Venue: Microsoft Teams - Remote
Contact: Victoria Foreman Email: or 01757 292046
No. | Item |
2020/0191/FUL - Jubilee Cottage, 13 Main Street, Thorganby PDF 213 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Location: 2020/0191/FUL – Jubilee Cottage, 13 Main Street, Thorganby Proposal: Construction of 1 No. dwelling on land to the rear of Jubilee Cottage The matter had been brought to the Chief Executive for consideration under urgency at the discretion of the Head of Planning.
The Chief Executive noted that the application was for the construction of 1 No. dwelling on land to the rear of Jubilee Cottage. The Chief Executive was aware that additional representations had been received from the applicant and their agent, requesting that consideration of the application be deferred.
Officers explained that an extension to the timescale for determination of the application until August 2020 could be offered to the applicant and their agent.
The Chief Executive agreed with the view of Officers that if the timescale extension that was to be offered was not accepted by the applicant and their agent, the application should be brought back to the CEO Urgent Decision Session scheduled for 24 June 2020 for determination.
As a result, the Chief Executive resolved that consideration of the application should be deferred.
i. To DEFER consideration of the application.
ii. That if the proposed extension to the deadline for determination to August 2020 was refused by the applicant and their agent, the application be brought back to the CEO Urgent Decision Session scheduled for 24 June 2020 for a decision.