Meeting documents

Selby - Tadcaster CEF Partnership Board
Monday, 12 March 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Meeting Room - The Ark

Contact: Victoria Foreman  01757 292046 or Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Kirsty Perkins and Councillors Chris Metcalfe, Richard Musgrave, Andrew Lee and Keith Ellis.



Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at


Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.


Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.


If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer.



Avis Thomas declared a personal interest in agenda item 5.4 – Tadcaster and Rural CIC, ‘Tadcaster Arts Festival 2018’, as she was on the Board of Directors for the Tadcaster and Rural Community Interest Company who would be organising the Arts Festival.


Sue Sheriff declared a personal interest in agenda item 5.6 – St Marys Church, Tadcaster ‘Replacement of Church Tower floodlights’ as she was the Reverend of St Marys Church who were applying for the funding from the Board.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 15 January 2018.



The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2018.



To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 15 January 2018.



Chairs Remarks

To receive any remarks and updates from the Chair.


The Chairman thanked the Development Officer for his continued work in supporting people and groups in the local community.


Funding Applications pdf icon PDF 280 KB

To consider the attached applications for funding using the Funding Framework; Board members are required to refer to the Funding Framework when considering applications.


The Chairman made the Board aware that the remaining budget for the 2017/18 year was £23,199 and that this would need to be taken into account when making decisions on funding applications at the meeting. If agreed, the total cost of the applications would be over (£25,097) the amount that was available to the Board for the remainder of 2017/18.



Selby Hands of Hope, 'Creating Lasting Links', £5,170 pdf icon PDF 382 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £5,170 towards the Creating Lasting Links project to coordinate 12 ‘pop up’ charity shop days in villages across the Tadcaster and Villages CEF area.


The Board noted that the aim was to create a sustainable service for the local community and to build strong relationships with other organisations.


The Board were supportive of the application and felt that the work of Hands of Hope would be hugely beneficial to local people, especially those in crisis. The Board were also pleased to note that employment opportunities were offered to people with learning disabilities to help them build experience and confidence.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that it had met the requirements of the funding framework. 



To recommend that the grant of £5,170 to Selby Hands of Hope be approved as outlined in the application.



Selby District Disability Forum CIC, 'Tadcaster and Villages CEF Disability Action Group', £4,883 pdf icon PDF 384 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £4,883 towards identifying and bringing together a group of Tadcaster and Villages CEF area residents who could become a locally focused Disability Action Group for SDDF.


The Board noted that the focus of the project was to improve the Tadcaster and Villages area of the District for the benefit of anyone living within it who had a disability of any kind, supported someone with a disability, or wanted to see the area improved for all.


The applicants suggested that, if funding was agreed, the Board defer payment of the funds to the 2018/19 financial year, as the project was not due to commence until September 2018. This would ensure that more of the remaining 2017/18 funding (£23,199) was available for other applications on the agenda.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that it had met the requirements of the funding framework. 



i)          To recommend that the grant for £4,883 to the Selby District Disability Forum CIC be approved as outlined in the application.


ii)         That payment of the funds to the Selby District Disability Forum CIC be deferred for payment until the 2018/19 financial year.



Kelcbar Community Social Committee, 'Dementia Forward Cafe', £2,500 pdf icon PDF 388 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £2,500 towards creating a small welcoming group run by volunteers providing refreshments and recreation in dementia friendly surroundings.


The Board noted that Dementia Forward would provide the recruitment, training and support for volunteers, and would also share the practice guide from other café projects along with necessary documents such as risk assessments.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that it had met the requirements of the funding framework. 



To recommend that the grant of £2,500 to Kelcbar Community Social Committee be approved as outlined in the application.



Tadcaster and Rural CIC, 'Tadcaster Arts Festival 2018', £5,000 pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £5,000 towards the Tadcaster Arts Festival 2018.


The Board noted that the aim of the festival was to deliver a cohesive and co-ordinated week-long set of performances which would bring new talent into the town and villages, but also show what talent the area already had.


Board Members noted that in terms of funding, the applicants felt it was important that the festival would break even, and if possible, provide a modest return on investment to supplement the existing Legacy Fund for TEMPT to continue to deliver its programme for the town. However, as this was the inaugural festival and aimed at the ongoing regeneration of the town, the applicants did not want to price residents or visitors out of the market. Therefore, it was hoped that many events would either be free or low cost.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that it had met the requirements of the funding framework.



To recommend that the grant of £5,000 to Tadcaster and Rural CIC be approved as outlined in the application.




Yorkshire Energy Doctor, 'Tadcaster and Villages Community Energy Ambassadors', £4,949 pdf icon PDF 386 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £4,949 towards creating Community Energy Ambassadors for the Tadcaster and Villages area.


The Board noted that that at least 16 residents in the Tadcaster and Villages CEF area would be trained as Community Energy Ambassadors to create a network of people who would have the skills and knowledge to be able to advise others on energy saving. The ambassadors will also be fully trained to cascade energy saving advice to friends, family and across the community.


The Board acknowledged the success of two previous schemes in the Selby District and the benefits that could be seen for residents in the Tadcaster and Villages area.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that it had met the requirements of the funding framework.



To recommend that the grant of £4,949 to the Yorkshire Energy Doctor be approved as outlined in the application.



St. Mary's Church Tadcaster, 'Replacement of Church Tower Floodlights', £595 pdf icon PDF 443 KB


The Board considered the application for £595 towards the replacement of church tower floodlights.


The Board noted that the church wished to continue to light up the tower in such a way that it could be seen from whichever direction visitors entered Tadcaster, and that new energy saving LED lights operating on a 24 hour timer would reduce running costs and help the environment.


The Board were pleased that the work would be undertaken as soon as funds had been received.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that it had met the requirements of the funding framework



To recommend that the grant of £595 to St Marys Church Tadcaster be approved as outlined in the application.



Stutton Village Social Committee, 'Funding for improved audio visual equipment', £1,000 pdf icon PDF 153 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £1,000 towards funding for improved audio visual equipment.


The Board noted that the Stutton Social Committee was a local voluntary community group that got together in 2015 with the aim of organising social events for the residents of Stutton parish and the surrounding area, with the intention of raising funds for various charities.


The Board acknowledged that as events run by the Social Committee had become more popular and increased in size, there was a need for improved audio-visual equipment to enable clear and accurate communication to those attending various events. The new equipment would also be used to enhance the Committee’s events in terms of sound and graphic displays.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that it had met the requirements of the funding framework.



To recommend that the grant of £1,000 to Stutton Village Social Committee be approved as outlined in the application.



1st Tadcaster Scout Group, 'Refurbishment of the toilets at the scout hut to provide a disabled toilet and improve the existing boys' and girls' toilets', £1,000 pdf icon PDF 399 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the application for £1,000 towards refurbishment of the toilets at the Scout Hut to provide a disabled toilet and improve the existing boys and girls toilets.


The Board noted that over the last few years the 1st Tadcaster Scouts had expanded significantly and there were now 2 Beaver colonies, 2 Cub packs, 2 Scout troops and an Explorer and Young Leader group.


The applicants explained that the Scouts had recently opened up their facilities to other organisations following the closure of (or restriction of access to) various local community facilities, such as Stutton Playgroup. The toilets had been identified as a priority area for improvement to ensure they met statutory access and hygiene rules.


The Board were supportive of the application and agreed that it had met the requirements of the funding framework. The applicants were encouraged by the Board to meet with the Development Officer in order to explore other avenues for funding in order to access funds to contribute towards the toilet refurbishment.



To recommend that the grant of £1,000 to 1st Tadcaster Scouts Group be approved as outlined in the application.



Pool of Sites Consultation - Additional Sites for the Consultation Plan

To receive additional information and a verbal update on sites in relation to the Pool of Sites Consultation.


The Board received a presentation from the Principal Planning Policy Officer on the additional sites included in the Pool of Sites consultation.


The Board asked questions of the Officer on the allocation of sites for residential and employment land in and around Tadcaster and discussed the impact of such development.



                             To note the additional sites for the consultation plan.



Budget Update pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To consider the finance report.


The remaining budget for the 2017/18 financial year of £23,199.11 was noted.


Following the allocation of all funds earlier in the meeting, the total balance had been spent and the Board noted that there would be no carry-over of funds into the 2018/19 year.



                             To note the budget update.



Update on Previous Grants and Projects pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To receive updates from the following funding recipients:


·           Sing Yourself Happy


The Board considered the update from Sing Yourself Happy and were pleased to note its ongoing popularity.



                             To note the update.




To discuss any points of interest relating to the Tadcaster and Villages CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work.


The Board did not currently have any points of interest to refer to the Council’s Communications Team.



Community Development Plan pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To note the CDP Action Plan and consider any updates.


The Development Officer presented an updated Community Development Plan (CDP) which had been published with the agenda.



                                         To note the updates to the Community Development Plan.



Community Updates pdf icon PDF 303 KB

To receive, for information, the updates listed below:


·           Tadcaster and Rural CIC Update against the Community Development Plan Projects

·           TEMPT Calendar

Additional documents:


Community updates from the Tadcaster and Rural CIC had been circulated with the agenda to update the Board on the CIC’s progress against CDP projects and the work of the Tadcaster Events Management Project Team (TEMPT).



To note the updates from the CIC.



Feedback from Recent Forums

To note any feedback regarding the Forum held on 29 January 2018 at Riley Smith Hall.


The Board discussed the recent Forum held on 29 January 2018 at Riley Smith Hall and agreed that the turnout and presentations had been good. The Chair was pleased with the work of the Tadcaster and Villages CEF as a whole.



                        To note the feedback from the Forum held on 29 January 2018 at Riley Smith Hall.



Future Meetings

To consider dates, themes and times for future meetings, including the 2018-19 municipal year. The Board is also asked to consider expenditure of no more than £450 (plus VAT) to produce and distribute flyers to promote the next Forum.


Partnership Board - Monday 14 May 2018 - The Ark, Tadcaster, starts at 7pm


Forum - Monday 11 June 2018 - Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster, starts at 6.30pm


Partnership Board - Monday 10 September 2018 – The Ark, Tadcaster, starts at 7pm


Forum - Monday 24 September 2018 – Venue TBC (Ulleskelf or Church Fenton), starts at 6.30pm


Partnership Board - Monday 12 November 2018 – The Ark, Tadcaster, starts at 7pm,


Forum - Monday 14 January 2019 - Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster, starts at 6.30pm


Partnership Board - Monday 28 January 2019 - The Ark, Tadcaster, starts at 7pm


Forum - Monday 11 March 2019 - Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster, starts at 6.30pm


The next Partnership Board meeting was to be held on 14 May 2018 from 7pm at The Ark, Tadcaster.


The next Forum would be held at Riley Smith Hall on Monday 11 June 2018 from 6.30pm. The theme of the Forum would be ‘Adult Education’.


The Board agreed that the Forum meeting on 24 September 2018 should be held at Church Fenton Village Hall, and that the theme should reflect issues experienced in the local area, i.e. social isolation, and how local residents were combatting it this with initiatives such as the Church Fenton Community Shop.



i)      To note the future meetings of the Tadcaster and Villages Community Engagement Forum.


ii)     To ask the Democratic Services Officer to book Church Fenton Village Hall for the Forum meeting on 24 September 2018.