Meeting documents

Selby - Tadcaster CEF Partnership Board
Monday, 15 January 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Meeting Room - The Ark

Contact: Victoria Foreman  01757 292046 or Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Keith Ellis, Richard Musgrave and Steve Cobb, and from Zoe Devine and Rev. Sue Sheriff.



Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at


Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.


Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.


If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer.



Avis Thomas declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 – Tadcaster and Village Community Engagement Forum and Tadcaster and Rural Community Interest Company (CIC), as she was on the Board of Directors for the Tadcaster and Rural CIC.


Councillors Richard Sweeting and Don Mackay declared personal interests in agenda items 7.3 and 7.4 – funding applications from Tadcaster Town Council, as they were both Tadcaster Town Councillors.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 13 November 2017.



The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2017.



To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 13 November 2017.



Chairs Remarks

To receive any remarks and updates from the Chair.


The Chairman thanked the Development Officer for his work on the promotional leaflet that had been sent out to advertise the next Tadcaster and Villages Forum on 29 January 2018 at Riley Smith Hall; the topic of discussion would be ‘Meeting Your Health Needs’. It was also noted that speakers from Tadcaster Medical Centre would be in attendance, as well as funding applicants to present funding proposals at the Forum.


The Chairman indicated that he was minded to alter the order of business on the agenda and take the funding applications as the next item. The Board agreed the change to the order of business.



Funding Applications pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To consider the attached applications for funding using the Funding Framework; Board members are required to refer to the Funding Framework when considering applications.


The Chairman indicated that the application from Tadcrafters CIC (item 7.7) would be considered before the two applications from the Town Council (items 7.3 and 7.4) as the applicant for Tadcrafters CIC was present at the meeting.



Girl Guiding - Tadcaster Units, 'Girl Guide Flags', £719.00 pdf icon PDF 320 KB


The Board considered the application for £719 towards new flags for the Tadcaster Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.


The Board noted that during the last year two new Rainbow units had been started in Tadcaster. Flags were an important part of guiding tradition and would be used by the Rainbow units on more formal occasions, as well as at the Remembrance Parade in Tadcaster and at the St Georges Day Parade in York. The flags for the Brownie and Guide Units needed to be replaced as they had been in use for over 50 years.


The Board were very supportive of the application and emphasised the importance of young people’s engagement in organisations such as the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.


The Board requested that once the new flags had been produced, an opportunity to publicise the work of the CEF and its funding for local groups should be arranged with the Tadcaster Girl Guides. The Development Officer informed the Board that work on CEF promotional plaques was ongoing, and that the Guides were a potential recipient when the plaques had been produced.



i)    To recommend that the grant of £719 to Girl Guiding – Tadcaster be approved as outlined in the application.


ii)  That publicity, including a plaque, to advertise the CEF’s contribution to the purchase of new flags be undertaken when the flags had been produced and received.



Tadcaster Swimming Pool Trust, 'Tadcaster Stingrays Coach Funding', £1,000 pdf icon PDF 403 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £1,000 towards the cost of coach funding for the Tadcaster Stingrays.


The Board noted that the application was to secure funding for an aspiring female swim coach, Jemima Browning, to undertake Swim England Level 1 and 2 swimming teacher/coach qualifications over the next 12 months. Jemima had been a helper at Tadcaster Swimming Pool for the past two years and had assisted voluntarily with the pool’s special needs group which catered for younger children and was attended by her younger brother. In May 2016, a swimming group (the Tadcaster Stingrays) was set up for older children aged 11 to 18. In gaining funding for Jemima to undertake her Swim England Teacher/Coach certification, the Stingrays Group was ensured a future.


Having read the application, the Board Members expressed how impressed they were with the amount of work put into the Stingrays group by Jemima, and wished her every success with her future endeavours.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that it had met the requirements of the funding framework. 



To recommend that the grant for £1,000 to the Tadcaster Swimming Pool Trust be approved as outlined in the application.



Selby Hands of Hope, 'Creating Lasting Links', £5,170 pdf icon PDF 297 KB

Additional documents:


The Board noted that the application from Selby Hands of Hope had been withdrawn and would be resubmitted for consideration at the Partnership Board meeting on 12 March 2018, in order for the group to attend the Forum on 29 January 2018 and make a presentation.



i)      To defer the application in order for the group to present their proposal to the Tadcaster and Villages Forum on 29 January 2018.


ii)     To resubmit the application for consideration by the Board at its next meeting on 12 March 2018.



1st Tadcaster Scout Group, 'Refurbishment of Toilets at Scout Hut', £1,000 pdf icon PDF 339 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £1,000 to refurbish the toilets at the Scout Hut to provide a disabled toilet and improve the existing boys and girls toilets.


The Board felt that the application would benefit from input from the Development Officer before being considered; the Development Officer would assist the group in developing the application for the refurbishment project. The application could be re-submitted to the Board for consideration at their next meeting on 12 March 2018.


Board Members agreed that consideration of the application should be deferred in order for further work to be undertaken.



To defer consideration of the application in order for the Scout Group to undertake further work on the application with the Development Officer, for resubmission for consideration by the Board at its next meeting on 12 March 2018.



Tadcrafters CIC, 'Festival of Light 2018', £1,000 pdf icon PDF 423 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £1,000 towards the supply of materials and equipment necessary to make lanterns for the Festival of Light 2018; any equipment and items left over would be used in future lantern parades and similar Tadcrafters activities within the community.


The applicant explained that Tadcrafters CIC had been asked by the Tadcaster Events Management Project Team (TEMPT) to run workshops to make the smaller designs of the lanterns which had been created at the previous year’s Festival of Light.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that the Festival of Light was a well-attended community event which benefitted the local community.



To recommend that the grant of £1000 to Tadcrafters CIC be approved as outlined in the application.



Tadcaster and Villages CEF, 'Christmas Card Competition', £480.00 pdf icon PDF 217 KB


The Board were asked to note the grant of £480 to the Tadcaster and Villages Community Engagement Forum in order to deliver the Christmas Card Competition.


The application had been considered by the Board via email using the emergency application process because of the short timescale in which to arrange the competition with local schools in time for Christmas. As such, the application could not wait for consideration by the Board at its meeting on 15 January 2018. No objections to the grant were received from Board Members.


The Board noted that the competition had been a success with good engagement from the local schools. The final amount of money raised from sale of the cards would be circulated to the Board when known.


The Board agreed that the application had met the requirements of the funding framework.



                        To note the grant of £480 to the Tadcaster and Villages CEF as outlined in the application considered by the Board and the Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers in November 2017.



Tadcaster Town Council, 'Riverside Project', £1,400 pdf icon PDF 342 KB

Additional documents:


The Board were asked to consider the application for £1,400 towards the planting of perennial shrubs and annual bedding plants at the riverbank flowerbed, which formed part of the Riverside Park Scheme in Tadcaster.


The Board noted that the Town Council wanted to see the flower bed become an integral part of the riverside and compliment the Riverside Project. The delivery of the Riverside Project in 2018 would promote Tadcaster by bringing families from the town and surrounding villages to the riverside. The increased footfall would have a positive impact on local businesses in the town.


The Board discussed the application from the Town Council in detail. The Board were advised that the funding framework stated that Parish Councils (and therefore Town Councils) could not apply for small grant funding but that any organisation could apply for project funding.


The Board noted that the Riverside Project had received funding from other organisations, including the Town Council, and that the development of the project would contribute to the work of ensuring the town and its economy continued to recover after the floods of 2015.


The Board Members requested that publicity around the CEF’s contribution to the funding of the project, including a plaque, should be undertaken when the project was complete.



i)       To recommend that the grant of £1,400 to Tadcaster Town Council be approved as outlined in the application.


ii)     That publicity around the CEF’s contribution to the funding of the project, including a plaque, be undertaken when the project was complete.



Tadcaster Town Council, 'Tadcaster Gateways Project', £462.00 pdf icon PDF 344 KB

Additional documents:


The Board were asked to consider the funding application for £462 towards the Tadcaster Gateways Project.


It was noted that the Town Council wanted to continue to improve the planting at the York Road gateway to Tadcaster and the grassed area at the entrance of Field Drive. The Council had in principle agreed to support the annual planting and fund the creation of the new flower bed. For maximum impact and to see conformity between East and West it was proposed that a 2 sleeper high bed, in line with the two at the entrance to Station Road, be provided.


The Board were advised that the application deviated from the guidance in the funding framework which stated that Parish Councils (and therefore Town Councils) could not apply for small grant funding, and that they would need to give clear reasons for deviating away from the framework if they decided to grant funding to the Town Council.


The Board Members agreed that the Tadcaster Gateways project had originally featured on the CEF’s Community Development Plan. It was agreed and that this application constituted the final component and completion of the Gateways project, and as such, should be funded by the CEF.



To recommend that the grant of £462 to Tadcaster Town Council be approved as outlined in the application.



Tadcaster and Villages Community Engagement Forum and Tadcaster and Rural CIC pdf icon PDF 309 KB

To consider the briefing note.

Additional documents:


The Board received the report set out in the agenda, introduced by the Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers. It was explained that the matter had been brought to the attention of the Board because there was a need for clarity about how the budget of the CEF continues to be spent, particularly on projects which were now meant to be self-sufficient as well as how the Board wanted to move forward with communications and marketing for the CEF.


The Board noted that the original plan for Tadcaster Today magazine was for it to become self-funding through advertising. Since its inception in 2014, the CEF had continued to fund the publication on an annual basis. The Board noted that the relationship between the CEF and the CIC when the magazine was started was markedly different to the current arrangements, due to there being a new model of governance, administrated by Selby District Council. It was explained that the current funding framework for grants and projects stated that if an organisation had been granted funding, they could not apply again for the same application or project for another two years.


Board Members acknowledged that communications and marketing for the CEF, the management and safeguarding of the budget and the guidance in the funding framework meant that the funding of Tadcaster Today should be examined.


The Board were supportive of the magazine and discussed options for ensuring it could continue in circulation. The Board also noted that the magazine had not evolved as far as they would have wanted.


Following detailed discussions by the Board Members, it was proposed that the magazine continue to be funded by the CEF for another four issues (i.e. up to the end of December 2018), with the caveat that work be undertaken with Selby District Council Communications Team in order to move towards making the magazine self-sustainable and self-funding through advertising. It was also agreed that discussions would also be had with Tadcaster Town Council about the publication, who had agreed to fund the magazine for another four issues (up to December 2018).


The Board Members requested that an impact and update report be submitted for consideration by the Board in June 2018 (by the second issue) in order to monitor the progress of the CIC’s work with Selby District Council towards the publication’s sustainability. Board Member Kirsty Perkins volunteered to assist with the development of the options.


Lastly, with regards to publicity for the CEF, the Chair explained that the distribution of flyers for upcoming Forum meetings had proved to be very successful, and should continue.



i)       To fund Tadcaster Today magazine for an additional four issues up to December 2018 as agreed at the November 2017 Board.


ii)     That Tadcaster and Rural CIC, with support from Board Member Kirsty Perkins, work with Selby District Council’s Communications Team and Tadcaster Town Council to develop ways in which Tadcaster Today magazine could become self-financing and sustainable.


iii)    That Tadcaster and Rural CIC bring a report  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.


Community Development Plan pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To note the CDP Action Plan and consider any updates.


The Development Officer presented an updated Community Development Plan (CDP), which had been published with the agenda.


The flyers sent out as publicity for Forums had proved to be very useful in drumming up interest in the forthcoming Forum on 29 January. Representatives from the Tadcaster Medical Centre were keen to attend the Forum and would be sending the Practice Manger and two General Practitioners to speak.


The Development Officer had been contacted by a number of organisations who were interested in applying for CEF funding and had been working with them on their ideas. It was noted that some applicants would be attending the Forum on 29 January in order to present their ideas to the Board.


The Board noted the importance of ensuring a diversity of topics at Forum meetings in order to maintain the interest of local people.



                             To note the updates to the Community Development Plan.



Budget Update pdf icon PDF 25 KB

To consider the finance report.


The remaining budget for the 2017/18 financial year of £28,220.11 was noted. There were no questions from the Board.



To note the budget update.



Community Updates pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To receive, for information, the updates listed below.


·           Community Development Plan on Tadcaster and Rural CIC Actions

·           Future Arrangements – Tadcaster Business Forum

·           Future Arrangements – Visit Tadcaster 

·           Tadcaster and Rural CIC Strategic Direction 2018

·           Updated TEMPT Calendar of Events



Additional documents:


Various updates from the Tadcaster and Rural CIC had been circulated with the agenda to update the Board on the CIC’s work.


Following the Board’s earlier discussions around Tadcaster Today magazine, it was noted that the CIC would be working towards ensuring that the Business Forums and Visit Tadcaster website were also self-sustaining, and would no longer require funding from the CEF.


The Board would continue to receive updates on the work of the CIC, who had requested assistance and advice form Selby District Council on how to ensure the success of both the Business Forums and Visit Tadcaster.



i)    To note the updates from the CIC.


ii)   To continue to update the Partnership Board on the development of the Business Forum and Visit Tadcaster website.


iii)  To request guidance from Selby District Council on how to ensure the projects become sustainable and self-funding.



Future Meetings

To consider dates, themes and times for future meetings, including the 2018-19 municipal year. The Board is also asked to consider expenditure of no more than £450 (plus VAT) to produce and distribute flyers to promote the next Forum.


·         Forum - Monday 29 January 2018 - Riley Smith Hall, starts at 6.30pm

·         Partnership Board - Monday 12 March 2018 – The Ark, Tadcaster, starts at 7.00pm

·         Partnership Board – Monday 21 May 2018 – The Ark, Tadcaster, starts at 7.00pm

·         Forum – Monday 11 June 2018 – Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster, starts at 6.30pm

·         Partnership Board – Monday 10 September 2018 – The Ark, Tadcaster, starts at 7.00pm

·         Forum – Monday 24 September 2018 – Venue TBC, starts at 6.30pm

·         Partnership Board – Monday 12 November 2018 – The Ark, Tadcaster, starts at 7.00pm

·         Forum - Monday 14 January 2019 – Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster, starts at 6.30pm

·         Partnership Board – Monday 28 January 2019 – The Ark, Tadcaster, starts at 7.00pm

·         Forum - Monday 11 March 2019, Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster. Starts at 6.30pm





The next Forum meeting was to be held on 29 January 2018 from 6.30pm at Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster. The theme of the Forum would be ‘Meeting Your Health Needs’ and also include presentations from prospective funding applicants.


The Board noted the proposed dates for the 2018/19 municipal year, and asked that the Partnership Board scheduled for 21 May 2018 be rearranged for a week earlier on Monday 14 May 2018.


The Forum meeting on 11 June 2018 would be themed around Adult Education, and held at the Riley Smith Hall from 6.30pm.


The Chair indicated that the Forum on Monday 24 September 2018 should be held in one of the villages, specifically either Church Fenton or Ulleskelf. The Board emphasised the importance of choosing Forum themes that would be of interest to local people when they were held in the villages, for example, rural isolation, broadband provision, Yorkshire Water/sewerage matters.


The Development Officer explained that a model of sending out surveys to the areas in which Forums were to be held, to ask local residents what topics they would be interested in hearing about, had worked well for Southern and Western CEFs. The Board asked that this approach be trialled for the Tadcaster and Villages Forum meeting in September.



i)    That the meeting of the Partnership Board proposed for 21 May 2018 be rearranged to 14 May 2018.


ii)   That the proposed Forum meeting on 24 September 2018 be held in either Church Fenton or Ulleskelf villages.


iii)  That a survey be sent out to local people ahead of the Forum on 24 September 2018 in order to ascertain a theme.