Venue: Millennium Room - Regen Centre
Contact: Dawn Drury 01757 292065 or Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors L Casling and S Duckett and from Gillian Little and Lesley Senior. |
Disclosures of Interest A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at
Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.
Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.
If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Eastern CEF Partnership Board held on 17 October 2018. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2018.
RESOLVED: To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 17 October 2018.
Chair's Report To consider any reports and updates from the Chair (oral report). Minutes: The Chair informed the Board that a funding application had been submitted after publication of the agenda and requested that the application should be taken as a supplemental item and considered at this meeting; as the next meeting of the Partnership Board was not scheduled until April 2019. The Partnership Board agreed with this approach. |
Eastern CEF Work Programme for 2019/2020 To plan the work and future Forums of the Eastern CEF, for the municipal year, 2019/2020. Minutes: The Development Officer updated the Board on the responses received to the Eastern CEF consultation online survey, the aim of which was to inform future Forum meeting themes and increase attendance by covering the issues important to the Eastern CEF area. A breakdown report of the survey was circulated to the Board which showed that to date 45 people had participated, with the top two themes being developing community organisations / facilities and activities for young people.
The Board stated that they wished the survey to reach as many people as possible and the Chair emphasised the importance of using village facebook pages and then sharing these pages. |
To consider the Eastern CEF budget. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the Eastern CEF budget, which confirmed a remaining balance of £11,928.10.
RESOLVED: To note the budget update.
Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 27 September 2018 (oral update). Minutes: The Chair confirmed that an update on the last Forum had been given at the Partnership Board meeting on the 17 October 2018. A discussion took place around the number of people attending the Forums. It was highlighted that there was a need to publicise the Forums on social media with the aim of reaching more people to improve attendance. The Board were encouraged to use their own local digital noticeboards, if applicable.
The Chair informed the Board that he had attended a successful and interesting Western CEF Forum workshop, themed around their community development plan, which took place on the 23 October 2018. The Chair observed that it was good to see how another CEF area worked and to share ideas for the benefit of the community. |
Community Development Plan To consider progress and developments relating to the Eastern CEF Community Development Plan. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered progress and developments related to the Community Development Plan (CDP), presented by the Development Officer.
The Board noted that the CDP had been updated with the Shopping Bus Service being run through Age UK, which had received funding at the previous Partnership Board meeting in October; along with the Eastern CDP workshop planned for 23 January 2019.
RESOLVED: To note the updated CDP.
Supplemental Late Item - Project: WILD C.I.C., 'Schools Go WILD!', £5,400.00 This funding application was submitted after publication of the agenda. The Chair agreed that this application should be taken as a supplemental item and considered at this meeting. The Partnership Board agreed with this approach. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for £5,400.00 for the provision of wildlife workshops in primary and secondary schools across the Eastern CEF area. The applicant was in attendance to present a summary of the application and answer questions from the Partnership Board.
The applicant explained the purpose of the workshops was to encourage young people to understand, appreciate and protect the wildlife in the rural area. The Board were informed that the applicant had worked with several schools in the Selby district who had expressed an interest to engage with further projects, as it helped the children understand the benefits of being outdoors and spend time away from the internet and other digital distractions.
In response to queries regarding the company background to Project: WILD C.I.C. and charges passed on to the schools, the applicant explained that the company consisted of three Directors and the reason that the company was applying for funding was so that the schools would not be charged.
A query was raised regarding the appropriate insurance, the applicant confirmed that he had the insurance required and he also had an advanced DBS.
The Partnership Board thanked the applicant for attending, and highlighted that consideration of the application would take place later in the meeting and they would be notified of the decision by post.
At this point in the meeting, Nicholas Atherton left the room and did not return.
The meeting was paused at 7.30 pm to allow the Partnership Board members time to read the funding application.
The meeting re-commenced at 7.40 pm.
A discussion took place around the costings for the project, it was pointed out that as the workshop was to reach 2000 children, the cost equated to less than £3.00 per child and as such, was considered reasonable by the Board.
The Board were supportive of the project and felt that it would be beneficial for the children as it could trigger a lifetime’s interest in the environment. It was confirmed that the application met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan. The Board also confirmed that the application was in accordance with the Allocation of Funding Framework.
The Partnership Board agreed to fund £5,400.00 for the project.
RESOLVED: To approve funding of £5,400.00 to be awarded to Project: WILD C.I.C., as outlined in the application. |
Marketing and Publicity To discuss ideas to promote the Eastern CEF, including CEF noticeboards. A design and costing for the noticeboards are attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair asked the Board to consider the provision of CEF notice boards within the Eastern CEF area, which could be used to promote the work of the CEF. It was explained that this was something that was being rolled out in the Western CEF area. The Board considered the quote and sample notice board which was thought to be a good price, and asked that the individual parishes be canvassed to gauge the level of support.
RESOLVED: To ask the Democratic Services Officer to contact all parish councils within the Eastern CEF area, to gauge support for the provision of CEF noticeboards. |
Communications To discuss any points of interest relating to the Eastern CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work. Minutes: The Board felt that the Project: WILD, school wildlife workshops should be used for publicity once the project was established and that the applicant should be encouraged to provide a film of his work to be shared both online and as a physical film that the Council’s Communications Team could share.
A discussion took place around social media and the potential for an Eastern CEF facebook page. The Development Officer informed the Board that the subject had been raised at the recent CEF Chairs meeting. The Board indicated that the subject should be raised again at the CEF Chairs meeting due to take place on the 7 January 2019 for consideration.
RESOLVED: i. To ask the Democratic Services Officer to forward details of the Project: WILD school wildlife workshops to the Council’s Communications Team once the project was established.
ii. To ask the Chair of the Eastern CEF to raise the subject of using social media / facebook at the next meeting of the CEF Chairs.
To consider the following completed impact reports.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the following impact reports that had been submitted and were included in the agenda:
· Selby Tiger Sharks Swimming Club · Magnetic Arts
The Partnership Board agreed that it was encouraging to see the completed impact reports, which outlined how well the grant had been spent and how it helped the communities concerned.
The Development Officer explained that he was working on a new draft of the impact report which would include more detailed questions to better inform the work of the CEF’s.
The Chair informed the Board that the Western CEF had invited previous applicants, who had been granted funding within the last two years to attend their CDP workshop to contribute to the new CDP. It was felt that the Eastern CEF should follow the same format.
RESOLVED: To note the impact reports.
Next Meetings To confirm the date and location of the next Eastern CEF meetings:
Minutes: The Partnership Board confirmed the date of the next Forum as Wednesday 23 January 2019, 6.30 pm at the Regen Centre in Riccall, it was noted that the Forum was to be used as a CDP development and refresher workshop to contribute to a new CDP for the Eastern CEF.
A further Forum was also programmed for Wednesday 20 March 2019 with the theme and venue to be decided at the January meeting.
The Board confirmed the next Partnership Board meeting as Wednesday 17 April 2019, 7.00 pm at the Regen Centre, Riccall.
RESOLVED: i. To note the dates and venues for the next meetings of the Partnership Board and Forum.