Procurement for Kitchen Information Management System for Schools



REPORT TO; Anton Hodge Assistant Director, Strategic Resources


DECISION DATE: 10th May 2022


SUPPORTING ANNEX; This report includes a supporting Annex which contains exempt information as described in paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




It is recommended that the Authority proceed with a further competition via YPO Framework 1002 Electronic Communications, Payments and Kitchen Management Solutions, in order to procure a kitchen management information system and the associated hardware for use by approximately 220 schools within and outside of North Yorkshire.


The proposed contract duration is:

·         Initial term: 1 March 2023 – 28 February 2026

·         Optional Extension: 1 March 2026 – 29 February 2028


The estimated whole life cost is £675,000 - £825,000 depending on the successful solution.


This approach will deliver a competitive and compliant process to ensure the best value solution is in place by the required contract start date (1st March 2023). 




Kitchen management (schools) is currently managed by a combination of 2 systems and manual processes to manage the gaps in between the systems and the lack of integration between them.  The current contract was due to end in 2022 however has now been extended by 6 months and now expires in February 2023.




As per the Council’s Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules, Rule 11 states;


11.1 Tenders for Contracts which exceed the WTO GPA Procurement Threshold shall be invited and awarded in accordance with the PCRs and as prescribed in Rule 11 and 12.


As per Rule 16.3:


A Director does not need to invite Above Threshold Tenders in accordance with Rule 11 and 12, in the following circumstances:


A)     purchases via Framework Agreements which have been established either by the Council or by other public sector bodies or consortia (including, but not limited to PSBO’s) and where such Framework Agreements are lawfully accessible to the Council. Contracts awarded from such Framework Agreements shall be awarded in accordance with the provisions of that Framework Agreement. 


The contract will be awarded via the YPO 1002 Electronic Communications, Payments and Kitchen Management Solutions Framework Agreement. This is a compliant route to market and complies with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


OJEU Notices: Services - 134573-2020 - TED Tenders Electronic Daily (





It is recommended that the Authority proceed with a further competition via YPO Framework 1002 Electronic Communications, Payments and Kitchen Management Solutions, in order to procure a kitchen management information system and the associated hardware for use by approximately 220 schools within and outside of North Yorkshire.


The proposed contract duration is:

·         Initial term: 1 March 2023 – 28 February 2026

·         Optional Extension: 1 March 2026 – 29 February 2028


The estimated whole life cost is £675,000 - £825,000 depending on the successful solution.


This approach will deliver a competitive and compliant process to ensure the best value solution is in place by the required contract start date (1st March 2023).