North Yorkshire Council
The Charter Trustees for Scarborough
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 30th May, 2024 commencing at 11.00 am.
Councillor John Ritchie in the Chair plus Councillors Eric Broadbent, Liz Colling, Janet Jefferson, Rich Maw, and Tony Randerson.
Officers present: Fiona Casson, St John Harris, Karen Iveson (remote) and Carol Rehill
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Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
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Election of Charter Mayor
It was moved by Councillor Colling, seconded by Councillor Maw and Resolved (unanimously)-
That Councillor Janet Jefferson be and is hereby elected the Charter Mayor of Scarborough for 2024/25.
The Charter Mayor made the declaration of acceptance of office.
Councillor Janet Jefferson in the Chair
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Election of Deputy Charter Mayor
It was moved by Councillor Jefferson, seconded by Councillor Colling and Resolved (unanimously)-
That Councillor John Ritchie be and is hereby elected the Deputy Charter Mayor of Scarborough for 2024/25.
The Deputy Charter Mayor made the declaration of acceptance of office.
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Calendar of Meetings
Resolved (unanimously)- That the date and time of the other proposed scheduled meetings for 2024-25 – 26 July 2024 and 25 October 2024 at 10am – be approved.
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Appointment of one representative and a substitute to the Association of Charter Trustee Towns
It was moved and seconded and Resolved (unanimously) – That the Charter Mayor, Councillor Janet Jefferson, and the Deputy Charter Mayor, Councillor John Ritchie be appointed as the Charter Trustees’ representative and substitute respectively to the Association of Charter Trustee Towns.
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Appointment of external auditors
It was moved and seconded and Resolved (unanimously) – That the Charter Trustees for Scarborough agree the use of the Smaller Authorities’ Auditor Appointments framework for the appointment of the external auditor.
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Any Other Items
There was no urgent business.
The meeting concluded at 12.00 pm.