Venue: Chief Executive's Office
Contact: Victoria Foreman Email: or 01757 292046
No. | Item |
2019/1269/FUL: The Stables, Main Street, Great Heck, Goole PDF 671 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Location: 2019/1269/FUL - The Stables, Main Street, Great Heck, Goole Proposal: Conversion of existing workshop to create a dwelling The matter had been brought to the Chief Executive for consideration under urgency as the proposal was contrary to the requirements of the development plan (namely Criterion 1 of Policy H12 of the Selby District Local Plan) but it was considered there were material considerations which would justify approval of the application.
Officers presented the application to the Chief Executive who noted that it was for the conversion of an existing workshop into a dwelling.
Officers explained that the proposed development would result in the re-use of an existing building in the countryside and would therefore comply with Policy SP2A (c) of the Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.
However, unlike Core Strategy Policy SP2(c) and the National Planning Policy Framework, Selby District Local Plan Policy H12 allowed proposals for the conversion of rural buildings to residential uses, provided that it could be demonstrated that the building, or its location, was unsuited to business use, or that there was no demand for buildings for those purposes in the locality.
Officers confirmed that the proposal did not meet this criterion and was therefore contrary to the requirements of the Development Plan.
The Chief Executive noted that Paragraph 79(c) of the National Planning Policy Framework did not require the more onerous tests for commercial or employment uses within converted buildings set out in the Selby District Local Plan and the Core Strategy.
It was considered by Officers that the approach set out in Selby District Local Plan Policy H12 was more onerous than, and conflicted with, paragraph 79 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy SP2 of the Core Strategy.
Therefore, limited weight was applied to criterion (1) of Selby District Local Plan Policy H12. However, it was clear that the conversion of buildings within the countryside (outside settlement limits) was acceptable in principle and as a result, the proposal was acceptable.
As part of the decision-making process Members had been consulted on the application. These comments were collated presented to the Chief Executive as part of her decision making. Comments had been received from some Members of the Planning Committee, expressing their support for the Officer’s recommendation as set out in the report.
The Solicitor had no additional comments on the application.
The Chief Executive, having considered the report and representations from Members and Officers in full, confirmed that she agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
That permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out at paragraph 7 of the report. |