Meeting: |
Executive |
To: |
Councillors Carl Les (Chairman), Gareth Dadd, Derek Bastiman, Michael Harrison, Simon Myers, Janet Sanderson, David Chance, Keane Duncan, Greg White and Annabel Wilkinson. |
Date: |
Tuesday, 8th November 2022 |
Time: |
11.00 am |
Venue: |
Meeting Room 3, County Hall, Northallerton |
This meeting is being held as an in-person meeting that is being broadcast and recorded and will be available to view via the following link - Live meetings | North Yorkshire County Council. The meeting is also ‘hybrid’, which enables people to attend the meeting remotely using MS Teams. Please contact the named supporting officer for the committee, if you would like to find out more.
The government position is that of learning to live with COVID-19, removing domestic restrictions while encouraging safer behaviours through public health advice. In view of this, hand cleanser and masks will be available for attendees upon request. The committee room will be well ventilated and attendees encouraged to avoid bottlenecks and maintain an element of social distancing. Please contact the named supporting officer for the committee, if you have any queries or concerns about the management of the meeting and the approach to COVID-19 safety.
Please do not attend if on the day you have COVID-19 symptoms or have had a recent positive Lateral Flow Test.
1. |
2. |
Minutes of the Meetings held on 18 October 2022 and 25 October 2022
(Pages 5 - 14) |
3. |
Declarations of Interest
4. |
Exclusion of the public from the meeting during consideration of each of the items of business listed in Column 1 of the following table on the grounds that they each involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraph(s) specified in column 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information)(Variation) Order 2006:
5. |
Public Questions and Statements |
Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice to Melanie Carr of Democratic and Scrutiny Services and supplied the text (contact details below) by midday on Thursday 3 November 2022, three working days before the day of the meeting. Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item. Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak:- · at this point in the meeting if their questions/statements relate to matters which are not otherwise on the Agenda (subject to an overall time limit of 30 minutes); · when the relevant Agenda item is being considered if they wish to speak on a matter which is on the Agenda for this meeting. If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.
6. |
Fees and Charges Policy and approach to establishing charges for the new Council, including proposed inflationary uplift(s) for the 23/24 financial year to support budgeting and medium term financial planning |
(Pages 15 - 24) |
Recommendations: It is recommended that the Executive: i. Approve the Fees and Charges Policy set out in Appendix A to the report; ii. Approve the proposed inflationary uplift of 6% for 2023/24 on relevant income budgets; iii. Delegate the consultation on taxi licensing fees, consideration of the consultation responses and final decision to adopt taxi licensing fees to the S151 Officer in consultation with the Executive Member for Open for Business.
7. |
North Yorkshire Council Branding |
(Pages 25 - 32) |
Recommendations: That the Executive agree: i. The brand design for North Yorkshire Council. Ii The approach and costs outlined for the deployment of branding.
8. |
Electric Vehicle Rollout Strategy |
(Pages 33 - 60) |
Recommendations: The Executive are asked to approve: i. The proposed public consultation draft of the Electric Vehicle (EV) Public Charging infrastructure Rollout Strategy for North Yorkshire. ii. The launch of a public consultation on the priority actions and measures contained in the strategy.
9. |
Double Devolution - process for the consideration of identifying pilot town/parish Councils |
(Pages 61 - 72) |
Recommendations: The Executive are asked to: i. To agree a pilot inviting town and parish councils to submit expressions of interest in managing services and assets on behalf of North Yorkshire Council. ii. To agree the process, criteria and outline timetable as set out in the report.
10. |
Report on progress since the publication of the report of the North Yorkshire Rural Commission in July 2021 |
(Pages 73 - 92) |
Recommendations: The Executive are asked to: i. Receive and consider the report on progress since publication of the report of the North Yorkshire Rural Commission in July 2021. ii. Integrate the challenges set out by the Rural Commission and the work undertaken by the Rural Task Force into the strategy and delivery of North Yorkshire Council. iii. Lobby the Government again on the need for it to recognise the distinctive challenges experienced by rural communities and place the rural dimension and rural problems at the heart of the national policy framework. In particular by the provision of fairer funding for super-sparse schools, more support for electric vehicle charging infrastructure, more support for the farming sector and additional resources to achieve digital inclusion in rural communities.
11. |
Review of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Provision |
(Pages 93 - 162) |
Recommendations: That the Executive, having undertaken the required preliminary checks, resolve that: i. The four key issues listed above in paragraph 7.3 of the report have been satisfied and therefore there can be a determination of the proposals. ii. The following proposals be determined: · To remove residential (boarding) provision at Brompton Hall School from 1 September 2024, with no new residential placements made from September 2023. · To change from single-sex (boys) to co-educational provision at Brompton Hall School from 1 September 2023. · To introduce a phased increase in the number of day places at Brompton Hall School from 67 to up to 85 from 1 September 2023
12. |
Area Constituency Committee Feedback Report |
(Pages 163 - 172) |
Recommendation: That the Executive notes the report and considers any matters arising from the work of the Area Constituency Committees, that merits further scrutiny, review or investigation at a county-level.
13. |
Appointments To Outside Bodies
(Pages 173 - 174) |
14. |
Forward Plan
(Pages 175 - 186) |
15. |
Confidential Minute of the Meeting held on 25 October 2022 (Pages 187 - 188)
16. |
Other business which the Leader agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances
Contact Details |
Enquiries relating to this agenda please contact Melanie Carr Tel: 01609 533849 or e-mail:
Barry Khan
Assistant Chief Executive