External Venues
REPORT TO: the Assistant Chief Executive, Business Support; Justine Brooksbank
DECISION DATE: 22nd February 2022
It is recommended that the Authority award a new contract for External Venues from March 2022 for 2 years with a 12 month extension option.
This is a re-procurement of an existing provision.
The aims & objectives of this procurement are to ensure that we are supporting the community venues and keeping continuity of service while we understand how the demand for this service is going to change as lockdown restrictions are lifted over the next 24 months.
The benefits of a Direct Award approach, via Crown Commercial Services Framework RM612, Lot 4, are that it is a compliant route to market allowing us to benefit from continued service with a supplier who has all of our community venues set up and are aware of the current lower spend/bookings at the moment. Plus we will have the flexibility that after 2 years we can hopefully put our own NYCC Framework in place for external venues which is ultimately what the team want.
As per the Council’s Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules, Rule 11 states;
11.1 Tenders for Contracts which exceed the UK Procurement Threshold shall be invited and awarded in accordance with the PCRs.
As per Rule 16.3, a Director does not need to invite Above Threshold Tenders in accordance with Rule 11 and 12, in the following circumstances:
a) purchases via Framework Agreements which have been established either by the Council or by other public sector bodies or consortia (including, but not limited to PSBO’s) and where such Framework Agreements are lawfully accessible to the Council.
It is recommended that the Authority award a new contract for External Venues from March 2022 for 2 years with a 12 month extension option.