North Yorkshire County Council
Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee
Minutes of the special meeting held on Thursday, 28th July, 2022 commencing at 10.00 am at Harrogate Civic Centre.
Present: County Councillor Monika Slater in the Chair, and County Councillors Chris Aldred, Philip Broadbank, Sam Gibbs, Michael Harrison, Paul Haslam, Peter Lacey, Mike Schofield, Matt Walker, Arnold Warneken and Robert Windass.
Officers present: Ruth Gladstone.
Other Attendees: Zoe Metcalfe (North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner), Mat Walker (Interim Deputy Chief Fire Officer), Dave Winspear (NYFRS Area Manager and Head of Transformation) and Tom Thorp (Assistant Chief Executive, Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire). Paul James (Chair of North Yorkshire Fire Brigades Union (FBU)) and 4 members of the public/press/other members of the FBU.
Apologies: County Councillors Pat Marsh, Hannah Gostlow and John Mann.
Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book
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Declarations of Interest
No declarations of interest were made at this stage of the meeting.
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Public Questions or Statements
A statement was made by Paul James (Chair of North Yorkshire Fire Brigades Union). A copy of the statement is appended to these Minutes.
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North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service - Risk and Resource Model 2022-25 - Consultation
Considered: The Risk and Resource Model 2022-25 consultation document for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, together with a more detailed technical document supplied by the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire.
North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoe Metcalfe, together with Mat Walker (Interim Deputy Chief Fire Officer) and Dave Winspear (NYFRS Area Manager and Head of Transformation) introduced the proposals and responded to the statement made by Paul James (Chair of North Yorkshire Fire Brigades Union). They, together with Tom Thorp (Assistant Chief Executive, Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire), responded to Members’ questions.
A recording of the meeting is available for viewing at
Note: During discussion about increases in deprivation and fuel poverty and the consequent use of solid fuel fire to heat homes, County Councillor Arnold Warneken declared an interest as he had a log business.
Resolved –
That the Committee respond as follows to the consultation:-
· The Committee has major concerns about the plan to reduce the night cover for Harrogate to one vehicle with a crew of 4 firefighters. · The Committee welcomes investment proposals for increased spending on the prevention of fires, flooding and road traffic accidents. · The Committee has concerns about the self-rostering proposal and the potential impact on staff. · The Committee requests that current average response times to incidents are published to provide a benchmark against which any future targets set by North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service can be monitored, together with the impact of any changes that do come as a result of the proposals if adopted.
The meeting concluded at 12.35 pm.