Venue: Millennium Room - Regen Centre
Contact: Dawn Drury 01757 292065 or Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Lesley Senior. |
Disclosures of Interest A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at
Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.
Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.
If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Eastern CEF Partnership Board held on 16 October 2019. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2019.
RESOLVED: To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 16 October 2019.
Chair's Report To consider any reports and updates from the Chair (oral report). Minutes: The Chair informed the Board that he had attended the CEF Chairs meeting which had taken place on Monday 13 January 2020, discussion had taken place around the funding framework, and in particular salary costs, and whether they should be included in the application. It was agreed that salary costs for professional external services could be included, but secretarial salaries could not.
The CEF Chairs had received feedback from the Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 21 November 2019, at which the role of the CEF’s was an item on the agenda. Although the Committee had felt that the CEF’s did a good job they made several recommendations on how things could be improved; these were noted and would be actioned in future Eastern CEF meetings.
The CEF workshop that had taken place in 2018 had been discussed, and it was agreed there was a need to revisit the findings of the workshop, it was further agreed that another meeting would be organised to review the actions which had come out of the original workshop.
The CEF Chairs had discussed the production of the new Community Development Plan’s (CDP), and the quantities required for distribution, the Chair had advised the meeting that 10,000 had been ordered for the Eastern CEF area. The Chair thanked the members of the Eastern Partnership Board who had offered to distribute the CDP in their parishes.
The Chair informed the Board that the CEF Chairs had stated that it was up to each individual Partnership Board whether they wished to appoint non-voting co-opted members, until such a time as a voting vacancy occurred.
The Board was informed that Lesley Senior had contacted the Chair and explained that due to work commitments she was no longer able to attend the Eastern CEF meetings regularly on a Wednesday evening, and therefore felt that she should step down, but would attend when she was able as a non-voting member. In the meantime Ian Reynolds had expressed a wish to re-join the Partnership Board; Ian had sat on the Board previously in his role as a District Councillor but had since retired from Council work. The Board were in agreement with the above co-options, and requested that the Democratic Services Officer added co-option as an agenda item to the next Partnership Board meeting.
Finally, the Board were keen to encourage younger people to join the Partnership Board as it was felt they had knowledge of social media, and discussed publicising the non-voting co-option role. It was agreed that the Development Officer would post an advertisement onto the Selby District Association of Voluntary Service (AVS) website.
RESOLVED: i. To ask the Democratic Services Officer to add Co-Option to the agenda for the Partnership Board meeting to take place on 15 April 2020.
ii. To ask the Development Officer to post an advertisement onto the AVS website regarding non-voting co-opted positions, which stated that the Partnership Board were particularly keen to hear from young people. |
To consider the Eastern CEF budget. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the Eastern CEF budget, which confirmed a remaining balance of £14,397.12.
The Democratic Services Officer confirmed that should the 2019-20 budget not be used in full during the year, any remaining balance would be carried forward into 2020-21.
RESOLVED: To note the budget update.
Schools Go Wild Project Update Nicholas Atherton to provide an update on the Schools Go WILD project which received funding from the Eastern CEF in November 2018.
Minutes: Nick Atherton had been invited to attend the meeting to update the Board on the Schools Go WILD project that the Eastern CEF had funded in November 2018.
Nick informed the Board that with the grant of £5,400, the project had delivered workshops to over 1,400 school pupils within the participating schools, and that the project had almost been completed except for two days with Cawood Primary School, which would have taken place by the end of January 2020, bringing the total to 1,600 children who had taken part in the workshops.
The Board heard that each workshop had been tailored to the specific age group, which ranged from 4 to 16 year olds but focussed mainly on 8 to 11 year olds, and the workshops took between 45 and 120mins each, depending on the requirements of each individual school. Following each session the feedback was analysed and the suggestions were applied to the next workshop so they constantly evolved.
Nick informed the Board that the feedback had been very positive, and circulated a survey that had been completed at each school by the pupils and teachers; the figures had then been amalgamated to give an overall opinion. Nick took the members through the survey which showed that 95.1% of those surveyed would like to be involved in more workshop sessions, with 88% saying that their favourite part was meeting and handling the wildlife.
It was noted that the schools at Barlby, North Duffield, Riccall, Wistow and Cawood had all expressed an interest in being involved in any future projects, and Nick stated that he would like to develop another project with the view to bringing a new funding application to the Board.
The Board were very pleased with the results from the workshops and felt that the Schools go WILD project had been a resounding success, however it was noted that Hemingbrough School had not engaged with Nick and the project. The Chair stated that he would arrange to visit the school and provide them with the feedback from the Schools Go WILD project.
The Chair thanked Nick for attending the meeting and for his comprehensive report. |
Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 13 November 2019 (oral update). Minutes: The Chair reported that the forum on 13 November 2019 at Cawood Primary School had been very well attended with in excess of 70 people present, and that the presentation made by the Cawood Castle Garth Archaeological group had been very interesting.
The Chair announced that he would like to hold a second Forum on Dementia as the speaker, Fiona Andrews of Dementia Forward had been excellent. Discussion took place regarding the possibility of holding the Forum on a Saturday, it was agreed that the venue should be on a regular bus route for ease of access for people, and that the event should be advertised on the local radio and publicised through Age UK.
The Development Officer stated that he would contact Fiona to request that she facilitate a future Forum meeting, and ascertain her availability.
RESOLVED: The Development Officer to speak with Fiona Andrews to request that she speaks at a future Forum meeting.
Councillor Duckett left the meeting at this point and did not return. |
Community Development Plan To consider progress and developments relating to the Eastern CEF Community Development Plan – to be tabled at the meeting. Minutes: The Board received updates on the working copy of the Community Development Plan (CDP). As the Board had heard previously the Schools go WILD project had been a resounding success, with all the workshops being delivered into the participating schools, except for two days with Cawood Primary School, which would have taken place by the end of January 2020. In relation to crime and crime prevention, a new initiative to address hate crime had been launched in October 2019, ten Equality Champions had been identified and were available to listen, assist with any issues and support people to take action if they felt they were experiencing discrimination.
The Development Officer updated the members on the video and short films; the films had been delayed as it was identified that to be compliant with new accessibility legislation for local government websites, which had come into force recently, all video content, must include subtitles. This work had been completed and the films were now available to view on the Council website. |
Marketing and Publicity To discuss ideas to promote the Eastern CEF. Minutes: The Board agreed that the discussion at the pre meeting, which had been held just prior to the Partnership Board meeting, had already covered marketing and publicity, and that there was nothing further to add.
It was confirmed that the leaflets for the next Forum on 18 March 2020 at Riccall Primary School were in the process of being printed.
Communications To discuss any points of interest relating to the Eastern CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work. Minutes: The Development Officer informed the Board that the Council Communications team had been in contact with Nick Atherton, and had produced a press release regarding the Schools Go WILD project, which would go out in February 2020.
The Chair asked Nick Atherton to produce a concise press release on the Schools Go WILD project for possible use on a local radio station, and forward it to the Partnership Board for consideration.
RESOLVED: To ask Nick Atherton to forward a concise press release on the Schools Go WILD project to the Partnership Board. |
Next Meetings To confirm the date and location of the next Eastern CEF meetings:
Minutes: The Board noted that the next Forum meeting on Wednesday 18 March 2020 would be held at Riccall Primary School, and would be a presentation on the Schools Go WILD project.
The Board confirmed the next Partnership Board meeting as Wednesday 15 April 2020, 7.00 pm, at the Regen Centre in Riccall.
RESOLVED: To note the dates and venues for the next meetings of the Forum and Partnership Board.