police speed watch co-ordinator. Keith Watkins volunteered at this point.


·           The Development Officer explained that the Team Up to Clean Up projects had not yet commenced, but would be doing so in Spring 2019.


·           Brayton Parish Council had been in contact with the Development Officer about a local footpath that required tidying up. It was proving difficult to find out who owned the footpath, but in the interim the Parish Council had resolved to keep up the maintenance of the footpath once the initial clearing work had been done. 


·           Quotes had been obtained for the work at Marsh Lane, and a number of veterans had been identified that required assistance with their gardens.


·           The waterfront garden project with the Civic Society was discussed with some Board Members querying when it would begin; the Development Officer agreed to meet with Board Members about this and discuss the agreed timescales for the work. It was suggested that local schools  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.


Marketing and Publicity pdf icon PDF 529 KB

To discuss ideas to promote the Central CEF, including CEF plaques and promotional videos, and agree associated costs.





Design options and costings for the plaques are attached to the agenda. Other CEFs that have already considered the plaque designs (Western, Tadcaster and Villages, Eastern and Southern) and have expressed a preference for option 3(a) - Glass Front White Wood Presentation Plaque, 20.5 x 25.5cm (£20.99).



Promotional Videos – quotation from Wild Studios


1 ‘core’ film about all CEFS


Total cost £775.00, divided between the 5 CEFS at a cost of £155.00 each.


Two short films for each CEF area on specific projects/stories


£440.00 per CEF (Total cost across all 5 CEFs - £2,200)


Total cost for Central CEF (core film + 2 short films) = £595.00



The Board discussed ways to promote the Central CEF, including CEF plaques and promotional films. The Board also considered the associated costs for the CEF videos, as per the quoted costings provided on the agenda.


The Development Officer asked the Board to send any feedback to her relating to the Marketing Plan which had been circulated earlier in the year.


The Board agreed a preference for plaque 3a which was the same design that had been chosen by the other CEFs.


Board Members were also supportive of the plans to produce short videos about the CEFs, and agreed to the costings as set out in the agenda.



i.    To note the Board’s preference for plaque option 3a.


ii.   To agree the funding costs for the CEF promotional films; a £155 contribution for the ‘core’ film about all CEFs, and £440 for two short films about the Central CEF specifically; the total cost for the Central CEF was agreed as £595.00.




To discuss any points of interest relating to the Central CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work.


The Board discussed points of interest relating to the Central CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work.


The Development Officer suggested that the three projects that had been awarded funding at the meeting this evening be forwarded to the Communications Team when underway.



To ask the Democratic Services Officer to forward details of the 3 projects agreed for funding on 3 October 2018 to the Council’s Communications Team when they were underway.




Impact Reports pdf icon PDF 351 KB

To consider the following completed impact reports:


Magnetic Arts, ‘Spring Into Art’, £1,000


The Board received the impact report set out at page 57 to 68 of the agenda.


Magnetic Arts, ‘Spring Into Art’, £1,000


The Board considered the impact report from Magnetic Arts.



                        To note the impact report.


Next Meetings

To confirm the date and location of the next Central CEF meetings:


Dates of next meetings

12 December 2018

Forum, Venue and Theme TBC


(possible themes – Economic Development Team from Selby, St Johns Ambulance/First Aid Awareness)

9 January 2019

Partnership Board, Committee Room, Selby Council Offices



The Board discussed the venue for the next Central forum on 12 December 2018, and asked the Democratic Services Officer to book Barlby Bridge Primary School as the venue.


The theme of the forum was identified as emergency planning and flood resilience. Attendees from the Flood Resilience Team at NYCC, the Emergency Planning Team at Selby District Council and the Environment Agency would be invited to attend the meeting.



i)      To ask the Democratic Services Officer to book Barlby Bridge Primary School for the Central CEF meeting on 12 December 2018.


ii)     To note that the theme of the meeting would be Emergency Planning and Flood Resilience.


iii)    To ask the Democratic Services Officer and Development Officer to invite the following representatives to attend the forum on 12 December 2018:


·      NYCC Flood Resilience;

·      Environment Agency; and

·      Selby District Council Emergency Planning Team.