Meeting documents

Selby - Eastern CEF Partnership Board
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Millennium Room - Regen Centre

Contact: Alice Courtney  01757 292176 or Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


The Democratic Services Officer informed the Partnership Board that apologies had been received from Councillors Stephanie Duckett and Richard Musgrave, and co-opted members Howard Adamson and Gillian Little.


Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at


Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.


Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.


If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer.


Co-opted member Lesley Senior declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 13.1, a funding application submitted by BeeAble CIC, as she was the Director of the organisation. She stated that she would present her application for funding in the capacity of the funding applicant, and would then leave the room during consideration of the item.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Eastern CEF Partnership Board held on 15 November 2017.


The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2017.



To approve the minutes of the Eastern CEF Partnership Board meeting held on 15 November 2017.


Confirmation of Chair

To note the appointment of Bob Proctor as Eastern CEF Chair for the remainder of the 2017/18 municipal year.


It was confirmed that co-opted member Bob Procter had been appointed as Chair of the Eastern CEF for the remainder of the 2017/18 municipal year.



To confirm Bob Procter as Chair of the Eastern CEF for the remainder of the 2017/18 municipal year.


Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair for the remainder of the 2017/18 municipal year.


It was proposed, and seconded, that Councillor Karl Arthur be appointed as Vice- Chair of the Eastern CEF for the remainder of the 2017/18 municipal year.



To appoint Councillor Karl Arthur as Vice-Chair of the Eastern CEF for the remainder of the 2017/18 municipal year.


Chair's Report

To consider any reports and updates from the Chair (oral report).


The Chair welcomed members of the Partnership Board to the meeting, and noted that he was delighted to have been appointed as Chair of the Eastern CEF. He stated that he wanted to see the Eastern CEF become much more proactive through being more involved in community projects that the Eastern CEF supported.


Board members were encouraged to read every funding application prior to Partnership Board meetings, to ensure that appropriate questions were asked of funding applicants and applications for funding were considered fully.


The Chair highlighted the need to engage relevant speakers for Forums that would benefit community groups in practical ways, and that it may be useful for the Eastern CEF to work with other organisations to avoid duplication in relation to community engagement.


The Chair welcomed suggestions from Board members in relation to improving the effectiveness of the Eastern CEF, strengthening the local community and making community engagement truly engaging.


Funding Applications pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To consider the following funding applications received, with reference to the funding framework:


PlayStillingfleet: Stillingfleet Village Defibrillator Project - £1,557 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


The application was for £1,557 for the provision of a village defibrillator and associated training in Stillingfleet. The applicant was in attendance to present a summary of his application and answer questions from the Partnership Board.


The applicant highlighted that PlayStillingfleet was a small voluntary organisation that had taken on the village defibrillator project after the need for a defibrillator was identified by Stillingfleet Parish Council. It was stated that the organisation had already secured £1,307 for the project from the Village Bonfire Fund.


The Partnership Board asked a number of questions related to:

• Whether the applicant had obtained quotes for the defibrillator from a number of different providers to find the cheapest option;

• Whether the Village Institute would pay for the electricity supply to the storage area of the defibrillator;

• An exact breakdown of the costs.


The applicant responded to questions, and stated that he had chosen the provider as he had used that provider before and it included defibrillator training, which would be offered to members of the community.


The Partnership Board thanked the applicant for attending, and highlighted that consideration of the application would take place later in the meeting.


At this point in the meeting, Ross Powell left the room and did not return.


Additional Sites for the Consultation Plan

To receive additional information and an update on sites in relation to the Pool of Sites Consultation.


The Senior Planning Policy Officer updated the Partnership Board on progress in relation to the Site Allocations Plan.


The Partnership Board was informed that Selby District Council had adopted a Core Strategy up to 2027, and would also adopt a Site Allocations Plan and a Development Management Plan. The Senior Planning Policy Officer highlighted that at this stage, Selby District Council was only concerned with the Site Allocations Plan.


The Senior Planning Policy Officer explained that the Pool of Sites Consultation which took place in Autumn 2017 involved an initial assessment of all sites that were submitted to the consultation, and all comments were published in relation to those sites. The Partnership Board was informed that the current consultation was in relation to 48 new sites and 5 amended sites which had been submitted. It was highlighted that the consultation would run from 8 March to 19 April 2018.


The Partnership Board received details of the consultation sites that were within the Eastern CEF Area, and 9 residential sites, 4 employment sites and 1 leisure site were identified.


In response to questions, the Senior Planning Policy Officer highlighted that the Eastern CEF Area was unlikely to undergo any further residential development currently, as the area had already met its development allocation.


The Senior Planning Policy Officer encouraged Board members to look at the consultation documents which were available online and at deposit points across the Selby District. The Partnership Board thanked the Senior Planning Policy Officer for his attendance, and requested that a copy of the presentation slides be circulated to Board members.



i.              To note the update in relation to the Additional Pool of Sites Consultation.


ii.            To ask the Senior Planning Policy Officer to circulate the presentation slides to Board Members.


Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum

To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 31 January 2018 (oral update).


The AVS Development Officer informed the Partnership Board that the recent Forum had taken place at the Riccall Village Institute and was very well attended. It was highlighted that the Forum was based around a community consultation on how to use the small room at the Village Institute. The Partnership Board was pleased to note that the session had been very interactive and engaging.


Co-opted member Brian Keen highlighted that the Village Institute had since decided on a use for the small room that was being consulted on, and informed the Partnership Board that the community library was now situated there. The Board noted that this better served the community as the library was now in a more central location within Riccall.


Community Development Plan pdf icon PDF 319 KB

To consider progress and developments relating to the Eastern CEF Community Development Plan.


The Partnership Board considered progress and developments related to the Community Development Plan (CDP).


The AVS Development Officer informed the Partnership Board that there had been progress across the Eastern CEF Area in relation to projects funded by the Eastern CEF.


The Partnership Board also noted that the new CEF logos had been rolled out across all five CEFs.


The AVS Development Officer informed the Board about a recent Community Transport Consultation and a new Community Activist initiative which he had been involved in, and highlighted that he would provide relevant information to the Partnership Board in due course. The AVS Development Officer also encouraged the Board to inform him if it knew of any individuals who would be interested in taking part in the Community Activist initiative.


The Partnership Board was also informed that North Yorkshire County Council was organising a meeting related to social prescribing which the AVS Development Officer was attending in May. It was stated that the AVS Development Officer would feed back any relevant information to the Partnership Board.


The AVS Development Officer stated that all of the projects within the CDP were running to schedule, and that there were a healthy number of impact reports coming to the Board meetings. It was stated that information from the impact reports would be included in the Eastern CEF Annual Report.



i.              To note the Community Development Plan update.


ii.            To ask Board members to inform the AVS Development Officer of any individuals who would be interested in taking part in the Community Activist initiative.


Marketing and Publicity

To discuss ideas to promote the Eastern CEF.


The Partnership Board agreed that the Eastern CEF needed to improve publicity in order to facilitate more community engagement.


In response to questions, the AVS Development Officer highlighted that the Board could now consider distributing plaques to community groups that the Eastern CEF had funded, as the roll out of the new CEF logo was complete. The Partnership Board agreed to provide plaques to organisations that had been funded within the last two years.


The AVS Development Officer explained the marketing and publicity methods of other CEFs within Selby District, and noted that they had experienced an increase in public attendance as a result of their targeted marketing and publicity approach. The Chair highlighted that he intended to visit the other CEFs to see how they functioned, as this would enable CEFs to share best practice.


The Chair suggested that future Forums should be targeted at community groups and should have an emphasis on the funding opportunities available and relevant speakers who could assist those groups by providing advice and guidance. The Chair also noted that it was important to continue marketing Forums as a place where local residents could come with their issues and concerns, but that this would not be the only purpose of public Forums.


Board members questioned the possibility of setting up an Eastern CEF Facebook page to promote the CEF, and noted that the Eastern CEF used to have a Twitter account but the Board was unsure if this was still used. The Partnership Board emphasised the importance of social media as a method of communications and publicity.


The Chair stated that he would take the marketing and publicity issues raised to the next CEF Chair’s meeting for discussion.


Councillor Karl Arthur also encouraged Board members to share information related to the Eastern CEF on their own personal social media accounts, as this would help to advertise the Eastern CEF.


The AVS Development Officer further explained that CEF communications were now a regular feature at CEF Chair’s meetings and at all CEF Partnership Board meetings, and that Selby District Council’s Communications Team was looking at raising the profile of CEF communications.


In relation to the next Forum, the AVS Development Officer explained that preparations needed to begin in terms designing and distributing a publicity flyer to ensure that the event was adequately promoted.



i.              To consider which organisations to distribute Eastern CEF funding plaques to.


ii.            To consider targeting future Forums towards supporting community groups.


iii.           To ask the Chair to raise the marketing and publicity issues that were discussed at the next CEF Chair’s meeting.


iv.           To ask the AVS Development Officer to begin preparations for the next Forum.



To discuss any points of interest relating to the Eastern CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work.


There were no Eastern CEF communications. The Chair noted that he would raise the items discussed earlier in the meeting at the next CEF Chair’s meeting in April 2018 and feed back to the Board.



To ask the Chair to raise the items discussed earlier in the meeting at the next CEF Chair’s meeting and feed back to the Board.


Budget Update pdf icon PDF 21 KB

To consider the Eastern CEF budget.


The Partnership Board considered the Eastern CEF budget, which confirmed a remaining balance of £6,073.73 for the remainder of the 2017/18 municipal year.


The Partnership Board was pleased to note that £871.60 of unused grant monies had been returned to the Eastern CEF by the Monday Club.



                        To note the budget update.


Funding Applications


The Partnership Board considered the following funding applications:


Magnetic Arts: Spring into Art - £1,000 pdf icon PDF 248 KB


The application was for £1,000 to fund six art taster sessions in three villages within the Eastern CEF Area. The funding applicant was in attendance and presented a summary of the application. It was stated that Magnetic Arts was a not for profit organisation that helped to address social isolation and loneliness, and the Partnership Board was also informed that Magnetic Arts solely used accessible venues to ensure that art sessions were accessible to all.


The applicant stated that she had spoken with the AVS Development Officer, who had suggested she run a number of taster sessions within the Eastern CEF Area to gauge interest in the art sessions.


The applicant explained that, if granted funding, she was keen to have input and support from the Partnership Board and the AVS Development Officer in relation to the project. The Partnership Board gave a number of suggestions in relation to venue hire, consulting residents on where to host the sessions, and ideas for marketing and publicity.


The Board was supportive of the project and confirmed that it met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan. It was also confirmed that the application was in accordance with the Allocation of Funding Framework. The Partnership Board agreed to fund £1,000 for the project.



                        To approve £1,000 of funding for Magnetic Arts.


Bee-Able CIC: Eastern CEF Holiday Activities - £3,275 pdf icon PDF 392 KB

Additional documents:


The application was for £3,275 for the provision of school holiday activities for children in the Eastern CEF Area. Co-opted member Lesley Senior was present and acted in the capacity of funding applicant.


The applicant highlighted that BeeAble CIC was established in 2013, and aimed to support children and adults with additional needs. It was stated that a similar school holiday programme for children had run in the Southern CEF Area and been very successful; the applicant intended to run a similar project in the Eastern CEF Area.


In response to questions, the applicant highlighted that she had a tried and tested publicity plan, which worked to encourage attendance at the activity days. The Partnership Board was informed that the activity days within the Southern CEF had been fully booked, and that similar success was expected in the Eastern CEF Area.


Lesley Senior left the room during consideration of the application for funding, as she had declared a pecuniary interest in the item.


The Board was supportive of the project and confirmed that it met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan. It was also confirmed that the application was in accordance with the Allocation of Funding Framework. The Partnership Board agreed to fund £3,275 for the project.


At this point in the meeting, co-opted member Lesley Senior re-entered the room.


The Partnership Board considered the funding application from PlayStillingfleet, which was heard earlier in the meeting. The Board was supportive of the project and confirmed that it met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan. However, the Board confirmed that the £200 associated with the electricity supply was not in accordance with the Allocation of Funding Framework, as it constituted a revenue cost. Therefore, the Partnership Board agreed to fund £1,357 for the project, which amounted to the original application minus the £200 for the electricity supply.



i.              To approve £3,275 of funding for BeeAble CIC.


ii.            To approve £1,357 of funding for PlayStillingfleet, as the Board agreed not to fund the £200 outlined in the original application for electricity supply.


Impact Reports pdf icon PDF 255 KB

To consider the following completed impact reports:

Additional documents:


The Partnership Board considered the following impact reports that had been submitted and were included in the agenda:


• Riccall and District Resilience Plan

• North Duffield and Skipwith Playing Fields Association

• Cawood Castle Garth Group

• Parish of Hemingbrough Historical / Heritage Society

• North Duffield Village Players (historic impact report)

• Riccall Village Institute

• The Monday Club

Hagge Woods Trust

• Yorkshire Energy Doctor CIC


The Partnership Board noted that the impact reports were very detailed, and was pleased to note that £871.60 of grant money had been returned to the Eastern CEF.


The AVS Development Officer also explained that the kitchen upgrade project at Escrick and Deighton Club was now underway.



                        To note the impact reports.



Next Meetings and Meeting Dates 2018/19

To confirm the date and location of the next Eastern CEF meetings, and to note the meeting dates for 2018/19:


Dates of next meetings

Wednesday 25 April 2018



Location TBC

Wednesday 20 June 2018



Location TBC

2018 / 19 meeting dates

Wednesday 18 July 2018


Partnership Board

Regen Centre, Riccall

Wednesday 19 September 2018



Location TBC

Wednesday 17 October 2018


Partnership Board

Regen Centre, Riccall

Wednesday 14 November 2018



Location TBC

Wednesday 23 January 2019


Partnership Board

Regen Centre, Riccall

Wednesday 20 March 2019



Location TBC

Wednesday 17 April 2019


Partnership Board

Regen Centre, Riccall



The Partnership Board agreed to cancel the Forum scheduled for Wednesday 25 April 2018, and confirmed the next Forum as Wednesday 20 June 2018, 6.30pm at Hemingbrough Methodist Church. It was noted that the Forum would be centred on promotion and publicity for community groups, and that the Chair would arrange for a speaker to attend at no cost to the Eastern CEF.


The Board confirmed the next Partnership Board meeting as Wednesday 18 July 2018, 7pm at the Regen Centre, Riccall, and noted the meeting dates for 2018/19.



i.              To cancel the Forum scheduled for Wednesday 25 April 2018.


ii.            To confirm the next Forum as Wednesday 20 June 2018, 6.30pm at Hemingbrough Methodist Church.


iii.           To ask the Democratic Services Officer to book Hemingbrough Methodist Church for the next Forum in June 2018.


iv.           To confirm the next Partnership Board meeting as Wednesday 18 July 2018, 7pm at the Regen Centre, Riccall.


v.            To note the dates of the Eastern CEF meetings for 2018/19.