North Yorkshire Council
Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee
23 November 2023
Purpose of Report To ask Members to consider, amend and add to the Committee’s work programme.
1. Remit of the Committee
The remit of the Area Constituency Committees is detailed in Appendix 1.
2. Work Programme Items
The intention is for the Committee to develop a work programme that:
· is owned by the Committee
· has items on it that are important locally but relevant at a strategic, county level
· evolves over time and is not static.
The Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Democratic Services Officer will keep the work programme up to date and determine which items need to be considered at a public committee meeting and which could be picked up elsewhere.
Alternative ways of dealing with issues that come to the Committee could include:
· Member visit to Bilton Treatment Works – This has been followed up since the last meeting and awaiting confirmation from Yorkshire Water
· Yorkshire Water be invited to attend a meeting of the Committee once a year – To be coordinated across Area Constituency Committees, a written update has been circulated
4. Update from Working Groups:
Any updates from the Chairs of the following working groups:
· Update from the Climate Working Group:
o The role of Climate change champion
· Update from the Bathing Water Working Group:
· Update from the Voluntary Sector Working Group:
· Update on Harrogate Station Gateway Working Group (Not yet met)
5. Informal Briefings
There are no informal briefings proposed at present.
6. Work Programme/Future Items of Work
The Committee’s work programme is at Appendix 2.
Recommendation Members are asked to consider, amend and add to the Committee’s work programme.
Democratic Services
North Yorkshire Council
Background documents: None