Climate change impact assessment                                                                                                                                                                                                           


The purpose of this assessment is to help us understand the likely impacts of our decisions on the environment of North Yorkshire and on our aspiration to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2030, or as close to that date as possible. The intention is to mitigate negative effects and identify projects which will have positive effects.


This document should be completed in consultation with the supporting guidance. The final document will be published as part of the decision-making process and should be written in Plain English.


If you have any additional queries which are not covered by the guidance, please email 


Version 2: amended 11 August 2021

Please note: You may not need to undertake this assessment if your proposal will be subject to any of the following: 
 Planning Permission
 Environmental Impact Assessment
 Strategic Environmental Assessment
 However, you will still need to summarise your findings in the summary section of the form below.
 Please contact for advice.












Title of proposal

Proposed De-designation of Children’s Centres (now known as Children & Families Hubs)


Brief description of proposal

To progress public consultation on the de-commissioning and closure of five designated Children’s Centres and disposal of two other buildings which have historically been used by the Children’s and Families service which are no longer used.


Depending on the outcome of the public consultation this could result in the vacating / disposal of up to seven properties from the Property workplace portfolio.


Public consultation around proposed de-designation of Children’s Centres sites:

·         Northern Ryedale Children’s Centre B5523 (on Kirkbymoorside CP School E2064)

·         Eastfields Children’s Centre B5534

·         South Craven Children’s Centre B5542 (on Glusburn Community Primary School E2393)

·         Nidderdale Children’s Centre B5540 (on St Cuthbert’s School, Pateley Bridge)

·         Wensleydale Children’s Centre B5522 (on Askrigg School E3289)


Properties historically used by the Children and Families service, but which have been unused during and following the pandemic being progressed for disposal (which were not designated as Children’s Centres):

·         Flaxley Road – Brown Cabin (on Flaxley Road campus B2251)

·         Bedale Youth & Children’s Centre B0614 (on Bedale High School E4052)



Children and Families Service (CYPS)

Service area

Early Help

Lead officer

Barbara Merrygold

Names and roles of other people involved in carrying out the impact assessment

Katherine Edge (Senior Property Officer), Kristina Peat (Operations Manager, Energy and Carbon)


Date impact assessment started

21st February 2023


Options appraisal

Were any other options considered in trying to achieve the aim of this project? If so, please give brief details and explain why alternative options were not progressed.



The  Children and Families Early Help Service delivered sessions from a range of premises for a number of years; however, since 2015, the use of some of these buildings has significantly reduced. This further reduced following the Children and Families restructure and service review in March 2019.


2.1   In March 2019, the Children and Families Service committed to co-locating Early Help and Safeguarding teams where possible, in order to improve communications, share best practice and provide joined-up services for families. Over this period, there has been a review of all North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) properties (including leased spaces) across the county enabling greater co-location of staff including Early Help and Safeguarding teams.


2.2   Over the last two years - during and following the Covid-19 pandemic – the Early Help service has redesigned the delivery of activities to support children and

their families, moving to a blended approach of virtual and face to face activities. This has enabled the delivery of countywide virtual activities which families are able to access from their home, reducing the need for the same number of premises.

2.3   This model of delivery is supported by a recent government publication “The Framework for Family Hubs”. The primary focus is not about ‘buildings’; it is about ‘place’ and ‘community’; having a sense of belonging; accessing support in the community, and; in many cases being delivered by people in the local community. The framework identified that family hubs come in all shapes and sizes: libraries, faith buildings, schools, early year’s settings, youth & community centres and, community halls.


2.4   The local authority’s Property Services team have a rolling programme to ensure efficient use of properties and where service operating models change, to

identify opportunities for property rationalisation whilst continuing to support effective service delivery. For example, to facilitate co-location, the Property Service has invested funds to improve office and delivery spaces in Richmond, Selby and Ryedale. 


The Property Rationalisation Programme will result in the transformation of the County Council’s property portfolio to achieve a reduction of in excess of £1.5 million in respect of revenue expenditure and to optimise the use of the property portfolio. 


This will be achieved through:

·         a reduction in the total floor area for the delivery and management of front-line services

·         the delivery of the Beyond 2020 Modern Council Programme


The overarching objectives of the Property Rationalisation Programme, are to achieve -

·         The implementation of more efficient working practices within all of the County Council’s property

·         A reduction in the total floor area occupied by the County Council, resulting in a reduction in revenue expenditure and carbon emissions


Buildings which are either leased, underutilised or where service delivery could be transferred to be delivered out of another building are reviewed as part of the Programme, as this enhances usage of Property Assets, with the staff and services utilising the associated buildings moved to other locations within the Property estate.  The relocation of the services to other locations will not have an impact on the delivery of front-line services or staffing structure in relation to the properties.


What impact will this proposal have on council budgets? Will it be cost neutral, have increased cost or reduce costs?

Please explain briefly why this will be the result, detailing estimated savings or costs where this is possible.


Any changes as a result of this proposal will form part of the Property Rationalisation Programme, which will contribute towards a reduction in Property’s revenue budget and the total floor space within the Corporate Workplace Property portfolio, contributing towards Property’s overarching saving target.  There is also consideration when developing the option analysis / reviews around running cost implications, taking into account vacating sites and increased usage of sites where there are proposals for these to be used more efficiently.




How will this proposal impact on the environment?

N.B. There may be short term negative impact and longer term positive impact. Please include all potential impacts over the lifetime of a project and provide an explanation.

Positive impact

(Place a X in the box below where relevant)

No impact

(Place a X in the box below where relevant)

Negative impact

(Place a X in the box below where relevant)

Explain why will it have this effect and over what timescale?


Where possible/relevant please include:

·      Changes over and above business as usual

·      Evidence or measurement of effect

·      Figures for CO2e

·      Links to relevant documents

Explain how you plan to mitigate any negative impacts.


Explain how you plan to improve any positive outcomes as far as possible.

Minimise greenhouse gas emissions e.g. reducing emissions from travel, increasing energy efficiencies etc.


Emissions from travel




Where a building has enhanced usage then there is the potential for increased traffic (staff and customers); however, this traffic will have transferred from usage of the proposed site to vacate / relocate. 


However, over the last two years - during and following the Covid-19 pandemic – the Early Help service has redesigned the delivery of activities to support children and their families, moving to a blended approach of virtual and face to face activities. This has enabled the delivery of countywide virtual activities which families are able to access from their home, reducing the need for the same number of premises and reducing travel.



Emissions from construction







Emissions from running of buildings




When a site is vacated, there will be a reduction in the Council’s greenhouse gas emission as it will no longer be utilising the site, however there might be an increase in usage at sites that services are relocated to, offsetting some of the reduction that might have been achieved.


Across the 7 sites that are being considered as part of this proposal it is difficult to provide an exact figure around the potential carbon saving – as we do not hold the consumption data for all of the sites due to the Children Centres being located on school sites with a flat charge contribution paid towards energy consumption.  As a result a review has been undertaken to try to determine the possible estimated saving with this been 16,274kg with a potential up to 22,157kg.



Monitoring of usage at sites where there is increased usage of facilities.

However, over the last two years - during and following the Covid-19 pandemic – the Early Help service has redesigned the delivery of activities to support children and their families, moving to a blended approach of virtual and face to face activities. This has enabled the delivery of countywide virtual activities which families are able to access from their home, reducing the need for the same number of premises and reducing travel.

Emissions from data storage














Minimise waste: Reduce, reuse, recycle and compost e.g. reducing use of single use plastic







Reduce water consumption




When a site is vacated there will be a reduction in its water usage, however there might be an increase in usage at sites that services are relocated to, offsetting some of the reduction that might have been achieved.


However, over the last two years - during and following the Covid-19 pandemic – the Early Help service has redesigned the delivery of activities to support children and their families, moving to a blended approach of virtual and face to face activities. This has enabled the delivery of countywide virtual activities which families are able to access from their home, reducing the need for the same number of premises and reducing travel.


Monitoring of usage at sites where there is increased usage of facilities.


Minimise pollution (including air, land, water, light and noise)





Similar to water reduction, when a site is vacated there will be a reduction in elements of pollution, however there might be an increase at the site that is relocated to, offsetting some of the reduction that might have been achieved.



Ensure resilience to the effects of climate change e.g. reducing flood risk, mitigating effects of drier, hotter summers







Enhance conservation and wildlife








Safeguard the distinctive characteristics, features and special qualities of North Yorkshire’s landscape









Other (please state below)









Are there any recognised good practice environmental standards in relation to this proposal? If so, please detail how this proposal meets those standards.


Over the last two years - during and following the Covid-19 pandemic – the Early Help service has redesigned the delivery of activities to support children and their families, moving to a blended approach of virtual and face to face activities. This has enabled the delivery of countywide virtual activities which families are able to access from their home, reducing the need for the same number of premises and reducing travel.


The overarching objectives of the Property Rationalisation Programme, are to achieve -

·         The implementation of more efficient working practices within all of the County Council’s property

·         A reduction in the total floor area occupied by the County Council, resulting in a reduction in revenue expenditure and carbon emissions



Summary Summarise the findings of your impact assessment, including impacts, the recommendation in relation to addressing impacts, including any legal advice, and next steps. This summary should be used as part of the report to the decision maker.


The assessment identifies an overall long-term positive impact on carbon reduction through reductions to the workplace property portfolio. 


The size of the workplace estate means that it is an important factor in the Council’s overall carbon reduction plan, as a result when sites are vacated / disposed of there is a positive impact as the overarching carbon footprint in relation to the workplace property portfolio will be reduced.


Across the 7 sites that are being considered as part of this proposal it is difficult to provide an exact figure around the potential carbon saving – as we do not hold the consumption data for all of the sites due to the Children Centres being located on school sites with a flat charge contribution paid towards energy consumption.  As a result a review has been undertaken to try to determine the possible estimated saving with this been 16,274kg with a potential up to 22,157kg.



Sign off section


This climate change impact assessment was completed by:



Katherine Edge

Job title

Senior Property Officer

Service area

Property Service


Strategic Resources



Completion date

22nd February 2023


Authorised by relevant Assistant Director (signature):

