Venue: Millennium Room - Regen Centre
Contact: Dawn Drury 01757 292065 or Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Jordan and Arthur, and Gillian Little and Lesley Senior.
Disclosures of Interest A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at
Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.
Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.
If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer. Minutes: Councillor Stephanie Duckett declared a personal interest in agenda item 9.1, the funding application from Barlby Library Volunteers, as she was Chair of Barlby and Osgodby Parish Council.
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Eastern CEF Partnership Board held on 20 March 2019. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2019.
RESOLVED: To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 20 March 2019.
Confirmation of Chair for 2019/20 To note the appointment of the Chair (Bob Procter) by Selby District Council, for the municipal year 2019-20.
Minutes: It was confirmed that Bob Procter had been re-appointed to serve as Chair of the Eastern CEF for the 2019-20 municipal year.
Appointment of Vice Chair for 2019/20 To appoint a Vice-Chair for the 2019/20 municipal year.
Minutes: It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Karl Arthur be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Eastern CEF for the 2019-20 municipal year
Meeting Start Times To agree the start time for Partnership Board meetings and Forums for the municipal year 2019/20.
The proposed meeting start times are: Partnership Board – 7.00 pm Forum – 6.30 pm
Minutes: It was proposed and seconded that the start time of meetings for the 2019-20 municipal year be:
· Partnership Board to meet at 7pm · Forums to commence at 7pm, with a ‘market place’ event from 6.30pm.
RESOLVED: To approve the start time of CEF meetings as described above for the 2019-20 municipal year.
Chair's Report To consider any reports and updates from the Chair (oral report). Minutes: The Chair expressed sadness at the news of the death of former Councillor, Brian Marshall, and paid tribute to his hard work and commitment to the Selby area, and in particular Barlby; the Board agreed that he would be greatly missed.
The Chair updated the Board on the Stillingfleet funding application to purchase land in Stillingfleet which had been refused at the Partnership Board meeting in March, with the decision being challenged by the applicant. The Board noted that no further communications had been received from the applicant, and agreed that the decision made to refuse the application still stood; however should the applicant apply for funding for playground equipment in the future, this would be dealt with on its own merit.
The Chair referred to the subject of a proposed roundabout at Riccall which had been raised at the recent Eastern Forum, and stated that this was not something that could be dealt with by the CEF, it was a matter for North Yorkshire County Council Highways.
The Board were pleased to note that there had been a recent media release in the Selby Times on the Cawood Castle Garth archaeological dig, which had received funding from the Eastern CEF at the March meeting of the Partnership Board.
To consider the Eastern CEF budget. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the Eastern CEF budget, which confirmed a remaining balance of £23,533.62.
RESOLVED: To note the budget update.
Funding Applications To consider the following funding applications received, with reference to the funding framework: Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the following funding applications:
Barlby Library Volunteers, 'Barlby Library Modernisation', £3,410 Additional documents:
Minutes: The application was for £3,410 to provide space-efficient wall shelving along with a reception desk and four chairs, suited for use by people with limited mobility. The applicants were in attendance to present a summary of the application and answer questions from the Partnership Board; a presentation and plans for the library was also circulated.
The applicants explained that Barlby library was saved from permanent closure in 2012, the library team consisting of 24 trained volunteers worked in a close and successful partnership with Selby Town Council and North Yorkshire County Council Libraries. It was further explained that Barlby library was the only community building in Barlby and therefore the building was also used by non-readers as a meeting place for tea and coffee groups and ancestry classes. Once the modernisation had taken place and the library offered a more modern, attractive and comfortable facility, it was hoped that this would attract more general community activities, along with meetings and other functions.
The Board were informed that the total cost for the library renovation was £7,602; however the Barlby Library Volunteer Group had funds from fundraising to the sum of £4,192 which would be used.
In response to a query regarding the library opening times and the number of library members, the applicant explained that the library was open four days per week, and they had 250 members along with others who came to use the four computers installed there. It was also confirmed that the book borrowing figures had held steady over the previous seven years; however this figure had recently risen by 10%.
A query was raised regarding the age group of the regular library users, it was confirmed that the library provided regular children’s story times, poetry evenings with children from Barlby High School, along with the older community attending the book club, coffee afternoons and the family history class.
The Partnership Board thanked the applicants for attending, and highlighted that consideration of the application would take place later in the meeting and they would be notified of the decision by post.
At this point in the meeting, the applicants left the room and did not return.
The Board were supportive of the project and agreed that the volunteers were a very dedicated group of people, who had made an excellent presentation for a well deserving project. It was confirmed that the application met the aims and objectives of the Community Development Plan. The Board also confirmed that the application was in accordance with the Allocation of Funding Framework.
The Partnership Board agreed to fund £3,410 for the project.
RESOLVED: To approve funding of £3,410 to be awarded to Barlby Library Volunteers, as outlined in the application.
Thorganby Village Hall, 'Thorganby Village Hall - New and improved floor', £5,000 Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for £5,000 to provide an integral cushioning floor for the village hall. The applicants were in attendance to present a summary of the application and answer questions from the Partnership Board.
The applicants explained that the current floor had been put down when the hall had been renovated in 2003, although some remedial work had been completed over the interim period, it had not been successful and now the floor was unsafe for the users of the hall, who mostly ran weekly physical activity sessions and dance classes.
The Board were informed that the applicants had applied to Sport England Community Asset Fund to request funding to the sum of £15,000, and further confirmed that to date they had not been contacted regarding the application.
The Board suggested that the Parish Council should be approached to ascertain if they could assist with the funding, the applicants informed the members that historically the Parish Council had been approached for assistance with other projects; however the Parish Council had not felt that they could contribute.
A query was raised regarding how many quotes for the work had been obtained by the applicants, it was confirmed that seven companies had been approached, with four site visits taking place. The Board also heard that the new floor would have a 25 year lifespan.
The Partnership Board thanked the applicants for attending, and highlighted that consideration of the application would take place later in the meeting and they would be notified of the decision by post.
At this point in the meeting, the applicants left the room and did not return.
The Board considered the application and agreed that the application should be deferred. The Democratic Services Officer was instructed to contact the applicant to request that they write a formal letter to the Parish Council applying for funding for the village hall, and share the contents of any response with the Board at a future meeting of the Partnership Board. It was also felt that the applicants may have received a response regarding their funding application from Sport England Community Asset Fund by the time of the next Board meeting, as without their contribution it was unlikely that the project could continue.
RESOLVED: To defer consideration of the application until the applicants had been in contact with the Parish Council, as detailed above.
Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 19 June 2019 (oral update). Minutes: The Board discussed the Forum which had taken place on 19 June 2019 at Riccall Regen Centre; and had been themed around dementia awareness. The Board agreed that it had been an excellent evening, and the speaker, Fiona Andrews from Dementia Forward, had made the presentation relevant, personal and very easy to understand.
The Chair requested that the Democratic Services Officer write to Fiona Andrews from Dementia Forward and thank her on behalf of the Board.
The Board felt that it would be worth repeating the Forum in another location within the Eastern CEF area, at a later date, as it would reach a different audience.
RESOLVED: To ask the Democratic Services Officer to send a letter of thank you to Fiona Andrews, on behalf of the Eastern CEF Partnership Board.
Community Development Plan To consider progress and developments relating to the Eastern CEF Community Development Plan. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered progress and developments related to the Community Development Plan (CDP).
The Development Officer updated the Board on the online survey, to date the survey had been completed by 200 people.
The Board heard that the new generic Community Development Plan would be standardised, with the outer page providing general information on the CEF’s, while the inner page would focus on the four main priorities of the Eastern CEF area. The Board noted that to date the key themes coming out of the online survey were: developing community organisation / facilities, activities for young people, loneliness and isolation; and crime.
The Board received an update on the Project:WILD C.I.C. school project; the project was progressing well with workshops planned to be delivered into the participating schools in September and October 2019.
The Board noted that Friendship Friday, the new weekly service established at Community House to provide a range of activities to reduce loneliness, was being well attended, with people travelling from all areas over the Eastern CEF.
RESOLVED: To note the Community Development Plan update.
Marketing and Publicity To discuss ideas to promote the Eastern CEF. Minutes: The Development Officer updated the Board on the CEF video and short films; all eleven films had been produced and passed to the Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers who had requested that additional images be added. Once final approval was given the films would be publicised by the Communications Team, placed on the Council and AVS websites; and passed to Parish Councils and Community Groups for sharing.
The Chair requested that the other Board members share the films with all their contacts.
Communications To discuss any points of interest relating to the Eastern CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work. Minutes: Members were of the opinion that when the CEF plaques were presented to the successful applicants of grant funding to display at their respective projects, this should be used as a photo opportunity to be used for publicity work by the Selby District Council Communications Team.
To consider the following completed impact reports:
· Cawood Castle Garth Group Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the following impact report that had been submitted and were included in the agenda:
The Chair complimented the applicant on the quality of the completed impact report.
RESOLVED: To note the Impact Report. |
Next Meetings To confirm the date and location of the next Eastern CEF meetings:
To discuss the themes and locations for future Forums
Forum, Wednesday 13 November 2019 Forum, Wednesday 18 March 2020
Minutes: The Board noted that the next Forum meeting on Thursday 26 September 2019, at 6.30 pm would be held in either Barlby School or Osgodby Village Hall: and agreed the theme would be Crime. The Development Officer informed the Board that Inspector Martin Wedgwood would be attending to cover topics to include Cyber Fraud and hate crime.
The Board confirmed the next Partnership Board meeting as Wednesday 16 October 2019, at 7.00 pm, to be held at the Regen Centre in Riccall.
The Board further agreed the future Forum themes would be the Cawood Castle Garth Group’s archaeological dig findings, and Activities for Young People, with Nick Atherton of Project:WILD C.I.C. showing the films taken at the "Schools Go WILD" workshops, which had been funded by the Eastern CEF in November 2018.
RESOLVED: i. To note the dates and venues for the next meetings of the Forum and Partnership Board.
ii. To ask the Democratic Services Officer to book either Barlby School or Osgodby Village Hall for the next Forum meeting, on Thursday 26 September 2019.
iii. To ask the Democratic Services Officer to book the Regen Centre in Riccall for the Partnership Board meeting, on Wednesday 16 October 2019.