Thirsk & Malton Area Constituency Committee

Wednesday 12 January 2022 @ 10am


County Council Budget 2022/23



Purpose of Report  



To advise of the arrangements for reporting the County Council’s budget for 2022/23 at this meeting and to seek the Committee’s comments concerning the budget for referral to the Executive.



2.0     Background


2.1      The local government finance settlement is the annual determination of funding to local government and requires the approval of the House of Commons.


2.2      The local government settlement for 2022/23 has been published later than anticipated and so it has not been possible to prepare a paper regarding the settlement for circulation with the agenda for this meeting.


3.0     Arrangements


3.1     Gary Fielding (the County Council’s Corporate Director - Strategic Resources) will attend this meeting to give a verbal briefing on the 2022/23 local government settlement and to respond to questions.


3.2     The Committee, having received the verbal briefing, is invited to comment on the County Council’s budget for 2022/23.






That the local government settlement, as reported verbally at this meeting, be noted.



That the Committee’s comments concerning the County Council’s budget for 2022/23 be referred to the County Council’s Executive for consideration.



Daniel Harry

Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager

Legal and Democratic Services

North Yorkshire County Council

County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD


Background Documents – None