Meeting documents

Selby - Eastern CEF Partnership Board
Wednesday, 16 October 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Millennium Room - Regen Centre

Contact: Dawn Drury  01757 292065 or Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from M Cowling and L Senior.


Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at


Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.


Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.


If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer.


There were no disclosures of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 260 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Eastern CEF Partnership Board held on 17 July 2019.


The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2019.



To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 17 July 2019.



Chair's Report

To consider any reports and updates from the Chair (oral report).


The Chair announced that the draft version of the Eastern CEF Annual Report for 2018-19 had been circulated at the meeting, and would also be sent out to Board Members by email. The draft Eastern Community Development Plan was also available in draft format and would be discussed later in the meeting.


Budget Update pdf icon PDF 12 KB

To consider the Eastern CEF budget.


The Partnership Board considered the Eastern CEF budget, which confirmed a remaining balance of £19,852.62.



                        To note the budget update.



CEF Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To remind members of the Partnership Board, of the CEF Code of Conduct.


The Chair explained that the Code of Conduct had been included with the agenda as a reminder for the Board as to how business should be conducted at meetings, especially when dealing with applicants.


Some felt that it was the duty of Board Members to publicise the CEF, and that this should be done more frequently, perhaps by sharing the CEF videos with their local communities, parishes and community groups. The Board agreed that the links to the CEF videos, which were to be available shortly on the Council’s website, should be sent directly to the Board members and all parish councils.


The Board also agreed that the Eastern CEF film and the general CEF film should be shown at the start of the next forum meeting.


The Development Officer suggested that on 22 January 2020, before the start of the Board meeting at 7.00pm, the Board should meet to discuss CEF communications in more details from 6.00pm. The Board supported this idea and felt that this would be useful.



i)       To note the CEF Code of Conduct.


ii)     To encourage Board Members to publicise the Eastern CEF within their local communities, parishes and community groups.


iii)    To circulate to the Board and parish councils the links to the CEF films on the Council’s website when available.


iv)    To show the general CEF film and Eastern CEF film at the start of the next Eastern CEF Forum.


v)     That Board Members meet at 6.00pm, before the start of their next Board meeting on 22 January 2020, to discuss CEF communications in more detail.





Funding Applications pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To consider the following funding application received, with reference to the funding framework:


The Partnership Board considered the following funding applications:



Thorganby Village Hall, 'Thorganby Village Hall - New and improved floor', £5,000 pdf icon PDF 87 KB

This funding application was deferred at the Partnership Board meeting in July 2019.


Additional documents:


The application was for £5,000 to provide a new floor at Thorganby Village Hall.


The Board noted that the application had been deferred from the last meeting in order for the applicants to write a formal letter to the Parish Council applying for funding for the village hall, and to share the contents of any response with the Board. It was also deferred in case the applicants received a response regarding their funding application from the Sport England Community Asset Fund.


The applicants explained that they had approached Thorganby Parish Council and requested help with funding and VAT, which had both been declined. They had also asked Councillor Musgrave for help from his ward community fund, but unfortunately his 2019-20 budget had already been fully allocated. Tom Jenkinson from NYCC had advised the group to contact Community First Yorkshire for funding sources, which were currently being explored.


The Board acknowledged that the applicants had made every effort to request funding from other sources, and asked a number of questions on the application, relating to the structural state of the floor, materials to be used in the refurbishment and the reasons why the floor needed to be replaced.


At this point the applicants left the room in order for the Board to debate the application further.


The Board unanimously agreed that the applicants had explored a number of avenues for funding and had done everything the CEF had requested following deferral of the application at the last Board meeting.


At this point the applicants returned to the room.


The Board confirmed to the applicants that they would be funding the whole amount requested, and thanked them for attending.



To approve funding of £5,000 to be awarded to Thorganby Village Hall for a new floor, as outlined in the application.




Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum

To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 26 September 2019 (oral update).


The Chair reported that the forum on 26 September 2019 at Barlby Library was well attended and that the presentation from Inspector Martin Wedgwood had been very interesting and informative.


Community Development Plan

To consider progress and developments relating to the Eastern CEF Community Development Plan.  To be tabled at the meeting.


The Development Officer explained that the Community Development Plan (CDP) had been refreshed and a draft version was available for comment; an electronic version would be emailed to Board Members after the meeting. The new fold out format would be rolled out to other CEFs for a consistent style across all the areas.


The Development Officer explained the layout further and the Board made a number of comments on the new CDP, including:


·           The logo on the front page needed to be moved slightly in order for the Eastern area on the map not to be obscured.


·           Reference to the CEF films and a link should be added into the CDP.


·           Some more information about the source of the funding of the CEFs should be included.


The Board discussed how many copies of the CDP should be printed for distribution around local villages and groups; it was suggested that around 10,000 copies for each CEF would suffice.


It was agreed that Board Members should attend parish council meetings to tell them about the CEF, and take copies of the CDP with them to circulate. The Chair confirmed that he would be happy to attend parish meetings and talk about the CDP.


Parish magazines were also noted as another avenue for publicising the CEF, and as such the Board asked that the Development Officer put together some standard wording that could be included in parish magazines across the Eastern CEF and the district as a whole.


The Development Officer also gave the Board an update on the Schools Go Wild project which had been very successful in a number of schools and groups across the area. Contact details for the schools in Cawood, Barlby and Hemingbrough schools were requested as no response had been received from them.


It was agreed that a presentation about the Schools Go Wild project be given at the Eastern forum meeting in March 2020.



i)       To ask the Democratic Services Officer to circulate an electronic copy of the draft CDP to the Board.


ii)     To ask the Development Officer to make the amends to the draft CDP as detailed above.


iii)    To recommend that around 10,000 copies of the CDP be printed for circulation.

iv)    To encourage Board Members to attend parish council meetings to talk about the CEFs and distribute the new CDP.


v)     To ask the Development Officer to draft some wording for inclusion in parish magazines.


vi)    To ask Board Members to forward contact details to for Cawood, Hemingbrough or Barlby Primary schools to the Development Officer on behalf of the Schools Go Wild project.


vii)  That a presentation on the Schools Go Wild project be given at the forum meeting in March 2020.


Marketing and Publicity

To discuss ideas to promote the Eastern CEF.


The Board agreed that much of the meeting’s discussion had already covered marketing and publicity, but they were pleased to note that the CEF seemed to be making good progress in this respect with the films and leaflets.


Leaflets were being drafted for the next forum on 13 November 2019 at Cawood Castle Garth.





To discuss any points of interest relating to the Eastern CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work.


It was suggested that the Council’s Communications Team be put in touch with Nick Atherton from Wild Studios in order for further publicity to be undertaken on the Schools Go Wild project.



To ask the Democratic Services Officer to put the Council’s Communications Team in contact with Nick Atherton from Wild Studios.


Impact Reports pdf icon PDF 228 KB

To consider the following completed impact reports:


·         Bee- Able CIC


·         Selby RUFC under 15 Boys

Additional documents:


The Board noted the two impact reports received from Bee Able CIC and Selby RUFC Under 15 Boys.


The Development Officer explained that the CEF monitoring/impact forms had been revised and considered by CEF Chairs; the new versions were more detailed and were able to extract more information from applicants about the outcomes and successes of a project.



                        To note the impact reports.



Next Meetings

To confirm the date and location of the next Eastern CEF meetings:


Dates of next meetings


Wednesday 13 November 2019

6.30 pm



Cawood Castle Garth Archaeological  Update

Cawood C of E V.A. Primary School


Wednesday 22 January 2020

7.00 pm



Partnership Board

Regen Centre, Riccall



The Board noted the future meeting dates of the Eastern CEF:


Forum – 13 November 2019 at Cawood Castle Garth

Board – 22 January 2020 at Riccall Regen Centre


Before the close of the meeting, the Board discussed the allocation of funding and the criteria used to make decisions on applications. Some Board Members felt that the systems needed to be more robust and that applications should be checked thoroughly for how many CDP priorities they were relevant to. It was noted that the new CDP would be tightened up to contain just 4 priorities, meaning that the criteria for applications would become narrower.


Board Members acknowledged the importance of applications being properly completed and justified, but also accepted that this needed to be balanced with ensuring that the process was accessible and not so onerous that it dissuaded people from applying.


The Development Officer explained his role in the process and confirmed with the Board that he worked closely with applicants to ensure that the forms were completed properly, and that CEF funding was the most appropriate funding avenue for them.


There was some concern that applicants having to present to the Board or a sub-committee could be intimidating, but the Development Officer explained that most groups were content to do so and he was able to offer additional support before and during the meeting should they need it.


It was agreed that the Board’s comments should be forwarded to the next CEF Chair’s meeting.



i)      To note the upcoming meeting dates.


ii)     To forward the Board’s discussions on applications and funding to the next CEF Chairs meeting.