North Yorkshire Council



Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee


23rd June 2023


Scrutiny Task and Finish Group – Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Provision in the Scarborough and Whitby Area


Joint Report of the Corporate Director, Children and Young People’s Service and the Assistant Chief Executive

(Legal and Democratic Services)


1.            PURPOSE OF REPORT


1.1         To advise Members of the establishment of a Task and Finish Group regarding SEND Provision in the Scarborough and Whitby Area and to seek approval to its Terms of Reference.


2.0          BACKGROUND


2.1       At full Council on 17th May 2023, Councillor John Ritchie proposed the establishment of a Scrutiny Task and Finish Group to look at SEND Provision in the Scarborough Area. Councillor Ritchie’s wording was as follows:-


·         A Cross-Party Joint Task and Finish Scrutiny review into SEND provision in the Scarborough area comprising a small group of Members from Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee and Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


·         The evidence gathering part of the review would take place over one day in Scarborough and hear from service users about their lived experience of accessing services for disabled children and young people, as well as those with SEND.


·         Evidence would be anonymised to comply with GDPR and consent forms used.


·         The outcome will be the production of a report to feed into the SEND Strategy document, providing Members with greater knowledge of the acute situation in Scarborough which will, in turn, help inform policy


NOTE: With regard to the second bullet point above, Councillor Ritchie has advised that this aspect relates to the in-person evidence gathering.


2.2         Responding to Councillor Ritchie at full Council, the Chair of this Committee, Councillor Barbara Brodigan, expressed her support for his proposal.




3.1       On 14th June, a discussion was held between the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of this Committee and Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee, Councillor Ritchie, the Assistant Director for Inclusion and the Principal Democratic Services Scrutiny Officer.  The discussion considered a number of matters, including the scope of the review and target timescales.

3.2         Based on that discussion, attached, as an Appendix, are the proposed Terms of  Reference for the Task and Finish Group.  It is suggested that the review cover the Scarborough and Whitby Constituency Area.  The intention is to share the draft report of the Task and Finish Group with this Committee and Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee, prior to consideration by the Executive.  




4.1       This is not applicable in this case.  As stated above, the proposal to esatblish a Task and Finish Group was proposed at full Council and the Chair of this Committee was in agreement with the proposal.




5.1         There are no direct financial implications at this stage.




6.1       There are no direct legal implications at this stage.




7.1       There are no direct equalities implications.




8.1       There are no direct climate change implications.




9.1       The Task and Finish Group clearly needs defined Terms of Reference to carry out its work.




10.1     That the proposed Terms of Reference for the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group regarding the Provision of Special Educational Needs and Disability in the Scarborough and Whitby Area, be approved.



Appendix A - Proposed Terms of Reference


BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS relied upon in the preparation of this report – None


Stuart Carlton                                                              Barry Khan

Corporate Director, Children and Young                    Assistant Chief Executive

People’s Service                                                         (Legal and Democratic Services)


County Hall



June 2023      


Report authors and presenters of the report:

Janet Crawford                                   Patrick Duffy

Assistant Director, Inclusion               Principal Democratic Services Scrutiny Officer


Note: Members are invited to contact the author(s) in advance of the meeting with any detailed queries or questions.





1.    Purpose of the Task and Finish Group


To review specific aspects of SEND provision in the Scarborough and Whitby Area and to produce a report on its findings.


NOTE: Whilst it is intended that the review will cover the Scarborough and Whitby Constituency Area and will welcome examples of good practice in both places, it is expected that the main focus will be on Scarborough.


2.    Scope


The Task and Finish Group will examine the following questions:-


a)    How are parents/carers of children and young people with SEND being supported in their children’s education? (essentially, their “journey”)


and, following the engagement process referred to in paragraph 3, below…


b)    Are there any areas where more could do done to improve access to information, advice and support for families in the Scarborough and Whitby area?


c)    Are there any recommendations for action as a result of this process?


NOTE: Members are aware that SEND provision is working well for many families and will be interested to hear examples of this as well.


3.    How it will go about this


Members will familiarise themselves with background information/key documents on SEND, which will be provided by the Children and Young People’s Service Directorate.


Input will be received from parents/carers on their lived experience, as part of an evidence gathering day, to be held in Scarborough and via the results of a questionnaire.


This input will be mapped against current provision.


4.     Ensuring confidentiality


Evidence will be anonymised - to comply with GDPR - and consent forms completed.


5.      Membership


A small group of Members from the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee (ACC), namely:-


·      Councillor Liz Colling, Chair of Scarborough and Whitby ACC (who will Chair the Task and Finish Group)

·      Councillor Barbara Brodigan, Chair of Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·      Councillor Heather Phillips, Vice-Chair of Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·      Councillor Janet Jefferson, Vice-Chair of Scarborough and Whitby ACC and a Member of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·      Councillor John Ritchie (a Member of both the afore-mentioned Committees and the person who proposed the Task and Finish Group)


6.      Officer Support


This will primarily be provided by:-


·       Janet Crawford, Assistant Director, Inclusion

·       Patrick Duffy, Principal Democratic Services Scrutiny Officer


7.      Outcome


The outcome will be the production of a report to feed into the SEND Strategy document, providing Members with greater knowledge of the situation in Scarborough and Whitby which will, in turn, help inform policy.


8.      Target timescales and reporting arrangements






Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee approve Terms of Reference for Task and Finish Group

23rd June 2023


Background Information Pack issued to Members of Task and Finish Group

Mid-July 2023


Questionnaire for parents/carers drawn up and circulated

September 2023


Questionnaire responses analysed and summarised for Task and Finish Group

October 2023


Task and Finish Group hear in person from parents/carers

October 2023


Draft report produced and shared, for comment, with the Task and Finish Group and appropriate officers in the Children and Young People’s Service Directorate

November 2023


Amended draft report considered by:-


·         Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee

·         Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee



1st December 2023


8th December 2023


Finalised report considered by Executive

9th January 2024