21ST JUNE 2022
1. At its meeting on 1st February 2022, SACRE considered the suggested process for drawing up the Development Plan for 2022-2024 and agreed that a Task and Finish Group be set up to draw up the Plan and report back to this meeting of SACRE.
2. It was stressed that any Members who wished to volunteer for the Group were welcome to do so.
3. The Group comprised:
- Chris Devanny, Catholic Representative
- Olivia Seymour, Professional Religious Education Adviser
- Patrick Duffy, Clerk to SACRE
- Heather Russell, Senior Education Adviser
4. The Group met in March to consider this and a draft has been produced (Appendix A).
5. The Group have based the draft Plan around the five key functions contained in the Self Evaluation Toolkit, produced by NASACRE – The National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education – and the Department for Education. These are stated at the beginning of the draft.
6. The draft Plan contains four objectives, as the Group felt it important to focus on a relatively small number. Within each objective, however, there are a number of actions intended to help achieve the objective.
7. The draft Plan includes some of the actions from the previous Plan, which were not possible to complete due to the impact of Covid-19.
8. SACRE has begun to use the afore-mentioned Toolkit. Enclosed at Appendix B, is an extract from the Toolkit relating to the function Promoting improvement in the standards, the quality of teaching, and provision of RE. This is a function which will be a particularly important part of the Development Plan. The extract states what would be expected of an “Established” or “Advanced” SACRE against the key areas for that function.
9. Following on from the wording in the Toolkit, the Professional Religious Education Adviser has inserted a number of examples of work that is already undertaken – What do we do already? – and posed the question What could we do in North Yorkshire SACRE to develop this further? Underneath that question, she provides some suggestions for Members to consider. At the meeting, Members may find it useful to undertake this consideration in their Groups, via the breakout rooms facility.
10. That the draft Development Plan for 2022-2024, as circulated, be approved, subject to any additional actions Members may feel should be included from those that appear under the heading in Appendix B – What could we do in North Yorkshire SACRE to develop this further?
11. That progress on the Development Plan be reported to SACRE every other meeting.
Patrick Duffy
Clerk to North Yorkshire SACRE
June 2022
Background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report – None
The North Yorkshire SACRE Development Plan is shaped around the five key functions of SACRES contained in the NASACRE Self-Evaluation Toolkit, namely:-.
1. To improve the management of SACRE and build the partnership between SACRE and other Key Stakeholders
2. Promoting improvement in the standards, quality of teaching and provision in RE
3. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Locally Agreed Syllabus
4. Promoting improvement in the provision and quality of collective worship
5. Contributing to cohesion across the community and the promotion of social and racial harmony
The 2022-24 Plan includes some of the actions in the 2020-22 Development Plan which have not been possible to complete due to Covid.
North Yorkshire SACRE has begun a programme of self-evaluation activity, using the NASACRE self-evaluation toolkit, which underpins identified priorities.
Objective One: To increase Member engagement Intended Impact: SACRE has active Members engaged with and contributing to the work of SACRE |
Links to NASACRE Self-evaluation toolkit: Priority One To improve the management of SACRE and build the partnership between SACRE and other Key Stakeholders Priority Five Contributing to cohesion across the community and the promotion of social and racial harmony |
Ref |
Action |
Cost |
Lead |
Timescale |
Progress |
1.1 |
· SACRE to enhance Faith Group representation by working with Faith Groups to enhance Group A Membership |
- |
On-going |
1.2 |
· SACRE to enhance Teacher Representation |
- |
On-going |
1.3 |
· Implement a programme of Member presentations at each SACRE meeting with a focus on Member work / community involvement and how it links into SACRE |
- |
Clerk (i.e.set up a rota) |
On-going from September 2022 |
1.4 |
· Implement a programme of schools hosting occasional SACRE meetings |
Travel expenses
School Time |
Clerk |
By March 2023 |
1.5 |
· Identify and agree a separate budget for SACRE to enable its work |
- |
Principal Adviser (Support) |
By December 2022 |
1.6 |
· To engage Schools in designing a logo for SACRE |
- |
Principal Adviser (Support)
September to November 2022 |
Objective Two: To monitor the effective teaching of RE throughout the Local Authority and explore ways to model best practice in RE Intended Impact: SACRE Members have an informed understanding of the quality of RE provision and standards in RE across NYCC schools |
Links to NASACRE Self-evaluation toolkit: Priority Two Promoting improvement in the standards, quality of teaching and provision in RE |
Ref |
Action |
Cost |
Lead |
Timescale |
Progress |
1.1 |
· Arrange a programme of visits to a range of Schools in North Yorkshire to see RE in action · Develop a SACRE Visits Policy and Visits Form
Travel expenses
School time |
LA Officer Principal Adviser |
1.2 |
· Implement a system for receiving pupil feedback on RE |
- |
LA Officer Principal Adviser |
Objective Three: To review the locally Agreed Syllabus Intended Impact: SACRE Members implement a locally agreed syllabus for 2024-29 taking account of national developments and consultation with schools |
Links to NASACRE Self-evaluation toolkit: Priority Three To evaluate the effectiveness of the Locally Agreed Syllabus NOTE: This is primarily a priority for the second year of this Development Plan |
Ref |
Action |
Cost |
Lead |
Timescale |
Progress |
1.1 |
· SACRE to consult with the Local Authority; SACRE Members; and Schools on the effectiveness of the current Agreed Syllabus |
- |
LA Officer Professional RE Adviser |
Autumn 2022 |
1.2 |
· SACRE to set up Agreed Syllabus Conference in line with legal requirements |
- |
LA Officer Professional RE Adviser |
Spring 2023 |
1.3 |
· SACRE to review options in light of consultation |
- |
LA Officer Professional RE Adviser |
Spring / Summer 2023 |
1.4 |
· SACRE to produce and recommend to the Local Authority an Agreed Syllabus for RE which is educationally sound and meets legal requirements |
- |
LA Officer Professional RE Adviser |
By Spring 2024 |
1.5 |
· Local Authority to adopt and launch Agreed Syllabus |
- |
LA Officer Professional RE Adviser |
Spring /Summer 2024 |
1.6 |
· SACRE to work in partnership with the Local Authority to put in place ongoing training and support to ensure full implementation of the Agreed Syllabus in NYCC schools |
- |
LA Officer Professional RE Adviser |
On-going from launch |
Objective Four: To review and update SACRE guidance to schools on collective worship Intended Impact: schools have updated and clear collective worship guidance that take account of national developments |
Links to NASACRE Self-evaluation toolkit: Priority Four To promote improvement in the provision and quality of Collective Worship
NOTE: This is primarily a priority for the second year of this Development Plan |
Ref |
Action |
Cost |
Lead |
Timescale |
Progress |
1.1 |
SACRE engage with and respond to the NASACRE national report on Collective Worship |
- |
LA Officer Professional RE Adviser |
2023/2024 |
1.2 |
A SACRE working party review and update guidance for Schools |
- |
LA Officer Professional RE Adviser SACRE working party |
2023/2024 |
1.3 |
SACRE develop a programme of training and support for schools on collective worship |
- |
LA Officer Professional RE Adviser |
2024 |
Key Function 2 - Promoting improvement in the standards, the quality of teaching, and provision of RE
What does the NASACRE/DfE Self Evaluation tool say?
Key Area: 2a - RE provision across the LA. How effectively does the SACRE gain information about RE provision in schools and put in place strategies to support the delivery of pupil entitlement? |
Established A SACRE with established practice would: |
have some knowledge of which schools are providing adequate time for effective learning in RE and have a scheme of work that enables them to deliver the AS. SACRE’s process for acquiring this information is adequate but lacks coherence. Have limited opportunities to implement strategies in support of pupil entitlement. Ofsted reports are read and any comments on RE noted and brought to SACRE. |
☐ |
Advanced A SACRE with advanced practice would: |
build upon a strong relationship with the LA, whereby the LA shares its information and from this SACRE gains an overview of RE provision within the LA. It works effectively with the LA to support and promote pupil entitlement. Examples of different models for fulfilling pupil entitlement within local schools will be shared with all schools so that schools can have a menu from which to adapt an approach that delivers pupil entitlement whilst meeting the specific needs and priorities of their schools. |
☐ |
Key Area: 2b - Standards of achievement and public examination entries How does SACRE use information about standards and examinations to target support and training for schools? |
Established A SACRE with established practice would: |
have some process in place to find out how well learners are doing in KS 1-3, (e.g. by meeting teachers, pupils and through the LA). SACRE will be provided with adequate information about examination entries and standards in examinations in secondary schools and how these relate to national figures. |
☐ |
Advanced A SACRE with advanced practice would: |
have robust processes with the LA whereby SACRE can gain accurate information about standards in schools and examination entries in all secondary schools, with useful analysis that enables it to address issues effectively in partnership with the LA. |
☐ |
Key Area: 2c - Quality of learning and teaching. How well does SACRE use knowledge of quality of learning and teaching to target support appropriately? |
Established A SACRE with established practice would: |
have some information regarding the quality of learning and teaching from a range of sources including contact with teachers and pupils. Limited analysis of this information is undertaken; however, this means that SACRE’s attempts to improve learning and teaching have limited effect. Be able to circulate information about national courses and support mechanisms to schools |
☐ |
Advanced A SACRE with advanced practice would: |
have a robust relationship with schools and the LA to gather meaningful information about the quality of learning and teaching in RE. This information is analysed to identify trends, areas of strength and areas for development and SACRE draws on expertise in effective schools to support all schools in the LA. Advise the LA on the support that is needed and have access to professional support, linked to schools in need. |
☐ |
Key Area: 2d Quality of interaction and communication with leadership and management of RE in schools To what extent does SACRE have and pass on information that supports high quality RE in schools |
Established A SACRE with established practice would: |
have RE key messages communicated regularly into schools. Sends regular updates and information to schools, headteachers and governors. SACRE discussions are used to enhance leadership and management of RE in schools. |
☐ |
Advanced A SACRE with advanced practice would: |
have a constructive relationship with senior leaders and subject managers in schools to develop the subject. |
☐ |
What do we do already?
SACRE termly newsletter An opportunity to communicate with schools, share best practice and ensure schools receive local, regional and national updates. |
Termly RE Professional Practice groups Termly training for RE subject leaders building on national curriculum conversations in RE e.g Ofsted research review, Religion and Worldviews project, curriculum symposium |
Stand-alone training opportunities Opportunities to provide a conference or training sessions on key themes. We currently offer a subject leadership course. Do we want to offer anything further? e.g curriculum, assessment, subject knowledge |
Annual questionnaire to schools We have an annual questionnaire to go out to schools. This enables us to meet some of our basic statutory role. Do the questions give us the information we need to fulfil our role? |
SEA briefings The Professional RE adviser has briefed SEAs on two occasions on the legal context of RE, the Locally Agreed Syllabus and Ofsted and RE. A one minute guide and a suite of review documents have been produced. |
Reports from officers Previously we have had reports giving an overview of data e.g GCSE/A-Level data in North Yorkshire, reporting in workforce data etc – how do we want to receive this in future? |
Reports from Ofsted In what format do we want to receive this information? What might it tell us? |
What could we do in North Yorkshire SACRE to develop this further?
Feedback from LA visits to schools An opportunity for partnership with the LA, to receive professional feedback on standards in RE across our schools |
Presentations from RE subject leads An opportunity to hear directly from RE subject leads about how they have developed their RE curriculum and the impact it has had. Support for members own subject knowledge about RE at different phases in education. |
Presentations from pupils An opportunity to hear directly from pupils about the impact of their learning in RE |
Visits to schools An opportunity to see things in action, talk to teachers and pupils and build up our own understanding of RE and the curriculum. |
Engagement with RE Quality Mark Supporting schools to engage with the quality mark, offer bursaries/ incentive for schools to apply for the accreditation. Offer training for schools on how to apply |
Religion and Worldview events Opportunities for subject knowledge support for schools such as carousel of faiths events, visiting speakers to schools, events for pupils |
Headteacher and Governor briefings Opportunities to feed in to LA briefings or set up a stand-alone briefing for Headteachers and Governors on the statutory aspects of RE, Ofsted messages etc |