The decisions likely to be taken by North Yorkshire County Council in the following 12 months are set out below:
Publication Date:
15 March 2021 |
Last updated: |
15 March 2021 |
Period covered by Plan: |
31 March 2022 |
All public Committee meetings of the Council where the public can attend have been suspended. Following on from the Prime Minister’s announcement on 23 March 2020 about fundamental restrictions on public travel and movement, the Leader of the Council, Cllr Carl Les, has stopped all public, committee meetings of the Council for the foreseeable future. The council business will continue but in a different way. Emergency powers have been invoked that enable the Chief Executive, Richard Flinton, to make decisions that would previously have been made by the Council’s committees. We will keep the position under review as the Government consider drafting legislation and regulations to allow for virtual meetings and we will consider how best to engage with the public to ensure that good governance, transparency and public engagement is maintained during this time.
In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to information)(England) Regulations 2012, at least 28 clear days’ notice, excluding the day of notification and the day of decision taking, must be published on the Forward Plan of any intended key decision. It is also a requirement that 28 clear days’ notice is published of the intention to hold a Executive meeting or any part of it in private for the consideration of confidential or exempt information. For further information and advice please contact the Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager on 01609 533531.
Likely Date of Decision |
Decision Taker (membership of the Council and all its Committees is set out in Part 3 of the Constitution) |
In Consultation with (Executive Member or Corporate Director) |
Description of Matter – including if the report contains any exempt information and the reasons why |
Key Decision
Decision Required |
Consultees (i.e. the principal groups to be consulted) |
Consultation Process (i.e. the means by which any such consultation is to be undertaken) |
How representations may be made and details of Contact Person (Tel: 0845 034 9494) unless specified otherwise) |
Relevant documents already submitted to Decision Taker |
11 Mar 2021
Executive Member for Access |
Corporate Director of Strategic Resources, Executive Member for Customer Engagement, including contact centre, website, libraries, digital, and performance management (complaints and compliments).
Grant Funding from Harrogate Borough Council to facilitate the delivery of Wi-Fi & LPWANs in the Harrogate Area
Yes |
To consider whether to accept
Melanie Carr, Principal Democratic Services & Scrutiny Officer |
12 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services, Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care
Procurement of care at Esk Moor Lodge
Yes |
To seek approval to proceed with the procurement for care at Esk Moor Lodge
No formal consultation will be undertaken, but an engagement process will be carried out with interested parties |
Procurement process |
Dawn Day 01609 535347 |
12 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Procurement of the Winter Health Co-ordination Contract
Yes |
To approve proceeding with the procurement of the winter health co-ordination contract.
N/A |
No formal consultation will be undertaken, but an engagement process will be carried out |
Carly Walker, Health Improvement Manager, Health and Adult Services 01609 536910 |
12 Mar 2021
Assistant Director - Technology and Change |
Procurement of Replacement Case Management systems for Education, Adult Social Care and Children's Social Care, Youth Justice and NEET
Yes |
To seek approval to commence the procurement of several replacement case management systems for North Yorkshire County Council
N/A |
N/A |
Gary Cochrane, Senior Project Manager 01609 533318 |
16 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
Post-16 Home to School Transport Charges 2021-22
Yes |
To set the agreed contribution charge for post 16 home to school transport for the academic year 2021-22.
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Marion Sadler, Business Support Manager/Leadership Support (CYPS) |
17 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care
Fees payable for external providers of social care provision
Yes |
To approve fees and annual uplift level for 2021-22
Independent Care Group |
Direct negotiations with Independent Care Group |
Dawn Day, Dale Owens, AD Commissioning and Quality 01609 532695, |
17 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care
Fees for in-house community care services for 2021 - 22
Yes |
To approve the proposed changes in fees and charges for in-house community care services plus meals, transport and laundry services for 2021/22.
Dawn Day, Dale Owens, AD Commissioning and Quality 01609 532695, |
22 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Strategic Resources |
Establishment of Wi-Fi and Low Powered Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) in the Harrogate Area
Yes |
To seek approval for the commissioning of Wi-Fi and LPWANs in the Harrogate area
Harrogate Borough Council |
Correspondence & meetings |
Melanie Carr, Principal Democratic Services & Scrutiny Officer |
23 Mar 2021
Executive |
Collaboration Agreement - Shared Waste Arrangements with City of York Council
Yes |
To agree to enter into a collaboration agreement for a shared waste arrangement with City of York Council
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Peter Jeffreys, Head of Service - Waste |
23 Mar 2021
Executive |
Revised Plan for Economic Growth
Yes |
To approve the revised NYCC plan for Economic Growth
NYCC Directorates, BES Executive Members, District Authorities / NPA's LEP |
Internal workshops with NYCC Memebers and officers, and written informal consultation with external partners. Representations can be made by email to lead officer. |
Mak Kibblewhite, Seniotr Policy Officer, Economic Growth |
23 Mar 2021
Executive |
Scrutiny Review Final Report - Single Use Plastics
No |
To present the findings and recommendations araising from the scrutiny review undertaken by the Transport, Economy and Environment Overview & Scrutiy Committee on its review of ways to reduce single-use plastics usage by the County Council, its suppliers and amongst residents.
By email to Jonathan Spencer, Corporate
Development Officer |
Jonathan Robert Spencer, Principal Scrutiny Officer |
23 Mar 2021
Executive Member for Education & Skills |
Kell Bank CE VC Primary School –school closure proposal
Yes |
Following the publication of statutory notices,
to determine whether to cease to maintain (to close) Kell Bank CE
VC Primary School with effect from 31 August 2021; to extend the
catchment area of Masham CE VA Primary School with effect from 1
September 2021 to serve the area currently served by Kell Bank CE
VC Primary School.
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, District and Parish Councils, Diocese and other local stakeholders. |
Public consultation ran from 2 November 2020 to
21 December 2020. Statutory notices will be published on 5 February
2021 until 5 March 2021. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills, Marion Sadler, Business Support Manager/Leadership Support (CYPS), |
Kell Bank CE VC Primary School –school closure proposal |
24 Mar 2021
Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans |
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services, Corporate Director of Strategic Resources
Bid for Substance Misuse Grant Funding
Yes |
To bid for a local authority grant for additional drug treatment crime and harm reduction activity in 2021/22
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Angela Hall, Health Improvement Manager 01609 533552 |
26 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Open to Business
Procurement of the Careers Advice Service Contract
Yes |
To approve proceeding with the procurement of the Creers Advice service contract
N/A |
No formal consultation will be undertaken but an engagement process will be carried out |
Alison Dickinson, Jude Knight, Senior Skills Manager and Social Inclusion Lead 01609 532077 or 07970 280562, |
26 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Access
Transforming Cities Fund Delivery Contract
Yes |
Agreement to commence procurement exercise to deliver the Transforming Cities Fund Programme
Harrogate Borough Council, Craven District Council, Selby District Cuncil and West Yorkshire Combined Authority |
Through project team meetings held by Aidan Rayner, NYCC |
Tricia Richards |
26 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Access
Funding approval to Nidderdale AONB for landscape works relating to construction of A59 Kex Gill Diversion
No |
To seek funding approval to Nidderdale AONB for implementing and maintaining landscape works in connection with a Section 111 Agreement
N/a |
N/a |
Mark Hugill, Senior Engineer, Highways & Transportation |
26 Mar 2021
Business and Environmental Services - Executive Members & Corporate Director Meetings |
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services
Consultation Response on Zero Emission Vehicles
No |
The Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) is seeking views on ways to improve the consumer experience for electric vehicle drivers at public chargepoints.
n/a |
n/a |
Jane Connolly |
31 Mar 2021
Corporate Director of Strategic Resources |
Future Commissioning of the Council's Oracle E-Business Suite Support
Yes |
To seek approval in relation to the future commissioning of the council’s Oracle E-Business Suite Support
N/A |
Graham Pearey, Procurement Officer |
6 Apr 2021
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
The expansion of Barlby School requires a variation to the PFI Contract dated 30 March 2001 between NYCC and the school provider
Yes |
Approve the terms of the variation to the PFI contract for Barlby School
Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services |
Meetings and discussions |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
The expansion of Barlby School requires a variation to the PFI Contract dated 30 March 2001 between NYCC and the school provider |
9 Apr 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care
Extension of the Domiciliary Care and other regulated services Approved Provider List
Yes |
To seek permission to extend the existing Approved Provider List (APL) to ensure continued delivery of statutory services
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services 01609 535371 |
9 Apr 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care
Extension of the NYCC Care Home (Nursing & Residential) Approved Provider List
Yes |
To seek permission to extend the existing Approved Provider List (APL) to ensure continued delivery of statutory services.
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services 01609 535371 |
9 Apr 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care
Extension of the NYCC Non-Regulated Services Approved Provider List
Yes |
To seek permission to extend the existing Approved Provider List (APL)
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services 01609 535371 |
9 Apr 2021
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care |
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services
Consultation on a new model for advocacy services
Yes |
To seek approval from the Executive Member to consult on a new model for Advocacy Services
Service providers, users of the service and engagement with relevant groups and forums |
Council website, focus groups, engagement sessions and surveys |
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services 01609 535371 |
9 Apr 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Green Homes Grant Funding
Yes |
The council is seeking permission to procure the delivery and installation of the green homes grant scheme to support low income households and people at risk of fuel poverty across North Yorkshire
Carly Walker, Health Improvement Manager, Health and Adult Services |
20 Apr 2021
Executive |
Amendments to Council Constitution
Yes |
To present proposed amendments for consideration and recommendation to full Council for approval.
Relevant NYCC officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
20 Apr 2021
Executive |
Redeployment of land to the north and south of Crosshills Lane, Selby
Yes |
To approve the proposed redeployment of the property
Philip Cowan, Non-Operational Property Manager, NYCC Property Services |
20 Apr 2021
Executive |
Young People's Accommodation Pathway
Yes |
To consider options for the future commissioning of arrangements. A decision is required to approve the approach and to agree a public consultation with service users.
District Councils. |
Officer engagement via working group. |
Mel Hutchinson |
None. |
20 Apr 2021
Executive |
A59 Kex Gill Diversion Contract Award
Yes |
To inform members of the outcome of the tendering process and seek approval to award the A59 Kex Gill diversion contract
N/A |
N/A |
Ken Moody, Major Projects Manager, BES |
23 Apr 2021
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Access, Executive Member for Open to Business
Financial Allocations for differing highway asset types for delivery in 2022/23
Yes |
To seek agreement for the indicative headline structural highways maintenance capital allocations for 22/23 delivery based on current planning assumptions. Also, to seek approval to carry out the relevant procurement processes.
BES Executive Members |
By email |
Karl Battersby, Corporate Director for Business and Environmental Services |
4 May 2021
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
Adult Learning and Skills Service Fees 2021/22
Yes |
To approve fee levels and charges for the Adult Learning and Skills Service for the academic year 2021/2
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Ann Featherstone, Team Leader Quality & Curriculum |
14 May 2021
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Contract for the provision of the Young Carers Support and Advice
Yes |
To seek approval for the procurement of a new contract for the provision of the Young Carers support and advice to commence 1 July 2022
No formal consultation will be undertaken, but an engagement process will be carried out with interested parties. |
An engagement process and meetings with interested parties |
Stuart Williams, Senior Commissioning and Contracting Officer |
14 May 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Extension of the Public Health Pharmacy Provider List
Yes |
To seek permission to extend the existing Approved Provider List to ensure continued service delivery until 31 March 2024.
Victoria Ononeze, Public Health Consultant 01609 797045 |
14 May 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Extension of the Public Heath GP Provider List
Yes |
To seek permission to extend the existing Approved Provider List to ensure continued delivery services until 31 March 2024
Victoria Ononeze, Public Health Consultant 01609 797045 |
16 May 2021
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Access
Construction of Scarborough Junction N,A170 - Contract Award
Yes |
To seek approval to award contract, in accordance with procurement regulations
N/A |
N/A |
Helen Watson, Improvement Manager, Highways and Transportation |
19 May 2021
County Council |
Amendments to Council Constitution
No |
To approve proposed amendments to the Constitution.
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
21 May 2021
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Access, Executive Member for Open to Business
Establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to procure passenger transport services across North Yorkshire
Yes |
To seek approval to establish and procure countywide passenger transport services through the use of a DPS.
N/A |
N/A |
Graham Pearey, Procurement Officer |
25 May 2021
Executive |
Q4 Performance Monitoring & Budget Report
No |
To update members on Q4 performance and budget, including Revenue Plan and Capital Plan
Management Board |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
Previous Quarterly Reports |
25 May 2021
Executive |
0-19 Healthy Child Section 75 Agreement - Consultation Feedback & Approval to move to a Partnership Model
Yes |
To approve the final model and Section 75 Agreement
Harrgate District Foundation Trust |
Via the Council's website |
Victoria Ononeze, Public Health Consultant, Michael Rudd, Head of Housing Marketing Development (Commissioning), Health and Adult Services 01609 535347/797045, |
0-19 Healthy Child Section 75 Agreement Report |
25 May 2021
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
School term and holiday dates 2022/23
Yes |
To approve school term and holiday dates for community, voluntary controlled, community special schools and maintained nursery schools for 2022/23
Schools and neighbouring local authorities |
Consultation with schools and neighbouring local authorities by letter. |
William Burchill |
10 Jun 2021
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Contract for the provision of Therapeutic Support to Adopters and Adoptees
Yes |
To seek approval for the procurement of a new contract for the provision of Therapeutic support to Adopters and Adoptees to commence 1 April 2022
No formal consultation will be undertaken, but an engagement process will be carried out. |
An engagement process and meetings with interested parties |
Alison Dickinson |
11 Jun 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Procurement of an intermediate pilot for short term care beds
Yes |
To approve the procurement of an Intermediate Pilot, intended to launch in October 2021.
N/A |
No formal consultation will be undertaken, but an engagement process will be carried out via a survey and meetings with interested parties |
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services, Craig Rowbotham, Service Development Project Manager, HAS 01609 532406 / 07966262891, |
11 Jun 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care
Home from Hospital
Yes |
To seek permission to re-procure the delivery of a home from hospital service
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services 01609 535371 |
22 Jun 2021
Executive |
Young People's Accomodation Pathway - Consultation Feedback & Extension of current Contract
Yes |
To consider feedback from public consultation and proposed extension of curewent
Mel Hutchinson 01609 536542 |
9 Jul 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care
Extension of Community Equipment Contract
Yes |
To approve an extension of the existing community equipment contract
N/A |
N/A |
Janine Tranmer, Head of Quality & Monitoring, HAS 01609 532983 |
21 Jul 2021
County Council |
Minerals and Waste Joint Plan Adoption
Yes |
To approve the adoption of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan.
N/A |
N/A |
Rachel Pillar
Minerals and Waste Joint Plan Submission version approved for submission on 15 February 2017 |
23 Jul 2021
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Access, Executive Member for Open to Business
To approve schemes that will be delivered through the 2022/23 Highways Capital Programme
Yes |
Approve schemes for delivery in the 2022/23 highways maintenance capital programme.
BES Executive Members. |
James Gilroy, Team Leader, Highway Asset Management |
13 Aug 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, incl Health & Wellbeing Board, health integration and extra care, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Re-procurement or in-sourcing of Shared Lives Scheme
Yes |
To seek approval to re-procure or in-source the Shared Lives Scheme
No formal consultation. An engagement process will take place with interested parties. |
N/A |
Adam Gray, Commissioning Manager, Health and Adult Services 01609 797276 |
24 Aug 2021
Executive |
Q1 Performance Monitoring & Budget Report
No |
Financial and Performance Monitoring report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management & Prudential Indicators
Management Board |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
Previous Quarterly Reports |
24 Sep 2021
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Access, Executive Member for Open to Business
Consideration of whether to end, amend, continue or make permanent the experimental traffic restrictions for Whitby Swing Bridge and adjacent streets
Yes |
Whether or not to make the experimental trial permanent, to change it or to abandon it.
Area 3 NYCC Members. Scarborough Borough Council. Statutory consultees, as consulted as a TRO. Residents, traders and visitors to Whitby. Major businesses. |
The Statutory
consultation process for an experimental Traffic Regulation Order
will be followed, plus any other legal processes required (eg legal
process to implement an enforcement regime for a moving traffic
offence). |
Helen Watson, Improvement Manager, Highways and Transportation / Highways Area office, Whitby. |
24 Sep 2021
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Access
Consideratino of experimental traffic restrictions for Whitby swing bridge and adjacent streets
Yes |
To consider whether or not to make the experimental trial permanent, to change it or to abandon it.
Area 3 NYCC Members and Scarborough Borough Council. |
The Statutory consultation process for an
experimental Traffic Regulation Order will be followed, plus any
other legal processes required (eg legal process to implement an
enforcement regime for a moving traffic offence). |
Helen Watson, Improvement Manager, Highways and Transportation |
7 Dec 2021
Executive |
Q2 Performance Monitoring & Budget Report
No |
Financial and Performance Monitoring report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management & Prudential Indicators
Manangement Board |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
Previous Quarterly Reports |
25 Jan 2022
Executive |
Draft Revenue Budget 2022/23 & Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
No |
To consider and recommend to County Council the
Revenue Budget 2022/23 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy
(MTFS) including the:
All members |
Budget consultation process |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
Should you wish to make representation as to the matter being discussed in public please contact Daniel Harry
Email: ( Tel: 01609 533531.