The decisions likely to be taken by North Yorkshire County Council in the following 12 months are set out below:
Publication Date:
13 February 2023 |
Last updated: |
13 February 2023 |
Period covered by Plan: |
29 February 2024 |
In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to information)(England) Regulations 2012, at least 28 clear days’ notice, excluding the day of notification and the day of decision taking, must be published on the Forward Plan of any intended key decision. It is also a requirement that 28 clear days’ notice is published of the intention to hold a Executive meeting or any part of it in private for the consideration of confidential or exempt information. For further information and advice please contact the Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager on 01609 533531.
Likely Date of Decision |
**Decision Taker |
In Consultation with (Executive Member or Corporate Director) |
Description of Matter – including if the report contains any exempt information and the reasons why |
Key Decision
Decision Required |
Consultees (i.e. the principal groups to be consulted) |
Consultation Process (i.e. the means by which any such consultation is to be undertaken) |
Contact details for making representations (Tel: 0845 034 9494) unless specified otherwise) |
Relevant documents already submitted to Decision Taker |
12 Jan 2023
Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services |
To seek approval from the Corporate Director of CYPS for the procurement of Young Peoples Pathway
Yes |
To seek approval from the Corporate Director of CYPS for the procurement of Young Peoples Pathway
N/A. |
N/A. |
Alan Tucker, Placement & Fostering Manager |
26 Jan 2023
Executive Member for Working in Localities |
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services, Corporate Director of Strategic Resources
Local Investment in Natural Capital (LINC) Programme - approval for submission of Expression of Interest
Yes |
To seek authorisation for NYCC (through the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership) to submit an Expression of Interest to access up to £650,000 of Revenue funding and £350,000 Capital funding from Defra.
Corporate Director - Business and Environmental Services |
Hugh Clearhill, Principal Environmental Policy Officer |
7 Feb 2023
Executive |
Consider the outcome of the consultation on the Taxi Licensing Policy and Conditions
Yes |
Consider the outcome of the consultation on the Taxi Licensing Policy and Conditions
Results of public
consultation events |
Public consultation events |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
7 Feb 2023
Executive Member for Children & Young People's Services |
Grant Funding for Skills4work Programme
Yes |
Skills4Work is a
North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) scheme that provides entry to
employment training for young people not in education, employment
or training (NEET).
This is a programme that has already been running in NYCC since July 2020, but upon further discussions with legal it had been agreed that this needed to follow this route- hence why we are doing this retrospectively and therefore does not require consultation |
As above. |
Barbara Merrygold, Head of Early Help, Children and Families Service |
9 Feb 2023
Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
To set fees for marriages and civil partnerships for the period April 2024- March 2025
Yes |
To approve the fees for certain ceremonies
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Robin Mair, General Manager-Registration, Archives & Coroners |
To set fees for marriages and civil partnerships for
the period April 2024- March 2025 Report |
10 Feb 2023
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services |
Executive Member for Highways & Transportation, both road and rail. bus services and engagement with Transport for the North
Update on Developing a New Local Transport Plan for North Yorkshire and request to consult
Yes |
To set out the progress made on developing the new Local Transport Plan (LTP) for North Yorkshire and seek approval to undertake an initial public and stakeholder engagement to set the strategic direction of the new LTP>
Members |
via Members Seminar scheduled March 2023 |
Louise Neale |
Update on Developing a New Local Transport Plan for North Yorkshire and request to consult |
10 Feb 2023
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
Extension of existing Section 75 agreements
Yes |
To consider and agree the extension of the existing Section 75 County Council/NHS Commissioner and provider agreements for the integrated community health and social care services in the Harrogate district
NHS Commissioners and Providers |
Correspondence and meetings |
Chris Jones-King, Assistant Director Adult Social Care, Care and Support, Chris Watson, |
13 Feb 2023
Assistant Chief Executive - HR & Business Support |
PPE & Workwear
Yes |
The report is in relation to a variation to the current contract to include additional garments for the new unitary authority.
Relevant officers - internal. |
N/A. |
Becky Naisbitt, Contract Officer - Strategic Resources |
PPE and Workwear Key Decision Report |
13 Feb 2023
Assistant Director - Technology and Change |
DAS Social Care Case Management System
No |
The report is in relation to a variation to
the current contract to include four additional portals to enable
the following:
Relevant officers - internal. |
N/A. |
Becky Naisbitt, Contract Officer - Strategic Resources |
DAS Social Care Case Management System |
14 Feb 2023
Executive |
Yes |
Devolution: decision regarding mayoral combined authority
Members |
Emails |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
14 Feb 2023
Executive |
Consideration of the outcomes of consultation process regarding the pausing of the offer of residential provisions at Welburn Hall Special school
Yes |
The purpose of the report is to consider the outcomes of the public consultation exercise regarding the pausing of the offer of residential provision at Welburn Hall Special school. The proposal would involve the pausing of the residential offer for a two year period from September 2023. The decision to undertake a public consultation exercise was approved by North Yorkshire Executive on December 13th, 2022.
The principal groups of consultees are all families whose children are currently in residential provision at Welburn Hall Special school – this includes the very small number of families where that offer would potentially continue into the academic year 2023-24. Other principal consultees will include the wider Welburn Hall school community, particularly staff groups, but also the Governing Body of the school and the wider community of all parents of pupils at the school. |
consultation to be launched on January 3rd,2023 – which will
be supported by two public meetings (on January 10th and January
18th). |
Howard Emmett 01609 532188; |
Consideration of the outcomes of consultation
process regarding the pausing of the offer of residential
provisions at Welburn Hall Special school |
14 Feb 2023
Executive |
Ministry of Defence offer to use additional empty MOD houses in North Yorkshire for Afghan ARAP families
Yes |
To seek approval to take-up the Ministry of Defence’s offer to use additional empty MOD houses in North Yorkshire for Afghan ARAP families currently residing in third countries. The properties are being offered on a temporary basis on leases of up to three years.
District Council has been consulted to establish resourcing
pressures. |
Executive |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
21 Feb 2023
Executive |
Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report
Yes |
Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.
Management Board |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources, Julie Robinson, Leadership Support Officer/PA to Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services), |
21 Feb 2023
Executive |
Community Networks
Yes |
To review options regarding the development of an operating model for community networks.
Member Working Group on Localities |
Meetings and email |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
21 Feb 2023
Executive |
Closure of Scarborough & Ryedale Community Health and Social Care
No |
To request the approval of the Executive to apply to Strike Off the company. The Company was set up as a Community Interest Company and as it has been dormant it no longer meets the requirements of a “CIC”. It is no longer required as a separate legal entity and therefore can be closed.
None. |
None. |
Sarah Morton, Senior Solicitor (Commercial, Contracts and Procurement) |
Closure of Scarborough & Ryedale Community Health and Social Care |
21 Feb 2023
Executive |
Creation of new Property and Estates Company – Align 2 (APP2)
Yes |
To consider the establishment of a new Teckal company for the provision of property projects and estates services, and highways design and project services which would adhere to the Teckal exemption in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
Vicki Dixon, Assistant Director, Strategic Resources BES & CS 01609 532206 |
21 Feb 2023
Executive Member for Highways & Transportation, both road and rail. bus services and engagement with Transport for the North |
Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services, Corporate Director of Strategic Resources
Active Travel Fund 4 - Submission of Bid
Yes |
To seek
authorisation from the Executive Member for Highways and
Transportation to submit an Active Travel Fund 4 bid to Active
Travel England. The indicative allocation is £1,081.443, of
which the Council can bid up to 300% of this amount.
Corporate Director - Business & Environmental Services and Corporate Director - Strategic Resources |
Alexander Kay, Senior Transport Planning Officer |
Active Travel Fund 4 - Submission of Bid |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Council Plan for the new council
Yes |
To approve Council Plan for the new council
Corporate and
Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee |
Meetings |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Approval of appointment of Corporate Directors
Yes |
For County
Council to consider approval of appointments to the following
Corporate Director posts:
Chief Officers Appointments and Disciplinary
Sub-Committee |
Meetings |
Justine Brooksbank, Assistant Chief Executive (Business Support) |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Independent Remuneration Panel Recommendations for 2023/24 (Member Allowances)
Yes |
To consider the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for 2023/24
All Councillors |
By email |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
To consider North Yorkshire Council's Revenue Budget 2023/24 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
Yes |
To consider North
Yorkshire Council's Revenue Budget 2023/24 and the Medium Term
Financial Strategy (MTFS). Also to consider:
Proposals will be subject to the appropriate consultation processes. |
Budget consultation process. |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
To consider a Housing Strategy and relevant HRA matters
Yes |
To consider a Housing Strategy and relevant HRA matters
Seminar |
Meetings and emails |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Taxi Licensing Policy and Conditions
Yes |
The adoption of the Policy and Conditions for Taxi Licensing
Executive - 8
November 2022 |
Meetings |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Admission Arrangements 2024/2025
Yes |
Determination of proposed admission arrangements 2024/2025
Public consultation |
Public consultation via the website |
Lisa Herdman, Lead for Admissions, Education and Skills |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Counter Fraud Policy Framework for the new North Yorkshire Council
Yes |
To approve the Counter Fraud Policy Framework for the new North Yorkshire Council
Section 151
Officers |
Formal meetings |
Max Thomas, Head of Internal Audit |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Risk Management Policy
Yes |
To approve the Risk Management Policy for the new North Yorkshire Council
Section 151 Officers |
Formal meetings |
Max Thomas, Head of Internal Audit |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Housing Revenue Account Budget 2023/24
Yes |
To approve the Housing Revenue Account Budget 2023/24 and associated Business Plan
Executive |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Council Pay Policy
Yes |
To comply with the statutory requirement to publish the Council's Pay Policy
Board |
Meetings |
Justine Brooksbank, Assistant Chief Executive (Business Support) |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Chief Officer Appointment Approvals
Yes |
To seek Council approval to the Chief Officer Appointments
Chief Officers Appointments and Disciplinary Committee |
Meetings |
Justine Brooksbank, Assistant Chief Executive (Business Support) |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Yes |
Devolution: decision regarding mayoral combined authority
Members |
Meeting of Executive on 21 February 2023 |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Approval of new Constitution
No |
To consider proposed governance arrangements and amendments to the Constitution for the new Unitary Authority.
Executive |
Formal meetings of the above |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Arrangements for the appointment of the external auditor from 2023/24
No |
Arrangements for the appointment of the external auditor from 2023/24
Audit Committee |
Report considered by the Audit Committee at their meeting on 24 October 2022 |
Karen Iveson |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Consider recommendations from the Executive regarding the Motion on Fracking
Yes |
To consider the recommendations of the Executive regarding the Motion on fracking referred to them from County Council on 16 November 2022.
Executive - 7 February 2023 |
Meetings and emails |
Karl Battersby, Corporate Director for Business and Environmental Services |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Council Tax Resolution Report
No |
Purpose of the report - For the Council to
approve the council tax requirement and basic amount of council tax
for 2023/24.
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
Council Tax Resolution Report |
24 Feb 2023
Leader |
Consideration of requests made by certain district/borough councils for consent under section 24 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 regarding Chief Executive settlement agreements
No |
To determine requests made by certain district/borough councils under section 24 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 regarding Chief Executive settlement agreements.
Relevant Officers and Members |
Correspondence and meetings |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
Consideration of requests made by certain district/borough councils for consent under section 24 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 regarding Chief Executive settlement agreements |
28 Feb 2023
Executive Member for Open to Business |
Executive Member for Working in Localities
Approval to submit a bid to Innovate UK: Net Zero Living Fund
Yes |
To request approval to submit a bid to Innovate UK: Net Zero Living Fund – Fast Followers and to delegate authority to the Corporate Directors of Business and Environmental Services and Strategic Resources to approve the final submission by 1st March 2023
Internal consultation across 2 directorates (BES and CS), with Yorwaste and Thalia |
Engagement in developing the concept for the bid submission |
Jos Holmes |
Approval to submit a bid to Innovate UK: Net Zero Living Fund |
17 May 2023
County Council |
Consider recommendations from the Executive regarding the Motion on Proportional Representation
Yes |
To consider the recommendations of the Executive regarding the Motion on proportional representation referred to them from County Council on 16 November 2022.
Executive - 7
February 2023 |
Meetings and emails |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
22 Feb 2023
County Council |
Consider recommendations from the Executive regarding the Motion on Fair Tax Declaration
Yes |
To consider the recommendations of the Executive regarding the Motion on fair tax declaration referred to them from County Council on 16 November 2022.
Executive - 7 February 2023 |
Meetings and emails |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
23 Feb 2023
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Contract Extensions or new Framework Contracts for the provision of Property Hard Facilities Management Services
Yes |
To extend the Hard Facilities Management Services Contracts as per the option to extend clauses within the Contracts or undertake a procurement exercise to establish new Framework Contracts
Relevant Officers - internal |
N/A |
Howard Emmett |
6 Mar 2023
Executive Member for Corporate Services |
Locality Budgets
Yes |
To agree the scheme for Locality Budgets 2023/24
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
Locality Budgets Report |
7 Mar 2023
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Property Consultancy Services Contract
Yes |
To directly award a Multi Disciplinary Consultancy Services Contract to Align Property Partners a wholly owned Teckal Company of NYCC
Relevant officers - internal. |
Not applicable. |
Howard Emmett |
7 Mar 2023
Executive Member for Children & Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
Nuffield Foundation research Project: Care leavers
Yes |
This is for
approval of the grant forms to participate a 5 year Nuffield funded
research project looking at the progress and life experiences of
care leavers.
N/A |
N/A |
Samantha Clayton |
Nuffield Foundation research Project: Care leavers |
7 Mar 2023
Executive Member for Children & Young People's Services |
Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services
Foster Carer Payments
Yes |
To recommend the
annual uplift in payments to North Yorkshire Foster Carers that
will take effect from 1 April 2023..
N/A. |
N/A. |
Alan Tucker, Placement & Fostering Manager |
7 Mar 2023
Executive Member for Children & Young People's Services |
Children's Centres (Children & Families Hubs) Consultation)
Yes |
Approval to consult on the de-designation a small number of Children’s Centres. There are a total of 5 buildings. Statutory guidance from the Department for Education means that recipients must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to children’s centres under the Childcare Act 2006. Any building currently registered as a designated children’s centres will need to be de-registered with the DfE following the de-registration guidance. The guidance recommends consultation with stakeholders prior to any change. Although all these centres have been closed since the pandemic and not re-opened there remains the need to follow the Statutory guidance.
Children and Families residing within North Yorkshire, Health Services, Schools |
Online 28 day consultation through NYCC website |
Barbara Merrygold, Head of Early Help, Children and Families Service |
Children's Centres (Children & Families Hubs) Consultation |
7 Mar 2023
Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services |
Music Service Fees 2023/24
Yes |
To agree fees to parents and schools for the Music Service 2023/34
N/A |
N/A |
Ian Bangay, Head of Instrumental Music Service |
Music Service Fees 2023/24 |
7 Mar 2023
Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
Early Years Provider Funding Rates 2023/24
Yes |
To consider the results of the funding consultation undertaken with early years providers operating within North Yorkshire and to approve recommendations to change the funding rates paid to early years’ providers for the funded entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds and disadvantaged 2 year olds for the 2023/24 financial year
Early Years
providers operating within North Yorkshire |
document with e-response link e-mailed to early years providers
within North Yorkshire |
Howard Emmett |
Early Years Provider Funding Rates 2023/24 |
7 Mar 2023
Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services |
Executive Member for Education and Skills, including early years, schools, apprenticeships, FE colleges & UTC`s, and engagement with the skills agenda of the LEP
High Needs Budget 2023-24
Yes |
To agree the High Needs Budget for 2023-24, setting out the financial pressures and funding available for expenditure that fall within the High Needs Block of the Dedicated Schools Grant.
No formal consultation although high needs funding and issues are regularly discussed at the North Yorkshire Schools Forum and North Yorkshire High Needs Funding Sub-Group. |
Howard Emmett |
High Needs Budget 2023-24 |
10 Mar 2023
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
Community Mental Health Services Contract
Yes |
To approve a variation and extension to the contract for Community Mental Health Services
Sally Anderson, Service Manager, Targeted Prevention, Care and Support |
10 Mar 2023
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
Fees for in-house community care services for 2023/24
Yes |
To approve the proposed changes in fees and charges for in-house community care services, plus meals, transport and laundry services for 2022/23
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services, Anton Hodge, Asssitant Director, Strategic Resources, |
10 Mar 2023
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
Fees payable for external providers of social care provision
Yes |
To approve fees and annual uplift level for 2023/24
Independent Care Group |
Direct negotiations via meetings and correspondence |
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services, Anton Hodge, Asssitant Director, Strategic Resources, |
10 Mar 2023
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Corporate Director of Strategic Resources, Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
Trailblazer Programme - future arrangements
Yes |
To review future arrangements for the Trailblazer Programme in light of the announcement by the Department of Health and Social Care that the programme is to be paused.
Anton Hodge, Asssitant Director, Strategic Resources |
10 Mar 2023
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
Shared Lives Operating Model
Yes |
To consider a series of proposals around Shared Lives systems and processes to be potentially implemented as part of the new Shared Lives Operating Model commencing 1st November 2023.
Shared Lives
Carers and prospective Shared Lives Carers |
Questionnaires |
Adam Gray, Commissioning Manager, Health and Adult Services |
13 Mar 2023
Joint Devolution Committee |
Wider Asks and Strategy Update
No |
This report will provide a summary of the progress that has been made on delivering the Devolution deal’s content, covering workstreams such as Transport, Skills, BioYorkshire, Cyber, Natural Capital etc.
Updates have been provided following discussion amongst officers leading on workstreams across the programme. |
Not applicable |
James Farrar |
Wider Asks and Strategy Update |
13 Mar 2023
Joint Devolution Committee |
Key Financial and Implementation Principles
No |
The report will outline the key financial principles and assumptions which underpin the next phase of planning for the Mayoral Combined Authority. In particular, these support the development of a financial model and staffing structure for the new organisation.
The assumptions have been developed following discussion amongst officers leading on workstreams across the programme, and with the S151 officers of CYC and NYCC. |
Not applicable. |
James Farrar |
Finance and Implementation Plan |
13 Mar 2023
Joint Devolution Committee |
Shortlist of projects for Brownfield Housing Fund
Yes |
The report
provides an update on the Brownfield Housing Fund, which launched
on 3rd January 2023 with a call for Expressions of Interests. The
EOI closing date was 6th February 2023. Included in the report is a
summary of the process and the submitted EOIs. Further details on
the EOIs will be included with an appendix, but this will be
confidential due to possible commercial sensitivities.
The shortlist has been developed following discussion amongst officers within the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, which was allocated administrative rights of the fund by the Joint Committee at the November 2022 meeting. |
Not applicable. |
Andrew Leeming, Head of Strategy, Economic Partnership Unit |
Shortlist of projects for Brownfield Housing Fund and Net Zero Fund |
13 Mar 2023
Joint Devolution Committee |
Shortlist of Projects for the Net Zero Fund
Yes |
The report provides an update on the Net Zero
Fund, which launched on 3rd January 2023 with a call for
Expressions of Interests. The EOI closing date was 6th February
2023. Included in the report is a summary of the process and the
submitted EOIs. Further details on the EOIs will be included with
an appendix, but this will be confidential due to possible
commercial sensitivities.
The shortlist has been developed following discussion amongst officers within the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, which was allocated administrative rights of the fund by the Joint Committee at the November 2022 meeting. |
Not applicable. |
Andrew Leeming, Head of Strategy, Economic Partnership Unit |
13 Mar 2023
Executive Member for Planning for Growth |
North Yorkshire Consolidated Planning Policy Framework & Schedule Of Planning Policy Evidence Base Documents For North Yorkshire
No |
To explain the
role of the North Yorkshire Consolidated Planning Policy Framework
presented at Appendix 1 to the report and the Schedule of Planning
Policy Evidence Base Documents for North Yorkshire presented to
Appendix 2 to the report.
NYCC Legal & Finance |
Via email |
Melanie Carr, Principal Democratic Services & Scrutiny Officer |
20 Mar 2023
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Contract for Liquid Fuel (Heating Oil) and Vehicle Fuel and Diesel Exhaust Additive
Yes |
New Framework for Liquid Fuel (Heating Oil) and Vehicle Fuel and Diesel Exhaust Additive (for corporate properties, schools and District Councils as part of LGR, NY Highways)
Relevant officers - internal |
Not applicable |
Howard Emmett |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Confirm Statutory Instrument to create Combined Authority
Yes |
Confirm Statutory Instrument to create Combined Authority
Members' Seminar |
Meetings and emails |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Skelton Newby Hall CE VC Primary School – School Closure Proposal
Yes |
Decision to publish statutory proposals and notices for the closure of Skelton Newby Hall CE VC Primary School with effect from 31 August 2023.
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, District and Parish Councils, Diocese, MP and other local stakeholders. |
Consultation ran
from 6 January 2023 to 24 February 2023. Consultation document
issued to consultees and available on NYCC website. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Proposal to close Hovingham CE VC Primary School, Hovingham
Yes |
To seek approval on the proposal to close Hovingham Church of England VC Primary School, Hovingham from 31 March 2023.
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected
Members, District Council, Parish Council, Diocesan Boards and
other local stakeholders. |
Consultation document issued to consultees and available on NYCC website. The consultation process ran for 6 weeks from 31 October 2022 until 12 December 2022 and included a pubic consultation meeting in the village. This, subject to member approval will be followed by a further 4 week statutory representation period in February during which notices will be published in the local press and at the school gates. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills 01609 532162 |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Appointment to District Companies and Outside Bodies
Yes |
To appoint where necessary to the positions that will be vacated upon the cessation of the District and Borough Councils
District and Borough Councils |
Emails |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Approval of North Yorkshire Council Maximum table of fares for Hackney Carriage drivers from 1 April 2023
Yes |
To approve the North Yorkshire Council Maximum table of fares for Hackney Carriage drivers from 1 April 2023.
Hackney Carriage
drivers in North Yorkshire. |
Statutory Public Notice. |
Abigail Burns, Project Manager |
Approval of North Yorkshire Council Maximum table of fares for Hackney Carriage drivers from 1 April 2023 |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Approval of Customer Service Standards and Policies
Yes |
Approval of
Customer Service Standards and Policies:
Member Working Group on Customer |
Meetings |
Robert Ling |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Pilots town/parish councils who have additional powers and responsibilities for the unitary council
Yes |
Process for the consideration of identifying a number of pilots town/parish councils who have additional powers and responsibilities for the unitary council and the process for considering such transfers
Member Working Group on Locality |
Meetings of the Member Working Group |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
18 Jul 2023
Executive |
Consider the adoption of the Parish Charter
Yes |
Consider the adoption of the Parish Charter
Public consultation with parish and town councils |
Public consultation |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Consider high level vision/ambitions for locality transformation
Yes |
To consider the locality approach informed by engagement and the "Let's Talk" campaign
Executive |
Meetings |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Harmonised Fee structure for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire licensing across North Yorkshire from 1st April 2023
Yes |
To consider the outcome of the consultation on the changes to Taxi Fees as paid by Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Operators in North Yorkshire for the new North Yorkshire Council
Members of the public |
Public consultation and meetings |
Abigail Burns, Project Manager |
21 Mar 2023
Executive |
Redeployment of land to the north and south of Crosshills Lane, Selby
Yes |
To approve the proposed redeployment of the property
Executive members and Management Board at the informal Executive meeting held on 8 June 2021 |
Philip Cowan, Non-Operational Property Manager, NYCC Property Services |
22 Mar 2023
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services |
Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
To agree and approve the Market Sustainability Plan required for publication by 27 March 2023
Yes |
To agree and approve the Market Sustainability Plan for Care homes for people age 65+ and for Domiciliary care for people age 18+ for publication on the North Yorkshire County Council website no later than 27 March 2023.
Health and Adult Services Leadership
Team |
Regular briefings |
Abigail Barron, Head of Countywisde Commissioning, Health and Adult Services 07967 469240 |
To agree and approve the Market Sustainability Plan required for publication by 27 March 2023 |
22 Mar 2023
Director of Public Health |
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services, Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
Living Well Smokefree Service e-cigarettes
Yes |
The purpose of
this report is to explain the use of E-Cigarettes as a harm
reduction tool, to assist people to stop smoking, when used as part
of a comprehensive package of support to individuals accessing the
Living Well Smokefree Service.
N/A |
N/A |
Cath Simms, Head of Targeted Prevention, Care and Support (HAS) 01609 536612 |
24 Mar 2023
Executive Member for Open to Business |
Assistant Chief Executive - Legal and Democratic Services, Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services, Corporate Director of Strategic Resources
Rural England Prosperity Fund - Grant acceptance
Yes |
To authorise the Corporate Director - Strategic Resources to accept the Rural England Prosperity Fund from Government with a total value of £5.4m.
Members of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Local Partnership Group have already been consulted along with the Council's Executive |
Consultation takes place through the UKSPF Local Partnership Group in North Yorkshire and it’s sub groups – Communities and Place, Business, People and Skills. These groups are populated by a range of partners and stakeholders from across the County. |
Mark Kibblewhite, Senior Policy Officer, Economic Growth |
Rural England Prosperity Fund - Grant
acceptance |
14 Apr 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract Extension for Hard Facilities Management Asbestos Abatement – asbestos removal
Yes |
Contract extension for Hard Facilities Management Asbestos Abatement – asbestos removal
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
14 Apr 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract Extension for Hard Facilities Management PE and External Play Equipment: Inspection and Minor Repair
Yes |
Contract extension for Hard Facilities Management PE and External Play Equipment: Inspection and Minor Repair
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
14 Apr 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract Extension for Hard Facilities Management General Building – Responsive Repairs
Yes |
Contract extension for Hard Facilities Management General Building – Responsive Repairs
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
14 Apr 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract Extension for Hard Facilities Management Fire Equipment: Inspection and Supply
Yes |
Contract extension for Hard Facilities Management Fire Equipment: Inspection and Supply
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
14 Apr 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract Extension for Hard Facilities Management Chimneys, Lighting Conductors and other High Access Structures: Inspections and Maintenance
Yes |
Contract extension for Hard Facilities Management Chimneys, Lighting Conductors and other High Access Structures: Inspections and Maintenance
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
14 Apr 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract for Hard Facilities Management Fixed Electrical Inspection and Testing and Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
Yes |
To undertake a procurement exercise for Hard Facilities Management Fixed Electrical Inspection and Testing and Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
14 Apr 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract for Hard Facilities Management Water Hygiene: Risk Assessment and Monitoring
Yes |
To undertake a procurement exercise for Hard Facilities Management Water Hygiene: Risk Assessment and Monitoring
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
14 Apr 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract for Hard Facilities Management Mechanical Equipment and Plant: Servicing and Responsive Maintenance
Yes |
To undertake a procurement exercise for Hard Facilities Management Mechanical Equipment and Plant: Servicing and Responsive Maintenance
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
18 Apr 2023
Executive |
Local Area SEND Strategy Adoption
Yes |
Executive to recommend to Full Council adoption of the Local Area SEND Strategy
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning and Resources |
18 Apr 2023
Executive |
For recommendation to Council - North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board - Terms of Reference
Yes |
To consider revisions to the Terms of Reference of the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board and recommend their adoption to Council (which will have the effect of amending the Constitution)
North Yorkshire
Health and Wellbeing Board 18th January 2023 |
Presentation and discussion of revised Terms of Reference at the relevant Committee meetings |
Patrick Duffy, Principal Democratic Services Scrutiny Officer |
For recommendation to Council - North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board - Terms of Reference |
18 Apr 2023
Executive |
Proposal to amalgamate Caedmon College Whitby and Eskdale School.
Yes |
To seek approval to publish Statutory Proposals on a proposal, requested by the federated Governing Body of the Whitby Secondary Partnership, to amalgamate Caedmon College Whitby and Eskdale School resulting in the technical closure of Eskdale School and the Eskdale site, and increase the planned admission number for the amalgamated school with effect from 1 September 2024.
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, MP, Unions and professional associations, District Councils, Diocesan Boards, Town and Parish Councils. |
Consultation document issued to consultees and
available on NYCC website between 20 February 2023 and 31 March
2023. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
Report to Executive Member for Education and Skills,
7 February 2023 |
18 Apr 2023
Executive |
Lowering the Age Range of Overdale Community Primary School
Yes |
To seek approval for the publication of proposals and statutory notices to lower the age range of Overdale Community Primary School to 2 – 11.
School community, wider community, other schools, Early Years providers. |
Consultation document sent to consultees |
Mark Ashton, Strategic Planning Officer, CYPS |
Lowering the Age Range of Overdale Community Primary School |
18 Apr 2023
Executive |
Managing Adult Social Care Pressures
Yes |
To update Members on actions being taken to address adult social care waiting times and workforce pressures and to set out the evaluation of the Ethical Decision-Making Framework that was put in place in January 2022
Lisa Moore, Relief Head of Service Development, HAS, Richard Webb, Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services, |
12 May 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract for Hard Facilities Management Automatic Doors: Inspection and Responsive Maintenance
Yes |
To undertake a procurement exercise for Hard Facilities Management Automatic Doors: Inspection and Responsive Maintenance
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
12 May 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract for Hard Facilities Management Lifts: Servicing and Responsive Maintenance
Yes |
To undertake a procurement exercise for Hard Facilities Management Lifts: Servicing and Responsive Maintenance
Relevant officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
12 May 2023
Executive Member for Health & Adult Services |
Assistant Chief Executive - Legal and Democratic Services, Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services, Corporate Director of Strategic Resources, Director of Public Health
Approval to submit a bid to the National Institute of Health and Care Research
Yes |
To seek approval to submit a bid to the
National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) for a Health
Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) and to accept the
funding should the bid be successful.
N/A |
N/A |
Katie Needham, Public Health Consultant, Health and Adult Services 01609 797063 |
17 May 2023
County Council |
Recommended Approach to Plan Making for North Yorkshire
Yes |
To agree the recommended approach to plan making for North Yorkshire. These recommendations were presented to and endorsed by Executive on 13th December. An amendment will be tabled at the meeting of Council on 17th May setting out the most recent context and position and any consequential changes to the recommendations.
•The LGR
Members Planning Task and Finish Group were consulted on 3rd
October 2022 |
David Caulfield, AD Growth Planning & Trading Standards |
Recommended Approach to Plan Making for North Yorkshire |
17 May 2023
County Council |
North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board - Terms of Reference
No |
To seek approval to revisions to the Terms of Reference of the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board
North Yorkshire
Health and Wellbeing Board 18th January 2023 |
Presentation and discussion of revised Terms of Reference at the relevant Committee meetings |
Patrick Duffy, Principal Democratic Services Scrutiny Officer |
30 May 2023
Executive |
Skelton Newby Hall CE VC Primary School – School Closure Proposal
Yes |
Following the
publication of statutory notices, to determine whether to cease to
maintain (to close) Skelton Newby Hall CE VC Primary School with
effect from 31 August 2023.
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, District and Parish Councils, Diocese, MP and other local stakeholders |
consultation ran from 6 January 2023 to 24 February 2023.
Consultation document issued to consultees and available on NYCC
website. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
30 May 2023
Executive |
Q4 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report
Yes |
Q4 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.
Management Board |
Meetings |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
Q4 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report |
30 May 2023
Executive |
Schools Condition Capital Programme 2023/24.
Yes |
To seek approval for the Children and Young
People’s Service, Schools Condition Capital Programme
The draft programme will be shared with the Schools Forum Meeting on 18 May 2023 (should the timing of allocation announcements allow this) |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
1 Jun 2023
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Title: Contract for electricity supply to commence from the 1st April 2024
Yes |
New Framework for electricity supply (for corporate properties, schools and District Councils as part of LGR)
Relevant internal officers |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings a required |
Howard Emmett 01609 532118; |
1 Jun 2023
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Electricity energy tariff for the council for the period 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025
Yes |
Electricity energy tariff for the council for the period 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025
Relevant Officers and Members - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings a required |
Howard Emmett |
20 Jun 2023
Executive |
Future arrangements for the Harrogate and Rural Alliance
Yes |
To approve the continuation of the Harrogate and Rural Alliance and agree the proposed legal framework and consultation process.
NHS Commissioners and Providers |
Correspondence, meetings and Council website |
Chris Jones-King, Assistant Director Adult Social Care, Care and Support |
20 Jun 2023
Executive |
Care market proposals for South Craven
No |
To update Executive on proposals for the development of the adult social care market in South Craven and secure formal approval for the proposals
Local stakeholders |
Stakeholder meetings |
Michael Rudd, Head of Housing Marketing Development (Commissioning), Health and Adult Services |
20 Jun 2023
Executive |
Proposed extra care housing scheme
Yes |
To approve funding to support the development of an extra care housing scheme in Whitby. To review the proposed scheme and outcome of the procurement.
Michael Rudd, Head of Housing Marketing Development (Commissioning), Health and Adult Services |
20 Jun 2023
Executive |
Proposal to amalgamate Caedmon College Whitby and Eskdale School.
Yes |
To seek approval to implement a proposal, requested by the federated Governing Body of the Whitby Secondary Partnership, to amalgamate Caedmon College Whitby and Eskdale School resulting in the technical closure of Eskdale School and the Eskdale site, and increase the planned admission number for the amalgamated school with effect from 1 September 2024.
Parents, Staff, Governors, Local Elected Members, MP, Unions and professional associations, District Councils, Diocesan Boards, Town and Parish Councils. |
Consultation document issued to consultees and
available on NYCC website between 20 February 2023 and 31 March
2023. |
Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills |
Report to Executive Member for Education, Learning
and Skills, 7 February 2023. |
19 Jul 2023
County Council |
Recommendations to County Council regarding the Community Governance Review of Harrogate and Scarboroughwhether to proceed with a Community Governance Review
Yes |
Recommendations to County Council regarding the Community Governance Review of Harrogate and Scarborough.
If a CGR is
undertaken there will be public consultation within the
process. |
If approved the CGR process will involve consulting with the public of the relevant area. |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) |
19 Jul 2023
County Council |
Annual Overview and Scrutiny Report 2022/23 - A review of the work of overview and scrutiny committees in 2022/23 and looking ahead to the work that will be undertaken in 2023/24
No |
Approve the annual report of the Council’s six thematic overview and scrutiny committees
Scrutiny Board |
Email distribution of the final draft of the report to the Chairs of the Council’s six thematic overview and scrutiny committees |
Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager, Christine Phillipson, Democratic Services & Scrutiny Officer;, |
22 Aug 2023
Executive |
Consideration of expressions of interest for Double Devolution Pilot
Yes |
Executive to consider expressions of interest from Town and Parish Councils for potential Double Devolution Pilot
Executive |
Meetings |
Neil Irving, Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities |
22 Aug 2023
Executive |
Q1 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report
Yes |
Q1 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.
Management Board |
Meetings |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
Q1 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report |
1 Sep 2023
Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial |
Contract for Hard Facilities Management Asbestos Analysis - surveys and supervision
Yes |
To undertake a procurement exercise for Hard Facilities Management Asbestos Analysis - surveys and supervision
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings as required |
Katherine Edge, Senior Property Officer |
1 Sep 2023
Assistant Director Strategic Resources |
Contract for gas supply from the 1st April 2025
Yes |
New Framework for gas supply (for corporate properties, schools and District Councils as part of LGR)
Relevant Officers - internal |
Internal communication, discussions and meetings a required |
Howard Emmett 01609 532118 or |
19 Sep 2023
Executive |
Future arrangements for the Harrogate and Rural Alliance
Yes |
To consider feedback from the consultation and approve the final legal framework.
NHS Commissioners and Providers |
Correspondence and meetings |
Chris Jones-King, Assistant Director Adult Social Care, Care and Support |
19 Sep 2023
Executive |
Outdoor Learning Service
Yes |
To consider the outcome of the strategic review and full business case for the Outdoor Learning Service.
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Amanda Newbold, Assistant Director, Education & Skills |
17 Oct 2023
Executive |
North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Yes |
To consider the
proposed North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and
recommend it for adoption to the Council.
• The public and partners |
In terms of the
public and partners, a period of public consultation is planned for
spring/summer 2023. |
Louise Wallace, AD Health and Integration |
North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy |
15 Nov 2023
County Council |
North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
No |
To adopt the North Yorkshire Joint Health and
Wellbeing Strategy.
• The public and partners |
In terms of the public and partners, a period
of public consultation is planned for spring/summer 2023. |
Louise Wallace, AD Health and Integration |
28 Nov 2023
Executive |
Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report
Yes |
Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.
Management Board |
Meetings |
Gary Fielding, Corporate Director for Strategic Resources |
Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report |
28 Nov 2023
Executive |
Outdoor Learning Service
Yes |
To consider the outcome of the strategic review and full business case for the Outdoor Learning Service.
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Amanda Newbold, Assistant Director, Education & Skills |
Outdoor Learning Service |
Should you wish to make representation as to the matter being discussed in public please contact Daniel Harry
Email: ( Tel: 01609 533531.