Venue: Chief Executive's Office
Contact: Victoria Foreman Email: or 01757 292046
No. | Item |
Planning Applications Received PDF 84 KB Additional documents: |
2018/1299/FUL: Small Holding, Broach Lane, Kellington PDF 142 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Location:2018/1299/FUL – Smallholding, Broach Lane, Kellington Proposal:Proposed change of use of land to a travellers site to provide 8 pitches including the erection of associated amenity blocks and external lighting
The matter had been brought to the Chief Executive for consideration under urgency as the Ward Councillor for the area where the proposal lies, Councillor McCartney, had requested that the application be heard by the Planning Committee for the following reasons:
(1) the site lay outside the village development limits; (2) although the site was developed, very little of what was on the site had planning permission; and (3) Upper Common Lane was an unadopted private dirt track and having so many units down a private drive was against planning policy.
Furthermore, the application was a minor application which was being recommended for approval contrary to the requirements of the Development Plan, as Officers considered that there were material considerations which would support a recommendation for approval.
Officers presented the application to the Chief Executive who noted that it was for a proposed change of use of land to a travellers site to provide 8 pitches including the erection of associated amenity blocks and external lighting.
An Officer Update Note clarified the reasons for the application having been brought before the Chief Executive for consideration and confirmed that pre-commencement conditions proposed have been agreed in writing with the applicant’s agent.
Officers set out the material considerations for the recommendation for minded approval despite the conflict with the Development Plan, which were summarised as the existing level of local provision and need for sites, and the availability (or lack of) alternative accommodation for the applicants, the sustainable location, the use of previously developed land, the personal circumstances of the applicant and the extension of existing gypsy and traveller site.
As part of the decision-making process Members were consulted on the application. These comments were collated and presented to the Chief Executive as part of her decision making. Comments had been received from some Members of the Planning Committee, expressing several views.
Some Members felt that the application required further debate and should be deferred in order for a decision to be made at full Planning Committee, due to the perception of local residents who may question why the application was being considered via urgency procedures.
Officers explained that the application had received nine letters of objection, which would not result in the application requiring consideration by Planning Committee for a decision; therefore it was not considered that the application was particularly controversial. The application would have needed consideration by Planning Committee because it had been called in by the local Ward Councillor. Despite the reasons for calling the application in, the Ward Councillor’s most recent comments reflect that the only issue they now seem to have with the application is how foul drainage would be dealt with, and why this could not be dealt with other than by way of condition. The Ward Councillor had themselves stated that the ... view the full minutes text for item 6.1 |