Meeting documents

Selby - Eastern CEF Partnership Board
Wednesday, 20 March 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Millennium Room, Regen Centre, Riccall, Selby

Contact: Dawn Drury  Email: 01757 292065

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors L Casling and M Jordan and from Mike Cowling.



Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at


Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.


Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.


If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer.


John Cook declared a personal interest in agenda item 6.1, the funding application from Playstillingfleet, as he was a Councillor on Stillingfleet Parish Council. 




Minutes pdf icon PDF 349 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Eastern CEF Partnership Board held on 14 November 2018.


The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2018.



To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 14 November 2018.



Chair's Report

To consider any reports and updates from the Chair (oral report).


The Chair reported on the recent CEF Chairs meeting which had taken place on Monday 11 February 2019 and explained that Skyblue Research had reported back on the ‘Reflections Workshop’ held on 13 September 2018, and had made some recommendations based on the event.  The Board were informed that North Yorkshire County Council Stronger Communities and Selby District Council   was to consider a further workshop to be held to look at a long term strategy around the future changing landscape affecting the CEF’s.


The Board were informed that various items on the Chairs action log had been discussed and agreed and key action identified.  It had further been agreed that greater effort should be placed on social media to promote events, identify issues, and engage with the local community.


The Board were shown an example of the design for the CEF plaques to be awarded to successful community group applicants who completed their projects.



Budget Update pdf icon PDF 19 KB

To consider the Eastern CEF budget.


The Partnership Board considered the Eastern CEF budget, which confirmed a remaining balance of £6,343.62.



                        To note the budget update.



Funding Applications pdf icon PDF 342 KB

To consider the following funding applications received, with reference to the funding framework:


The Partnership Board considered the following funding applications:



PlayStillingfleet, 'Playground Land Acquisition', £6,000 pdf icon PDF 403 KB

Additional documents:


The application was for £6,000 to acquire a piece of land in the village of Stillingfleet. The applicant was in attendance to present a summary of the application and answer questions from the Partnership Board.


The applicant explained that PlayStillingfleet was working in conjunction with Stillingfleet Parish Council to acquire the land from the landowner.


In response to queries regarding the use of the land, the applicant explained that if they were to acquire the land it would be used to deliver a much needed playground, for the benefit of the children in the village who currently had no play facilities. It was confirmed that once in receipt of the land, PlayStillingfleet would then look for other available funding through the National Lottery to transform the land into a playground.


The Development Officer informed the applicant that the Association of Voluntary Service would be able to help PlayStillingfleet with their application, as they had a list of specific groups who could provide funding for children’s playgrounds.    


In response to a query regarding whether an offer had been made to the landowner, the Board were informed that the parish council had met with the landowner who was sympathetic to their cause however, other options were being explored, including building a house.


The Board suggested that the land should be funded by the Parish Council Precept in line with similar projects.  The applicant explained that the landowner was looking for a quick sale of the land.  Additionally the Board were informed that should the grant application be approved, but the sale of land not happen, then the money would be refunded to the CEF.


The Partnership Board thanked the applicant for attending, and highlighted that consideration of the application would take place later in the meeting and they would be notified of the decision by post.


At this point in the meeting, the applicant left the room and did not return.


A discussion took place around other, more appropriate, funding streams that the applicant could explore.  An additional option mentioned included the applicant submitting a funding application for playground equipment once the land had been acquired.


The Partnership Board agreed to refuse the application as it felt that the request was for a substantial amount of the CEF budget, when there were other specific groups who provided funding for children’s playgrounds.    


The Board agreed that they would consider a future funding application for playground equipment for the site.



                    To refuse the application for funding for the reasons outlined above.


Cawood Castle Garth Group, 'Changing our Perception of Roman Britain through Cawood', £5,000 pdf icon PDF 395 KB

Additional documents:


The application was for £5,000 to engage two archaeologists to investigate an Iron Age site near Cawood, to hire a digger and surveying equipment; and to hold an archaeological excavation.  The applicants were in attendance to present a summary of the application and answer questions from the Partnership Board.


The applicants explained that Historic England had produced maps of the area which showed clear crop marks on the ground, proving evidence of earlier habitation.  In the summer of 2018 a drone had been flown over the fields in question, the aerial results from the drone flight matched earlier ones completed by English Heritage, which demonstrated that streets and round houses could be identified on the site.  It was confirmed that the farmer who owned the fields where the excavation would take place was keen for it to be explored.


The Board were informed that the excavation would be done with the help of community volunteers, three local primary schools; Thorpe Willoughby, Wistow and Cawood, Selby High School, a group of home schooled children, local residents and students from the local Universities.  It would help to illustrate history lessons in the local schools and give the children a chance to experience the past, and also give a sense of pride and ownership in the local community.


In response to a query regarding the amount of time the archaeologists would spend on the project, the applicant explained that the first archaeologist would provide four weeks of activity on the site of the dig, following this visits would be made to local schools, nursing homes and Selby AVS Friendship Friday to explain about the dig and the findings; documentation would also be provided for the future.  It was also confirmed that once the dig has been completed a geo-archaeologist would attend to do further work on the site. 


A query was raised regarding how long access to the fields would be available to the group, it was confirmed that the farmer had given permission for the fields to be available from July 2019 to February 2020. 


The Partnership Board thanked the applicants for attending, and highlighted that consideration of the application would take place later in the meeting and they would be notified of the decision by post.


At this point in the meeting, the applicants left the room and did not return.


The Board were supportive of the project and agreed that there was a need for the lead archaeologist to set the project off on the right footing, but felt that the group should also contribute by fundraising, which in turn would help with the community engagement.  It was confirmed that the application met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan.  The Board also confirmed that the application was in accordance with the Allocation of Funding Framework.


The Partnership Board agreed that in light of the above, they were willing to offer half of the £5,000 that the applicants had applied for.



To approve funding of £2,500.00 to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Selby RUFC Under 15 Boys, 'Selby Under 15 Boys Tour Funding', £500 pdf icon PDF 395 KB

Additional documents:


The application was for £500 to help with the cost of a residential trip for eight boys and their guardians to an outdoor pursuits and rugby tournament weekend.  The applicant was in attendance to present a summary of the application and answer questions from the Partnership Board.


The applicant explained the aim of the trip was to encourage team camaraderie, develop rugby skills and help the young people to understand the benefits of being outdoors.  The applicant further explained that not all the children’s guardians had been able to afford the trip and therefore, along with different fundraising events, the application had been made to the CEF’s  


In response to a query regarding which CEF’s had been approached, the applicant confirmed that a funding application had been made to both the Eastern and Central CEF areas, as 2/3rds of the children lived within those areas.


A query was raised regarding why each guardian was travelling with their respective child, the applicant confirmed that this was a health and safety requirement. 


The Partnership Board thanked the applicant for attending, and highlighted that consideration of the application would take place later in the meeting and they would be notified of the decision by post.


At this point in the meeting, the applicant left the room and did not return.


The Board were supportive of the project, however it felt that funding should only be awarded for the children and not the guardians.  It was confirmed that the application met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan, and it was further confirmed that the application was in accordance with the Allocation of Funding Framework.


Board members agreed that they would fund £250 for the project.



To approve funding of £250 to be awarded to Selby RUFC Under 15 Boys, as outlined in the application


A discussion took place around the funding amounts awarded, it was felt that the Eastern CEF achieved more when giving smaller amounts, as it encouraged more people to start their project.



Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum

To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 23 January 2018 (oral update).


The Board discussed the Forum which had taken place on 23 January 2019 at Riccall Regen Centre; and had been the Community Development Plan (CDP) workshop.


The Development Officer updated the Board on the new generic Community Development Plan, the outer page would provide general information on the CEF’s, while the inner page would focus on the four main priorities of the Eastern CEF area.  The Board noted the importance of the online survey to provide the most up to date information on the priorities as identified by the local community; and that to date the key themes coming out of the online survey were: developing community organisation / facilities, activities for young people, loneliness and isolation; and crime.


The Development Officer confirmed that a draft document would be circulated at the Partnership Board meeting in July.


The Development Officer asked the Board to encourage all their contacts in the Eastern CEF area to complete the online survey, to get as many responses as possible to better inform the Community Development Plan. The Democratic Services Officer was asked to re-circulate the survey link to the Partnership Board.



                     To ask the Democratic Services Officer to re-circulate the online survey link to the Partnership Board.


Brian Keen left the meeting at this point, and did not return.



Community Development Plan pdf icon PDF 275 KB

To consider progress and developments relating to the Eastern CEF Community Development Plan.


The Partnership Board considered progress and developments related to the Community Development Plan (CDP).


The Board noted that in addition to the proposed new generic CDP, the current CDP would remain in place as a working document and would therefore change as projects came to an end and were removed. 


The Board received an update on the weekly Age UK Selby District Shopping Bus Service being run through the villages of Riccall, Ryther and Kelfield.  The service had been advertised far and wide, unfortunately Riccall had been missed off the posters, however with the visibility of the bus in the villages it was hoped that they would attract other service users, to ensure it was a regular service. 


The Board noted that Friendship Friday, the new weekly service established at Community House to provide a range of activities, talks and games to reduce loneliness, was being well attended with over 40 people at the first Friday session; with people ranging from 17 to 80 years old.    



                      To note the Community Development Plan update.



Marketing and Publicity

To discuss ideas to promote the Eastern CEF.


The Development Officer updated the Board on the video and short films; the project was running to schedule with the Wild Studios team having finished filming all the projects for each individual CEF area.  It was confirmed that once the films had been edited they would be passed to the Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers for final approval; the films would then be publicised by the Communications Team, and passed to Parish Councils and Community Groups for sharing.  




To discuss any points of interest relating to the Eastern CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work.


The Board felt that the Project: WILD, school wildlife workshops should be used for publicity work, and that the applicant should be encouraged to provide a film of his work to be shared both online, and as a physical film that the Council’s Communications Team could share.



                     To ask the Democratic Services Officer to speak with the Project:WILD team to request that they provide a short, one minute, film on the school wildlife workshops; to enable the Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work.


Impact Reports pdf icon PDF 36 KB

To consider the following completed impact reports:


-       Riccall & District Resilience Plan


-       1st Cliffe Brownies


-       PlayStillingfleet


-       St Helen’s, Escrick


-       Cliffe Village Institute


Additional documents:


The Partnership Board considered the following impact reports that had been submitted and were included in the agenda:


  • Riccall & District Resilience Plan
  • 1st Cliffe Brownies
  • PlayStillingfleet
  • St Helen’s, Escrick
  • Cliffe Village Institute


The Development Officer complimented the applicants on the quality of the completed impact reports, which outlined how well the grant had been spent and how the grants helped the communities concerned to make a difference.



                    To note the impact reports.



Next Meetings

To confirm the date and location of the next Eastern CEF meetings:


Dates of next meetings

Wednesday 19 June 2019

6.30 pm



Location TBC

Wednesday 17 July 2019

6.30 pm


Partnership Board

Regen Centre, Riccall



The Board agreed that for future Forums they would like to move around the villages in the Eastern CEF area, and also not limit themselves to a Wednesday evening if that proved difficult to obtain a venue.


The Board noted that the next Forum meeting on Wednesday 19 June 2019, at 6.30 pm would be held in Osgodby; at either the Methodist Church or the Village Institute: and agreed the theme would be dementia awareness.


The Chair asked that the Development Officer contact Fiona Andrews of Dementia Forward and request that she produce a short film to explain the objective of the evening; to be passed to the Communications Team for publicity purposes. 


The Board confirmed the next Partnership Board meeting as Wednesday 17 July 2019, 7.00 pm at the Regen Centre, Riccall.  



i.          To note the dates and venues for the next meetings of the Eastern Community Engagement Forum and Partnership Board.


ii.            To ask the Democratic Services Officer to book a venue in Osgodby, as detailed above, for the next Forum meeting, on Wednesday 19 June 2019.


iii.       To ask the Development Officer to contact Fiona Andrew of Dementia Forward, and request that she produce a short film to be used by the Communications Team.