Meeting documents

Richmondshire - Council
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Business Items
 Download the Agenda
 131210 Council Agenda 
 Item 1 - Chairman's Announcement
 Item 2 - Apologies for Absence
 Item 3 - Welcome to Mercury House
 Item 4 - Public Speaking
 Item 5 - Minutes

To confirm the Minutes of the following meetings as an accurate record: (a) 22 October 2013 (b) 20 November 2013 (Extraordinary)

 item 6 - Declarations of Interest
 Item 7 - Chairman's Engagements

To receive a list of the Chairman’s Engagements for the period 23 October 2013 to 10 December 2013.

 131210 Council_Item 7_Chairmans Engagements 
 Item 8(a) - Statement from the Leader of the Council/Chairman of Strategy Board/Questions to the Leader and the Strategy Board Spokespersons
 131210 Council_Item 8(a)_Leaders Statement 
 Item 8(b) - Referrals from Committees

The Democratic Services Manager to seek Council’s ratification of the recommendations from Committees.

 131210 Council_Item 8(b)_Referrals from Committees 
 Download the Minutes
 131210 Council Minutes