The decisions likely to be taken by North Yorkshire County Council in the following 12 months are set out below:
Publication Date:
9 May 2022 |
Last updated: |
9 May 2022 |
Period covered by Plan: |
31 May 2023 |
During the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, following the expiry of the legislation permitting remote committee meetings, remote live-broadcast committee meetings will continue, but with any formal decisions required being taken by the Chief Executive Officer under his emergency decision-making powers in the Officers’ Delegation Scheme, following consultation with Officers and Members as appropriate and after taking into account any views of the relevant Committee Members.
In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to information)(England) Regulations 2012, at least 28 clear days’ notice, excluding the day of notification and the day of decision taking, must be published on the Forward Plan of any intended key decision. It is also a requirement that 28 clear days’ notice is published of the intention to hold a Executive meeting or any part of it in private for the consideration of confidential or exempt information. For further information and advice please contact the Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager on 01609 533531.
Likely Date of Decision |
**Decision Taker |
In Consultation with (Executive Member or Corporate Director) |
Description of Matter – including if the report contains any exempt information and the reasons why |
Key Decision
Decision Required |
Consultees (i.e. the principal groups to be consulted) |
Consultation Process (i.e. the means by which any such consultation is to be undertaken) |
Contact details for making representations (Tel: 0845 034 9494) unless specified otherwise) |
Relevant documents already submitted to Decision Taker |
19 Apr 2022
Executive |
Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution for recommendation to full Council
Yes |
Subject to any comments Members may have, to recommend the proposed amendments to the Constitution to full Council for approval.
Relevant NYCC
Officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
3 May 2022
Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
Supplier Appointment for delivery of the Household Support Fund.
Yes |
To seek approval from the Assistant Director of Policy, Partnerships & Communities for the direct award of a contract to Blackhawk via the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Framework to administer the delivery of the voucher scheme to support the Household Support Fund
None. |
N/A. |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
10 May 2022
Corporate Director of Strategic Resources |
Procurement of a new Kitchen MIS system to replace the current system and increase business efficiencies
Yes |
To seek approval from the Director of Strategic Services for the procurement of a new Kitchen MIS system to replace the current system when the contract expires
CDSR plus Executive Member |
No formal consultation to take place but engagement with key stakeholders |
Shaun Mancrief, Head of Traded Services, Strategic Resources 01609 536871 |
Kitchen MIS Key Decision Report |
11 May 2022
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Extending the contract for the High Needs Study Program and Supported Internships
Yes |
To seek approval to utilize the additional 12 month option to extend the contract.
Jane Le Sage, AD Inclusion, CYPS |
12 May 2022
Corporate Director of Strategic Resources |
Deputy Leader
Procurement of Insurance and associated claims handling for Casualty and Motor Liability (Casualty, Motor, Property, Travel/PA & Engineering and any other necessary insurances) for NYCC and the districts to commence 1st April 2023 in time for the ne
Yes |
To seek approval from the Director of Strategic Resources to proceed with the procurement of Insurance for the new council from 1st April 2023.
N/A. |
N/A. |
Louise Gigante, Insurance and Risk Officer, Strategic Resources |
Key Decision Report |
17 May 2022
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Expansion of Greatwood Community Primary and Nursery School, Skipton (Northern Star Academies Trust)
Yes |
To undertake a procurement exercise for the expansion of Greatwood Community Primary and Nursery School, Skipton (Northern Star Academies Trust)
Relevant officers – internal |
Not applicable |
Howard Emmett |
18 May 2022
County Council |
Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution
No |
Subject to any comments Members may have, to approve the proposed amendments to the Constitution.
Relevant NYCC
Officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
18 May 2022
County Council |
Formal meetings of the Authority's Committees from 18 May 2022 onwards
Yes |
County Council to review arrangements for holding formal meetings of the Authority's committees
Consultation with all County Councillors |
Meetings of Council committees |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
19 May 2022
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
YNY LEP Skills Bootcamps
Yes |
To seek approval for the procurement of YNY LEP Skills Bootcamps
Jude Knight, Senior Skills Manager and Social Inclusion Lead |
22.05.05 Rule 16 Special Urgency and Call in Exemption Notice -Skills Bootcamp procurement AGREED |
23 May 2022
Executive |
The approval of the Implementation Plan
Yes |
Approval by the newly elected Members of the Implementation Plan to create the new North Yorkshire Council
The District Councils have been fully involved in the approval of the initial Implementation Plan. |
None. |
Robert Ling |
23 May 2022
Executive |
To give approval for Districts to enter into relevant contracts that are agreed by the Executive
Yes |
Approval of general consents to the Section 24 Secretary of State Direction whereby Districts need the approval of the Executive to enter into certain contracts.
District Councils |
The Section 151 Officers from the District Councils are working together alongside the voluntary protocol |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources, Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services);, |
23 May 2022
Executive |
Give general consent to the Section 24 Direction
Yes |
The Executive are asked to consider giving general consents to the District Councils over certain decisions that are worth over £100,000 revenue expenditure or £1m capital expenditure.
District Councils |
Government has consulted with all eight Councils in North Yorkshire on the issuing of a Direction for the requirement of the newly elected Executive to approve expenditure that could potentially bind the new Unitary Authority. |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources, Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services);, |
23 May 2022
Executive |
Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy
No |
To recommend approval of the Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy to County Council.
Key partners, children, young people and families. |
Engagement through meeting discussion and consultation. |
Mel Hutchinson |
23 May 2022
Executive |
Consolidation of Microsoft 365 across all eight Local Authorities
Yes |
To release funding to enable the new organisation to communicate and collaborate together as one council, the existing 8 instances of Microsoft 365 will need to be merged together from Day 1
The eight Local Authorities in North Yorkshire. |
Through the Local Government Review, ICT and Digital Workstream. |
Robert Ling |
22.05.04 urgency notice - consolidation of Office 365 to all authorities |
24 May 2022
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
School term dates for the academic year 2023- 2024
Yes |
The school term
and holiday dates for the academic year 2023- 2024 have been
consulted on.
All head teachers of North Yorkshire schools, trade unions, teacher associations and local authorities across Yorkshire and the North East. |
A consultation with schools was undertaken between 4/02/2022 – 9/03/2022 |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
27 May 2022
Business and Environmental Services - Executive
Members & Corporate Director Meetings |
Executive Member for Access
Highway Maintenance Headline Allocation 2023-2024
Yes |
To agree headline financial allocations for differing highway asset types for delivery in 2023-24
Executive Member for Access |
Meeting |
James Gilroy, Team Leader, Highway Asset Management |
27 May 2022
Business and Environmental Services - Executive
Members & Corporate Director Meetings |
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services, Corporate Director of Strategic Resources
Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Pilot Funding Bid - submission and acceptance
Yes |
Seek approval to submit bid for funding and accept funding if successful
Corporate Director - BES and Corporate Director - Strategic Resources |
N/a |
Keisha Moore |
27 May 2022
Business and Environmental Services - Executive
Members & Corporate Director Meetings |
Executive Member for Access
Allocation of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) Surplus
Yes |
Seek approval of the allocation of the surplus arising from on-street CPE operations
Executive Member for Access |
Harrogate and Scarborough Borough Councils for on-street CPE services, in accordance with the SLAs |
David Kirkpatrick |
27 May 2022
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Open to Business
Changes to Services to be delivered using Yorwaste Ltd using the Teckal Procurement Exemption
Yes |
consider/approve the proposals for services to be delivered by
Yorwaste Ltd.
Executive Member - Open to Business |
Meeting |
Peter Jeffreys, Head of Service - Waste |
29 May 2022
Assistant Chief Executive - Business Support |
Procurement of Agency Worker Supply
Yes |
Procurement of Agency Worker Supply
Internal HR and workforce representatives |
Existing Workforce decision making groups |
Sarah Louise France-Gorton, Heads of Resourcing Solutions |
31 May 2022
Executive |
Closure proposal for Weaverthorpe CE VC Primary School
Yes |
Note: if there
are no objections to the statutory proposals, the Executive Member
for Education and Skills will take this decision). The decision is
also subject to the approval by Executive on 22 March 2022 to
publish statutory proposals).
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, District Council, Diocesan Boards and other local stakeholders. |
consultation from 7 January to 18 February 2022. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
31 May 2022
Executive |
Approval of Investment Plan for Adult Learning Numeracy Initiative ("Multiply"
Yes |
The Authority has received £2.7m of funding for the ‘multiply’ initiative which aims to see local areas invest in meaningful participation that boosts people’s ability to use maths in their daily life, at home and work – and enable adults to achieve formal qualification that can open doors for them (such as into a job, progression in a job, or progression to further study).. This funding is received over a three year period and an investment plan requires approval before submission to the Department for Education by 30th June 2022
Local Enterprise Partnership, cross section of residents through citizens panel, providers of Post 19 education and other key stakeholders including community groups |
Research by snap polls, questionnaires, focus group meetings and 1-1 discussions |
Amanda Newbold, Assistant Director, Education & Skills |
31 May 2022
Executive |
Dementia care facility in Harrogate
Yes |
To seek approval to construct and operate an NYCC owned dementia care facility in Harrogate
Other service
providers |
Formal consultation process in line with governance. Informal Open days. Community meetings |
Dale Owens, Assistant Director Prevention & Service Development, Commissioning (HAS)
31 May 2022
Executive |
Children and Young People’s Service, Schools Condition Capital Programme 2022/23
Yes |
To approve the detailed Schools Condition Capital Programme 2022/23
North Yorkshire Schools Forum |
Item at Schools Forum meeting on 19 May 2022 |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
31 May 2022
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Contract Extensions or new Framework Contracts for the provision of Property Hard Facilities Management Services
Yes |
To extend the Hard Facilities Management Services Contracts as per the option to extend clauses within the Contracts or undertake a procurement exercise to establish new Framework Contracts
Relevant Officers - internal |
Not applicable. |
Howard Emmett |
31 May 2022
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
The expansion of Barlby School requires a variation to the PFI Contract dated 30 March 2001 between NYCC and the school provider
Yes |
Approve the terms of the variation to the PFI contract for Barlby School
Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services |
Meetings and discussions |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
The expansion of Barlby School requires a variation to the PFI Contract dated 30 March 2001 between NYCC and the school provider |
7 Jun 2022
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP |
Review of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Provision
Yes |
To consider feedback from first consultation and seeking approval for next stage of consultation.
Parents / Carers, Professionals, children and young people, special schools and North Yorkshire schools |
The consultation
will follow the statutory process. All details of the consultation
will be available on the NYCC public website; alternative formats
can be provided upon request. Responses to Jane Le Sage, Assistant
Director Inclusion |
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
7 Jun 2022
Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
Adult Learning & Skills Service Fees 2022/23
Yes |
To agree fee levels and the Fee Policy Statement for 2022/23. Fee levels are reviewed annually in line with the Council’s Fees and Charges Strategy.
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Ann Featherstone, Team Leader Quality & Curriculum |
21 Jun 2022
Executive |
Q4 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report
Yes |
Financial and Performance Monitoring report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.
Management Board |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
21 Jun 2022
Executive |
Care market proposals for South Craven
No |
To update Executive on proposals for the development of the adult social care market in South Craven and secure formal approval for the proposals
Local stakeholders |
Stakeholder meetings |
Michael Rudd, Head of Housing Marketing Development (Commissioning), Health and Adult Services |
21 Jun 2022
Executive |
Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Health Integration, incl Health & Wellbeing Board and Extra Care, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, including Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Re-procurement or in-sourcing of Shared Lives Scheme
Yes |
To seek approval to re-procure or in-source the Shared Lives Scheme
No formal consultation. An engagement process will take place with interested parties. |
N/A |
Adam Gray, Commissioning Manager, Health and Adult Services 01609 797276 |
24 Jun 2022
Business and Environmental Services - Executive
Members & Corporate Director Meetings |
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services, Corporate Director of Strategic Resources
Levelling Up Fund Bid - submission and acceptance
Yes |
Seek approval to submit bid for funding and accept funding, if successful
Corporate Director - BES and Corporate Director - Strategic Resources |
k |
Keisha Moore |
19 Jul 2022
Executive |
Ethical Decision Making Framework Review
Yes |
To update members on the review of the Ethical Decision Making Framework undertaken in April 2022 with recommendations and proposals for future application.
NYCC Adult Social Care (ASC) staff who have used the framework, lead officers including Governance, Practice and members of ASC leadership team. |
Meetings and correspondence |
Chris Jones-King, Assistant Director Adult Social Care, Care and Support, Richard Webb, Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services, |
19 Jul 2022
Executive |
Approval to implement the Local Area SEND Strategy
Yes |
Approval to implement the Local Area SEND Strategy (following public consultation) and recommendation to Full Council for adoption of the strategy.
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
19 Jul 2022
Executive |
Review of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Provision
Yes |
Feedback from school organisation consultation and to request publication of statutory notices as appropriate.
Parents / Carers, Professionals, children and young people, Special Schools and North Yorkshire Schools |
The consultation will follow the statutory process. All details of the consultation will be available on the NYCC public website; alternative formats can be provided upon request. In writing to |
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
19 Jul 2022
Executive |
S75 Agreements for Harrogate and Rural Alliance
Yes |
To consider revised S75 commissioner and provider agreements for the integrated community health and social care services in the Harrogate District and agree the proposed consultation
NHS Commissioners and Providers |
Correspondence, meetings and Council website |
Chris Jones-King, Assistant Director Adult Social Care, Care and Support |
19 Jul 2022
Executive |
A59 Kex Gill Diversion Contract Award
Yes |
To inform members of the outcome of the tendering process and seek approval to award the A59 Kex Gill diversion contract
Executive Members and Management Board at the informal Executive meeting held on 6 July 2021. |
N/A |
Mark Hugill, Senior Engineer, Highways & Transportation |
19 Jul 2022
Executive |
Creation of a wholly owned Council company providing ICT and connectivity services
Yes |
Creation of a wholly owned trading company to provide ICT and connectivity services.
Executive Members. |
Report and meetings. |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
19 Jul 2022
Executive |
Outdoor Learning Service
Yes |
To consider the outcome of the strategic review and full business case for the Outdoor Learning Service.
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Amanda Newbold, Assistant Director, Education & Skills |
19 Jul 2022
Executive |
Decision on whether to proceed with a Community Governance Review
Yes |
Decision on whether to proceed with a Community Governance Review to restructure non parished areas in Harrogate and Scarborough that will be governed in the interim by Charter Trustees.
If a CGR is undertaken there will be public consultation within the process. |
If approved the CGR process will involve consulting with the public of the relevant area. |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
20 Jul 2022
County Council |
Approval of Revised Planning Enforcement and Monitoring Policy
No |
Seek approval for the proposed Planning Enforcement and Monitoring Policy
Executive - 22 March 2022 |
Vicky Perkin, Head of Planning Services |
20 Jul 2022
County Council |
Annual Overview and Scrutiny Report 2021/22 - A review of the work of overview and scrutiny committees in 2021/22 and looking ahead to the work that will be undertaken in 2022/23
No |
Approve the annual report of the Council’s five thematic overview and scrutiny committees
Scrutiny Board |
Email distribution of the final draft of the report to the Chairs of the Council’s five thematic overview and scrutiny committees |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager, Christine Phillipson, Democratic Services & Scrutiny Officer;, |
20 Jul 2022
County Council |
Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy
Yes |
Approval of the Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy 2021-2024
Mel Hutchinson |
1 Aug 2022
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Contract for electricity supply from the 1st April 2023
Yes |
New Framework for electricity supply (for corporate properties, schools and District Councils as part of LGR)
Relevant officers - internal |
Not applicable |
Howard Emmett |
5 Aug 2022
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Property Consultancy Services Contract
Yes |
To directly award a Multi Disciplinary Consultancy Services Contract to Align Property Partners a wholly owned Teckal Company of NYCC
Relevant officers - internal. |
Not applicable. |
Howard Emmett |
23 Aug 2022
Executive |
Q1 Performance Monitoring and Budget report
Yes |
Financial and Performance Monitoring report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.
Management Board |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
26 Aug 2022
Business and Environmental Services - Executive
Members & Corporate Director Meetings |
Executive Member for Access
Highways Capital Programme - Additional Schemes
Yes |
To approve the addition of new schemes to be added to the Forward Highways Capital Programme
Executive Member for Access |
Meeting |
James Gilroy, Team Leader, Highway Asset Management |
6 Sep 2022
Executive |
North Yorkshire Council Flood Risk Management Strategy
Yes |
Recommend approval of North Yorkshire Council Flood Risk Management Strategy
Various partners/stakeholders eg District Councils, Parish Councils and residents |
Various meetings, on-line survey |
Emily Mellalieu, Development Management Team Leader |
20 Sep 2022
Executive |
S75 Agreements for Harrogate and Rural Alliance
Yes |
To consider feedback from the consultation and agree revised S75 agreements
NHS Commissioners and Providers |
Correspondence and meetings |
Chris Jones-King, Assistant Director Adult Social Care, Care and Support |
20 Sep 2022
Executive |
Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution for recommendation to full Council
Yes |
Subject to any comments Members may have, to recommend the proposed amendments to the Constitution to full Council for approval.
Relevant NYCC
Officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings. |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
20 Sep 2022
Executive |
Redeployment of land to the north and south of Crosshills Lane, Selby
Yes |
To approve the proposed redeployment of the property
Executive members and Management Board at the informal Executive meeting held on 8 June 2021 |
Philip Cowan, Non-Operational Property Manager, NYCC Property Services |
18 Oct 2022
Executive |
Review of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Provision
Yes |
To consider the response to statutory notices and determine the decision to change school designation
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
18 Oct 2022
Executive |
Director of Public Health Annual Report - Learning from Covid-19
No |
Under the National Health Service Act 2006, Directors of Public Health ‘must prepare an annual report on the health of the people in the area of the local authority’. Executive are being asked to consider and note the report.
Engagement has been undertaken with key stakeholders and community groups involved in Covid-19 response. |
Qualitative engagement with individuals and small groups. |
Louise Wallace, AD Health and Integration |
8 Nov 2022
Executive |
Council Tax Reduction Consultation
Yes |
A public consultation will be required for harmonising the council tax reduction schemes.
Members of the public. |
Formal consultation process. |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
16 Nov 2022
County Council |
Adoption of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Strategy
Yes |
Adopt the SEND Local Area Strategy (subject to recommendation from Executive)
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
16 Nov 2022
County Council |
North Yorkshire Council Flood Risk Management Strategy
No |
Approval of North Yorkshire Council Flood Risk Management Policy
Various partners/stakeholders including Executive |
Emily Mellalieu, Development Management Team Leader |
16 Nov 2022
County Council |
Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution
No |
Subject to any comments Members may have, to approve the proposed amendments to the Constitution.
Relevant NYCC
Officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager |
16 Nov 2022
County Council |
Decision on whether to proceed with a Community Governance Review
Yes |
Decision on whether to proceed with a Community Governance Review to restructure non parished areas in Harrogate and Scarborough that will be governed in the interim by Charter Trustees.
If a CGR is undertaken there will be public
consultation within the process. |
If approved the CGR process will involve consulting with the public of the relevant area. |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
16 Nov 2022
County Council |
County Tax Reduction Scheme
Yes |
Everyone who receives a reduction in their Council Tax will receive a harmonized value from 12 March 2023.
Scrutiny. |
Executive - 8 November 2022. |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
29 Nov 2022
Executive |
Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report
Yes |
Financial and Performance Monitoring report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.
Management Board. |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
24 Jan 2023
Executive |
Revenue Budget 2023/24 and Medium Term Financial Strategy
Yes |
To consider and recommend to Council the
Revenue Budget for 2023/24 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy
(MTFS) including the:
Proposals will be subject to the appropriate consultation process. |
Budget consultation process. |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
15 Feb 2023
County Council |
To consider North Yorkshire Council's Revenue Budget 2023/24 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
Yes |
To consider North Yorkshire Council's Revenue
Budget 2023/24 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). Also
to consider:
Proposals will be subject to the appropriate consultation processes. |
Budget consultation process. |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
21 Feb 2023
Executive |
Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report
Yes |
Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.
Management Board |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources, Julie Robinson, Leadership Support Officer/PA to Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services), |
Should you wish to make representation as to the matter being discussed in public please contact Daniel Harry
Email: ( Tel: 01609 533531.