The decisions likely to be taken by North Yorkshire County Council in the following 12 months are set out below:
Publication Date:
29 November 2021 |
Last updated: |
29 November 2021 |
Period covered by Plan: |
30 November 2022 |
During the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, following the expiry of the legislation permitting remote committee meetings, remote live-broadcast committee meetings will continue, but with any formal decisions required being taken by the Chief Executive Officer under his emergency decision-making powers in the Officers’ Delegation Scheme, following consultation with Officers and Members as appropriate and after taking into account any views of the relevant Committee Members.
In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to information)(England) Regulations 2012, at least 28 clear days’ notice, excluding the day of notification and the day of decision taking, must be published on the Forward Plan of any intended key decision. It is also a requirement that 28 clear days’ notice is published of the intention to hold a Executive meeting or any part of it in private for the consideration of confidential or exempt information. For further information and advice please contact the Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager on 01609 533531.
Likely Date of Decision |
**Decision Taker |
In Consultation with (Executive Member or Corporate Director) |
Description of Matter – including if the report contains any exempt information and the reasons why |
Key Decision
Decision Required |
Consultees (i.e. the principal groups to be consulted) |
Consultation Process (i.e. the means by which any such consultation is to be undertaken) |
Contact details for making representations (Tel: 0845 034 9494) unless specified otherwise) |
Relevant documents already submitted to Decision Taker |
30 Nov 2021
Executive |
Sexual Health Service - service model consultation feedback and Draft Section 75 with York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Yes |
To request
agreement to move forward with the accepted service model.
York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |
Published via the Council’s website |
Emma Davis, Health Improvement Manager, Health and Adult Services, Katie Needham, Public Health Consultant, Health and Adult Services 01609 797063/01609 797154, |
30 Nov 2021
Executive |
Annual complaints report including LGSCO complaints
No |
Information only.
None. |
None. |
Dani Reeves, Senior Officer, Chief Executive's Office (01609 532272) |
30 Nov 2021
Executive |
Review of Personal Safety Measures for County Councillors
No |
To provide an overview of the measures that are currently in place for County Councillors to keep them safe when undertaking their duties and to highlight what further action to be taken.
Group Leaders, Health and Safety and Management Board |
By email |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
30 Nov 2021
Executive |
Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies
No |
With recent changes to Executive portfolios it is now necessary to make amendments to existing appointments to some outside bodies.
Executive |
Email correspondence |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
7 Dec 2021
Chief Executive Officer |
Q2 Performance Monitoring & Budget Report
No |
Financial and Performance Monitoring report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management & Prudential Indicators
Manangement Board |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
Previous Quarterly Reports |
7 Dec 2021
Chief Executive Officer |
Director of Public Health Annual Report
No |
For Executive to note the statutory annual report of the Director of Public Health for North Yorkshire
Louise Wallace, AD Health and Integration |
7 Dec 2021
Chief Executive Officer |
Safe accommodation for victims of Domestic Abuse and their families
Yes |
To agree a strategy on safe accommodation for victims of Domestic Abuse and their families
Cross-directorate NYCC, City of York Council, Office of the PFCC, North Yorkshire Police, district council leads, providers of current DA services (other key stakeholders in DA strategic partnership meetings) independent housing providers |
Multi-agency workshops, representation at relevant partnership meetings, single agency/ provider discussions, via emails |
Odette Robson, Head of Safer Communities |
7 Dec 2021
Chief Executive Officer |
Outbreak Management Peer Challenge
No |
Executive to note, to formally receive and accept the Outbreak Management Peer Challenge final report.
N/A |
N/A |
Richard Webb, Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
7 Dec 2021
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP |
Weaverthorpe Church of England Primary School – Consultation on school closure proposal
Yes |
To seek approval to begin a consultation on a proposal to cease to maintain Weaverthorpe Church of England Primary School from 31 August 2022.
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, Diocesan Boards, District and Parish Councils and other local stakeholders. |
Consultation Document Sent out to consultees and available on NYCC website. In writing to the Corporate Director- Children and Young People’s Service, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AE by 18th February 2022. |
Matt George, Strategic Planning Officer, CYPS |
7 Dec 2021
Assistant Director - Children & Families (CYPS) |
Executive Member for Children's Services
Contract for Independent Adoption Support Services
Yes |
To agree to the extension of the contract.
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Marion Sadler, Business Support Manager/Leadership Support (CYPS) |
10 Dec 2021
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Extension of the Adult Weight Management Service Contract
Yes |
To approve the extension of the adult weight management contract for a further two years
Current provider of the service |
Correspondence and meetings |
Katie Needham, Public Health Consultant, Health and Adult Services, Ruth Everson, Health Improvement Manager, |
13 Dec 2021
Assistant Chief Executive - Legal and Democratic Services |
Settlement Agreement - Joint Insurance Cost
Yes |
To consider the settlement agreement relating to an insurance cost issue under the PPP waste contract
City of York Council |
Catriona Gatrell |
11 Jan 2022
Executive |
Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Health Integration, incl Health & Wellbeing Board and Extra Care, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Re-procurement or in-sourcing of Shared Lives Scheme
Yes |
To seek approval to re-procure or in-source the Shared Lives Scheme
No formal consultation. An engagement process will take place with interested parties. |
N/A |
Adam Gray, Commissioning Manager, Health and Adult Services 01609 797276 |
11 Jan 2022
Executive |
Healthy Child Programme - Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Yes |
To inform Executive of the Emotional Health and wellbeing Section 75 consultation feedback and to request formal approval to move to a Partnership agreement
North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group |
Published via the Council’s website |
Victoria Ononeze, Public Health Consultant, Michael Rudd, Head of Housing Marketing Development (Commissioning), Health and Adult Services 01609 535347, |
11 Jan 2022
Executive |
Admission Arrangements 2023/2024
Yes |
To seek views from Members on the response to the proposed admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools for the school year 2023/2024 and approval for recommendation to the County Council for determination.
Schools and members of the public |
Public consultation via the website |
William Burchill |
11 Jan 2022
Executive |
Special School Budgets
Yes |
To approve final
details of the Special Schools Budgets 2022-23 including:
North Yorkshire Special Schools and Governing Bodies, North Yorkshire Schools Forum |
Consultation with
all special schools and special academies and discussion at North
Yorkshire Schools Forum. In writing to Howard Emmett, Assistant
Director, Strategic Resources (email to |
Howard Emmett |
11 Jan 2022
Executive |
Schools Budgets
Yes |
To approve final details of the Schools Block/DSG budgets for 2022/23 for submission to the Department for Education including Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG)
All schools and Governing Bodies, North Yorkshire Schools Forum |
Consultation with all mainstream schools and mainstream academies and discussion at North Yorkshire Schools Forum. In writing to Howard Emmett, Assistant Director, Strategic Resources (email to |
Howard Emmett |
11 Jan 2022
Executive |
Approval of a new 20mph speed limit policy
Yes |
Approval sought for a new 20mph speed limit policy following TEE Overview
David Kirkpatrick |
11 Jan 2022
Executive |
Dementia care facility in Harrogate
Yes |
To seek approval to construct and operate an NYCC owned dementia care facility in Harrogate
Other service
providers |
Formal consultation process in line with governance. Informal Open days. Community meetings |
Dale Owens, Assistant Director Prevention & Service Development, Commissioning (HAS)
11 Jan 2022
Executive |
A59 Kex Gill Diversion Contract Award
Yes |
To inform members of the outcome of the tendering process and seek approval to award the A59 Kex Gill diversion contract
Executive Members and Management Board at the informal Executive meeting held on 6 July 2021. |
N/A |
Mark Hugill, Senior Engineer, Highways & Transportation |
14 Jan 2022
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Health Integration, incl Health & Wellbeing Board and Extra Care
Extension to the Welfare Benefits Unit Contract
Yes |
To seek approval to extend the Welfare Benefits Unit Contract
Provider of the existing service |
Meetings and correspondence |
Linda Porritt, Head of Financial Assessment and Benefits, Resources Unit |
14 Jan 2022
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Health Integration, incl Health & Wellbeing Board and Extra Care
Extension to Citizens Advice North Yorkshire Contract
Yes |
To seek approval to extend the information and advice service contract provided by Citizens Advice North Yorkshire
Existing service provider |
Correspondence and meetings |
Linda Porritt, Head of Financial Assessment and Benefits, Resources Unit |
21 Jan 2022
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Access, Executive Member for Open to Business
Consideration of whether to end, amend, continue or make permanent the experimental traffic restrictions for Whitby Swing Bridge and adjacent streets
Yes |
Whether or not to make the experimental trial permanent, to change it or to abandon it.
Area 3 NYCC Members. Scarborough Borough Council. Statutory consultees, as consulted as a TRO. Residents, traders and visitors to Whitby. Major businesses. |
The Statutory consultation process for an
experimental Traffic Regulation Order will be followed, plus any
other legal processes required (eg legal process to implement an
enforcement regime for a moving traffic offence). |
Helen Watson, Improvement Manager, Highways and Transportation / Highways Area office, Whitby. |
21 Jan 2022
Executive Member for Access |
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services, Corporate Director of Strategic Resources
Department for Transport Zero Emission Bus Regional Allocation Funding
Yes |
To authorise the submission of a bid for funding
Stakeholder engagement - local bus service operators |
Email and meetings with local bus service operator (s) |
Cathy Knight |
25 Jan 2022
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
The expansion of Barlby School requires a variation to the PFI Contract dated 30 March 2001 between NYCC and the school provider
Yes |
Approve the terms of the variation to the PFI contract for Barlby School
Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services |
Meetings and discussions |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
The expansion of Barlby School requires a variation to the PFI Contract dated 30 March 2001 between NYCC and the school provider |
25 Jan 2022
Executive |
Draft Revenue Budget 2022/23 & Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
No |
To consider and
recommend to County Council the Revenue Budget 2022/23 and the
Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) including the:
All members |
Budget consultation process |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
25 Jan 2022
Executive |
Council Plan 2022-2026
Yes |
To consider Council Plan 2022-2026
Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Management Board. |
Meetings. |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
25 Jan 2022
Executive |
Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution for recommendation to full Council.
Yes |
Subject to any comments Members may have, to recommend the proposed amendments to the Constitution to full Council for approval.
Relevant NYCC
Officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
25 Jan 2022
Executive |
Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct and consequential amendments to the Constitution for recommendation to full Council
Yes |
Subject to any comments Members may have, to recommend the proposed amendments to full Council for approval.
Relevant NYCC
Officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings |
Moira Beighton |
25 Jan 2022
Executive |
Proposed addition of e-petitions function to the Council’s existing paper-based petitions scheme
No |
To propose that the e-petitions function in the committee management system be enabled and run alongside the existing paper-based petitions scheme.
Management Board |
Emails. |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
25 Jan 2022
Executive |
Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Health Integration, incl Health & Wellbeing Board and Extra Care, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Re-procurement of the Adult Social Care Approved Provider Lists
Yes |
To approve the re-procurement of the Adult Social Care Approved Provider Lists for Home based support/ Residential and Nursing/ Supporting Independence/Supported living
Independent Care Group and other interested parties and providers |
Comprehensive market engagement via meetings and the council website |
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services |
25 Jan 2022
Executive |
Care market proposals for South Craven
No |
To update Executive on proposals for the development of the adult social care market in South Craven and secure formal approval for the proposals
Local stakeholders |
Stakeholder meetings |
Michael Rudd, Head of Housing Marketing Development (Commissioning), Health and Adult Services |
25 Jan 2022
Executive |
Adoption of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan
Yes |
To approve the adoption of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan
Rachel Pillar |
25 Jan 2022
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP |
Review of Special educational needs and disabilities provision - Approval to go out to public consultation
Yes |
Approval to go out to public consultation on residential changes.
Parents / Carers,
children and young people, |
The consultation will follow the statutory process. All details of the consultation will be available on the NYCC public website; alternative formats can be provided upon request. |
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
1 Feb 2022
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
Post 16 contribution charge for the 2022/23 academic year
Yes |
The agreed contribution charge for post 16 home to school transport, to declare on the Post 16 Policy statement.
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
William Burchill |
1 Feb 2022
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
Music Service Fees 2022/23
Yes |
To approve fees paid by parents for their children’s instrumental music tuition for the academic year 2022/23
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Ian Bangay, Head of Instrumental Music Service |
1 Feb 2022
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
Outdoor Learning Service fees 2022/23
Yes |
To approve the charges and fees as listed for the Outdoor Learning Service for September 2022 to August 2023
Adrian Clarke |
16 Feb 2022
County Council |
Council Plan 2022-2026
Yes |
To approve Council Plan 2022-2026
Executive |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
16 Feb 2022
County Council |
To consider the County Council’s Revenue Budget 2022/23 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). Also to consider: • Capital Plan • Treasury Management • Prudential Indicators
Yes |
Approval of the Revenue Budget/MTFS
Proposals will be subject to the appropriate consultation process |
Budget Consultation process |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
16 Feb 2022
County Council |
Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution.
No |
Subject to any comments Members may have, to approve the proposed amendments to the Constitution.
Relevant NYCC
Officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
16 Feb 2022
County Council |
Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct and consequential amendments to the Constitution
No |
Subject to any comments Members may have, to approve the proposed amendments to the Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct and consequential amendments to the Constitution.
Relevant NYCC
Officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings |
Moira Beighton |
16 Feb 2022
County Council |
Proposed addition of e-petitions function to the Council’s existing paper-based petitions scheme
No |
To propose that the existing e-petitions function in the committee management system is enabled and run alongside the existing paper-based petitions scheme.
Management Board |
Emails |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
16 Feb 2022
County Council |
Minerals and Waste Joint Plan Adoption
Yes |
To approve the adoption of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan.
N/A |
N/A |
Rachel Pillar
Minerals and Waste Joint Plan Submission version approved for submission on 15 February 2017 |
16 Feb 2022
County Council |
Admission Arrangements 2023/2024
Yes |
Determination of proposed admission arrangements 2023/2024
Schools and members of the public |
Public consultation via the website |
William Burchill |
22 Feb 2022
Executive |
Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report
No |
Financial and Performance Monitoring report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.
Management Board. |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
22 Feb 2022
Executive |
Harrogate Grove Road and Woodfield Community Primary Schools
Yes |
(Subject to the approval by the Executive
Member for Education and Skills on 23 November 2021 to authorise
consultation on these proposals)
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, District Council, Diocesan Boards and other local stakeholders. |
consultation from 2 December to 28 January. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
22 Mar 2022
Executive |
To inform Executive of the Sexual Health Service Section 75 consultation feedback and to request formal approval to move to a Partnership agreement
Yes |
Approve the final model and section 75 to move to Partnership model.
York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |
Published via the Council’s website |
Emma Davis, Health Improvement Manager, Health and Adult Services, Katie Needham, Public Health Consultant, Health and Adult Services 01609 797063/01609 797154, |
22 Mar 2022
Executive |
Welburn Hall - outcome of public consultation
Yes |
Feedback on outcomes of public consultation and approval to progress to implementation of proposals
Parents / Carers,
children and young people, |
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
22 Mar 2022
Executive |
Weaverthorpe CE VC Primary School
Yes |
(This decision is subject to the approval by
the Executive Member for Education and Skills on 7 December 2021 to
authorise consultation on this proposal)
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, District Council, Diocesan Boards and other local stakeholders. |
consultation from 7 January to 18 February 2022. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
22 Mar 2022
Executive |
Approval to implement the Local Area SEND Strategy
Yes |
Approval to implement the Local Area SEND Strategy (following public consultation) and recommendation to Full Council for adoption of the strategy.
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
22 Mar 2022
Executive |
North Yorkshire Enhanced Partnership
Yes |
To consider and approve the content of the Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme.
Local bus service operators |
Statutory consultation with operators and public |
Cathy Knight |
North Yorkhsire Enhanced Partnership |
22 Mar 2022
Executive |
Redeployment of land to the north and south of Crosshills Lane, Selby
Yes |
To approve the proposed redeployment of the property
Executive members and Management Board at the informal Executive meeting held on 8 June 2021 |
Philip Cowan, Non-Operational Property Manager, NYCC Property Services |
22 Mar 2022
Executive |
Children and Young People’s Service, Planning of School Places - Basic Need Capital Programme 2022/25
Yes |
To approve the Basic Need Capital Programme 2022/25 for the purpose of planning future school places
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
19 Apr 2022
Executive |
Children and Young People’s Service, Capital investment in schools
Yes |
To brief Executive on the approach for good estate management of NYCC maintained schools, and to seek approval for the categories of projects to be prioritised for capital investment
Schools Forum followed by wider distribution to NYCC maintained schools |
Item at Schools Forum meeting on 20 January 2022. Schools consulted between 24 January and 21 February 2022. In writing to Andrew Dixon by email: |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
17 May 2022
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Expansion of Greatwood Community Primary and Nursery School, Skipton (Northern Star Academies Trust)
Yes |
To undertake a procurement exercise for the expansion of Greatwood Community Primary and Nursery School, Skipton (Northern Star Academies Trust)
Relevant officers – internal |
Not applicable |
Howard Emmett |
18 May 2022
County Council |
Adoption of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Strategy
Yes |
Adopt the SEND Local Area Strategy (subject to recommendation from Executive)
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
31 May 2022
Executive |
Closure proposal for Weaverthorpe CE VC Primary School
Yes |
Note: if there
are no objections to the statutory proposals, the Executive Member
for Education and Skills will take this decision). The decision is
also subject to the approval by Executive on 22 March 2022 to
publish statutory proposals).
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, District Council, Diocesan Boards and other local stakeholders. |
consultation from 7 January to 18 February 2022. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
31 May 2022
Executive |
Children and Young People’s Service, Schools Condition Capital Programme 2022/23
Yes |
To approve the detailed Schools Condition Capital Programme 2022/23
North Yorkshire Schools Forum |
Item at Schools Forum meeting on 19 May 2022 |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
Should you wish to make representation as to the matter being discussed in public please contact Daniel Harry
Email: ( Tel: 01609 533531.