06 February 2024
North Yorkshire Council Pay Policy Statement on Pay Structure, Grading and Conditions for Senior Managers Covering The Period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025
1.0 Purpose of report
1.1 This policy statement covers the following management board posts: Ø Head of Paid Service, which is the post of Chief Executive. Ø Statutory Chief Officers: Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services Corporate Director of Environment Corporate Director of Resources Corporate Director of Community Development Ø Senior Managers on the Management Board who report directly to the Head of Paid Service: Assistant Chief Executive (HR and Business Support) Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) (Statutory Monitoring Officer) Assistant Chief Executive (Localities) Ø Assistant Directors (All Directorates)
2.0 Management Board Pay and Grading
2.1 The pay and grading structure for all posts across North Yorkshire Council (NYC) is at Appendix 1. Pay for management board posts is detailed below and Assistant Director detailed at Appendix 2, all reflect pay on 1 April 2024. The spinal point pay values are at 2023-24 rates as the national pay awards for 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 have not yet been agreed.
Pay 23/24 |
Grade |
Grade |
Salary |
87 |
205,897 |
CE1 |
CE1 |
Richard Flinton |
87 |
205,897 |
86 |
200,029 |
85 |
194,160 |
84 |
188,292 |
81 |
155,296 |
DIR2 |
DIR2 |
Stuart Carlton |
81 |
155,296 |
80 |
149,538 |
DIR2 |
Richard Webb |
81 |
155,296 |
79 |
143,994 |
DIR2 |
Gary Fielding |
81 |
155,296 |
78 |
138,656 |
DIR2 |
Karl Battersby |
81 |
155,296 |
77 |
133,515 |
DIR2 |
Nic Harne |
81 |
155,296 |
74 |
124,656 |
DIR1 |
DIR1 |
Trudy Forster |
72 |
118,423 |
73 |
121,540 |
DIR1 |
Barry Khan |
74 |
124,656 |
72 |
118,423 |
DIR1 |
Rachel Joyce |
72 |
118,423 |
71 |
115,826 |
2.1 In providing details on the pay and conditions for these senior managers this policy covers the pay structure and terms and conditions for the whole council workforce.
3.0 Senior Management Structure
3.1 The North Yorkshire Council senior management structure comprises posts listed in section 1.0 above and Assistant Director posts set out in Appendix 2.
3.2 In establishing the grades for the new management structure, external benchmarking was carried out and reports submitted to the Chief Executive and Chief Officer’s Appointment and Disciplinary Committees to consider the grade and salary of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Officers. Full Council agreed recommendations from the Committee in July 2022 for the salary range of the Chief Executive Officer with 4 incremental progression points The Committee considered Chief Officer salaries in November 2022 and Full Council agreed a 5 point pay scale for Directors (DIR2) to attract and retain senior talent, which is consistent with increments in grades across the wider pay structure. These grades are detailed are at Appendix 1
4.0 Pay Principles
4.1 The following set of pay principles have been agreed for the new Council:
· Clear and transparent pay structure
· Single Status “one employer” approach, with a single set of terms and conditions and a pay structure, based on job evaluation outcomes, applied consistently to all (non-teaching) Council staff, including Chief Officers and senior managers, and which does not permit varying benefit arrangements for different staff groups
· Affordable
· All pay related decisions are taken in accordance with relevant legislation, and with the aim of securing agreement and support of recognised trade unions
· Pay system based on objective criteria underpinned by job evaluation
· Part of the national pay framework, applying nationally mandated terms and conditions and minimum entitlements, with annual pay awards determined by the various national bodies (NJC, JNC for Chief Officers, and Soulbury) and applied to all NJC staff including those on the locally determined extended pay spine points SCP 44 and above (where not covered by the JNCs for Chief Executives and Chief Officers)
· Fair and equitable for all staff
· Attractive to existing employees across all previous North Yorkshire councils and the workforce of the future
· With the ability to seek to address staffing difficulties where and when they occur
· Recognises that employees’ reward needs vary, and change during employment
· Recognises the link between pay and individual performance
· Relevant for all employees, whether providing services in the community or based in an office
· Underpins and reinforces the Council’s behaviours and values, such as a learning culture, performance focused, professional excellence, confidence with new technology and public service values
· Promotes employee health and wellbeing
· Supports inclusion and diversity
· Contributes to the green agenda, supporting measures to address climate change
· Administratively light touch using self-service and fixed payments where possible
· Corporate consistency but retain and build the benefits of local recognition
· Incorporates national and local collective agreements and any authority decisions on pay with locally determined pay and conditions set out in a local collective agreement, applied to all staff and incorporated into employment contracts
4.2 Job evaluation determines the relative worth of posts in comparison with all posts. The Job evaluation score is then set within a pay structure which determines what posts are paid. Local pay and terms and conditions arrangements are reviewed as necessary based on the pay framework of job evaluation and a standard grading structure and terms and conditions.
4.3 NYC is part of the national pay framework with annual pay awards determined by the various national bodies (NJC, JNC for Chief Officers, and Soulbury). This pay policy includes the applied 2023-2024 year pay settlement for NJC staff, which increased pay for all grades by a flat rate of £1,925 or 3.88% for pay points above the national pay spine, and the national settlement for Chief Executives and Chief Officers of an additional 3.5%. No agreement has yet been reached for any staff group for 2024-2025.
NYC in common with many other authorities has a locally determined extended pay spine that extends beyond SCP 43 where the current national pay spine ends. The Green Book national NJC terms and conditions confirms that any national pay award applies to NJC staff on points SCP 44 and above where they are not covered by separate JNCs for Chief Executives and Chief Officers. The national pay frameworks determine certain terms and conditions, notably sick pay, maternity pay and provides minimum entitlements for others including, annual leave and paternity leave. Apart from the JNC for Chief Officers and Soulbury, the bodies also set out the pay spine and points to be used by local authorities in determining their pay arrangements. It is for local authorities to decide how their pay bands fit onto the national pay spine and what jobs and roles are paid based on job evaluation results.
2.4 The national agreements allow for some local determination and these elements are contained in a “Collective Agreement” between the Council and recognised unions (non-teaching). This sets out the local pay framework and all local terms and conditions, applies to all staff equally including Chief Officers and senior managers and is incorporated into all employment contracts. It is reviewed annually as part of the local consultation arrangements with trade unions and is available to all staff via the intranet.
3.0 Pay Structure
3.1 Staff are paid at monthly intervals on the last working day of the month. Pay is one twelfth of the annual gross salary less NI, tax and pension.
3.2 Pay Bands - The pay and grading structures in place set out the number of increments (based on national pay spine) for each pay band as shown in Appendix 1. Pay and Conditions for senior managers (who are not Chief Officers) is determined by the Head of Paid Service. Pay bandings can be reviewed at the request of management or staff in post, as and when required due to role changes and restructuring.
3.3 In 2022 the Chief Officers Appointment Committee retained the previously agreed rationale and approach for NYC Chief Officers pay, of setting pay bands between the median and upper quartile of externally benchmarked pay rates. This is considered a reasonable level based on the Council’s size and complexity, the need for salaries to be competitive, and the fact that the Council is a well performing authority which needs to recognise managers’ efforts in achieving this. Management Board and the Chief Executive (CEX) as Head of Paid Service agreed the same rationale and approach for senior managers.
3.3 Pay Review 2022 - A pay review, applying the principles set out above, took place in 2022 in preparation for the unitary Council, taking account of the 8 councils’ pay and terms and conditions, and the significant national labour and local market pressures which caused severe recruitment difficulties and increased staff turnover across most roles. Market data revealed significant pay inflation in some sectors, difficult recruitment and retention and higher turnover in all areas and extremely difficult attraction for some roles. Benchmarking of frontline and national and local hard to fill posts was carried out and used to inform the changes to the grading structure.
This review maintained pay differentials across grades, so pay continues to reflect the job evaluated value of the different size, scope, and responsibility of roles.
3.4 Pay Progression - Staff are usually appointed at the bottom of the pay band and progress through the grade annually from 1 April (for employees on NJC terms and conditions) or 1 September (for employees on Soulbury and/or teachers’ terms and conditions) following the annual appraisal. Progression is conditional on demonstrating the requisite knowledge and skills/competencies for the role and meeting the required level of performance and contribution during the review period. This is assessed through the appraisal process and in summary is as follows:
1. Satisfactory performance appraisal by 31st March (for employees on NJC terms and conditions) or 31st August (for employees on Soulbury and teachers’ terms and conditions).
2. Completion of all mandatory training by 31st March (for employees on NJC terms and conditions) or 31st August (for employees on Soulbury and teachers’ terms and conditions).
3. Satisfactory conduct – no live disciplinary warning in place at the pay progression review.
4. Satisfactory performance – no live capability process at the pay progression review.
5. Satisfactory contribution – demonstrating personal effort and commitment, performing in accordance with the Council’s values and behaviours.
6. For line managers, completion of employee appraisals by 31st March (for employees on NJC terms and conditions) or 31st August (for employees on Soulbury and teachers’ terms and conditions).
3.5 The Chief Executive’s appraisal and assessment against the above criteria in order to receive an increment or retain the last increment if at the top of the grade, is undertaken by the Leader in consultation with members of the Executive and other group leaders.
3.6 Pay progression is paused (or stepped back for those at the top of the grade if on NJC or Soulbury terms and conditions) when performance or contribution falls below an acceptable standard, to encourage improved performance and contribution.It can also progress more quickly than annually if an employee is consistently working at an exceptionally high level of performance during the year of the review period.
3.7 Employees can be appointed to a higher pay point, for example to match current salary.
3.8 Additional Payments There is provision for additional payments to be made to staff as detailed below. These provisions apply in the same way to all staff with no separate or additional pay supplements or arrangements for senior managers or chief officers.
· Recruitment and retention payments – these additional payments can be made to staff in hard to fill posts. A business case is required and must be approved by the Corporate Director. These payments are not permanent, are subject to regular review and are used on a limited basis as needed.
· Market supplements– these can be made when the job grade, as determined by the job evaluation outcome, is less than the median market rate. This is payable as a monthly allowance, rounded to the nearest £100. It is not subject to any uplift resulting from the national pay award and is usually reviewed at least every two years. The need for these payments must be clearly evidenced by market data and approved by Management Board. Use is limited.
· Incentive payments– made to staff at the discretion of their manager if merited by excellent performance. Payments are in the form of an accelerated increment or an honorarium payment (limited to equivalent of one or two increments) or a thank you payment to a maximum £300.
· Acting up payments– made where staff take on additional duties or responsibilities beyond the remit of their substantive role. Such payments are used regularly to cover staff gaps due to vacancies, maternity leave etc and the payment will reflect the job evaluated grade of the duties being covered.
3.9 All other pay entitlements are the same as for all NYC staff as detailed in the national and local agreements. These include:
· Mileage and limited subsistence expenses
· Annual leave (minimum 28 days rising to 34 days after five years continuous local government service)
· Sick pay (up to six months full and half pay)
· Maternity, adoption, paternity and shared parental leave.
· Other paid and unpaid leave (compassionate, time off for dependants, extended and special leave)
· Pay protection for staff moved to a lower graded role on redeployment/restructuring for one year at a maximum of £8k.
There are no additional payments or discretions for Chief Officers or Senior Managers.
3.10 The Council continues to provide a range of voluntary benefits for all staff, including discounts on goods and services, health cash plans and financial wellbeing support. Salary sacrifice schemes provide staff with national insurance savings and depending on the scheme, tax and pension savings. The schemes available include green lease cars, cycle to work, childcare vouchers, home technology, professional subscriptions, qualifications, and pension AVCs.
3.11 Termination payments for Chief Officers and senior managers follow the same arrangements and policies for redundancy, redeployment, and pension payments as applicable for all other NYC staff. Staff pension contributions are in accordance with the LGPS and employer contributions as determined through each Triennial Valuation of the North Yorkshire Pension Fund. The Local Government Pension Scheme provides employers with discretion to make monetary awards including additional benefits, payments, and shared cost AVC arrangements that can add significant value to members' accrued pension benefits. However, the NYC Discretion Policies state that no such award will be made to any member of staff. NYC redundancy payments are calculated for all staff as per the Redundancy Modification Order based on one week pay for every year’s service (1.5 weeks for years worked over the age of 40) up to a maximum of 30 weeks. In line with recent case law redundancy calculations now include employer’s pension contributions up to the statutory maximum of a week’s pay for redundancy purposes (£643 as of 2023).
3.12 New government requirements have been introduced for Special Severance Payments (SSP). These are sums paid additional to any statutory or contractual entitlements and may be paid in situations where an employee resigns, is dismissed, or agrees a termination of employment. Additional checks and processes have been implemented in accordance with new government regulations for the rare circumstances where a special severance payment is agreed to be the most effective mechanism for ending employment. Any SSP over £100k must go to full council for approval, payments between £20k – £100k are approved by Chief Executive and Leader and payments under £20k are approved by Assistant Chief Executive (Legal) and Assistant Chief Executive (HR & Business Support) in line with the scheme of delegation.
4.0 TUPE
4.1 As a result of local government reorganisation, staff from former North Yorkshire District and Borough Councils were subject to TUPE protection and therefore transfered over to NYC on their existing terms and conditions, including pay and grading structure. They are protected under TUPE legislation and therefore their pay and terms and conditions will remain those protected at the point of transfer rather than those set out in this policy, unless they subsequently move to a new NYC role.
4.2 Where staff choose to move onto NYC terms and conditions or are appointed to a new post through a restructure then they will fall within this pay policy, and the equal pay risk which arises from different pay structures, terms and conditions is reduced.
4.3 There are a small number of senior officers from Districts who have TUPE’d over, currently without a permanent designated post within the NYC senior management structure. These TUPE protected roles are listed in Appendix 3, and postholders are allocated senior duties and responsibilities appropriate to their grade and skills.
5.0 Remuneration Committee
5.1 The Chief Officers Appointments and Disciplinary Committee is responsible for determining and amending as necessary the terms and conditions of Chief Officers. Remuneration, terms, and conditions will comply with the Pay Policy Statement and any proposed amendments will be submitted to Full Council for approval.
6.0 Pay Multiples and Wider Pay Structure
6.1 The complete pay structure is detailed at Appendix 1. The lowest paid staff are at SCP2 on a salary of £22,366 as of 1 April 2024 (2023 pay rates). The highest paid salary is £205,897 paid to the Chief Executive. The median average (excluding schools) has increased slightly to SCP14, £27,334 per annum (equivalent to the second point of Grade G). The ratio between the median and the highest i.e., the ‘pay multiple’ has reduced again to 7.5:1, which compares well with the recommendation in the Hutton Report that the multiple should not exceed 20. NYC does not have a policy on maintaining or reaching a specific pay multiple but is conscious of the need to ensure that the salaries of the highest paid employees are not excessive and are consistent with the needs of the authority as expressed in this policy statement and its wider pay policy and approach.
7.0 Senior Teaching Staff
The pay and grading of all teachers including Head teachers is
determined nationally. There are currently eight Head
teachers paid above £100k plus 20 Heads and Deputies in posts
with salaries equivalent to Assistant Director pay bands. This does
not include Academies that set their own pay for Head teachers and
all other staff.
Grade structure 1st April 2024
scp |
Apr-23 |
Grade |
2 |
£22,366 |
AB |
3 |
£22,737 |
CD |
4 |
£23,114 |
5 |
£23,500 |
6 |
£23,893 |
E |
7 |
£24,294 |
8 |
£24,702 |
9 |
£25,119 |
F |
10 |
£25,545 |
11 |
£25,979 |
12 |
£26,421 |
13 |
£26,873 |
G |
14 |
£27,334 |
15 |
£27,803 |
16 |
£28,282 |
17 |
£28,770 |
18 |
£29,269 |
H |
19 |
£29,777 |
20 |
£30,296 |
21 |
£30,825 |
22 |
£31,364 |
23 |
£32,076 |
I |
24 |
£33,024 |
25 |
£33,945 |
26 |
£34,834 |
27 |
£35,745 |
JK |
28 |
£36,648 |
29 |
£37,336 |
30 |
£38,223 |
31 |
£39,186 |
32 |
£40,221 |
L |
33 |
£41,418 |
34 |
£42,403 |
35 |
£43,421 |
36 |
£44,428 |
M |
37 |
£45,441 |
38 |
£46,464 |
39 |
£47,420 |
40 |
£48,474 |
N |
41 |
£49,498 |
42 |
£50,512 |
43 |
£51,515 |
44 |
£52,504 |
45 |
£55,056 |
SM1 |
46 |
£57,134 |
47 |
£59,212 |
48 |
£61,289 |
49 |
£63,367 |
50 |
£65,444 |
SM2 |
51 |
£67,522 |
52 |
£69,600 |
53 |
£71,677 |
54 |
£73,755 |
SM3 |
55 |
£75,832 |
56 |
£77,910 |
57 |
£79,988 |
58 |
£82,065 |
AD1 |
59 |
£84,662 |
60 |
£87,259 |
61 |
£89,856 |
62 |
£92,453 |
63 |
£95,050 |
AD2 |
64 |
£97,647 |
65 |
£100,244 |
66 |
£102,841 |
67 |
£105,438 |
AD3 |
68 |
£108,035 |
69 |
£110,632 |
70 |
£113,229 |
71 |
£115,826 |
DIR1 |
72 |
£118,423 |
73 |
£121,540 |
74 |
£124,656 |
75 |
£127,772 |
76 |
£130,889 |
77 |
£133,515 |
DIR2 |
78 |
£138,656 |
79 |
£143,994 |
80 |
£149,538 |
81 |
£155,296 |
82 |
£161,275 |
83 |
£167,484 |
84 |
£188,292 |
Chief Executive |
85 |
£194,160 |
86 |
£200,029 |
87 |
£205,897 |
Appendix 2
Assistant Director roles, grades and pay
Directorate |
Grade |
AD Job Title |
24/25 scp |
Salary |
Notes |
Health & Adult Service |
AD3 |
Director of Public Health |
1.0 |
69 |
£110,632 |
Health & Adult Service |
AD2 |
AD Prevention and Service Development |
1.0 |
65 |
£100,244 |
Health & Adult Service |
AD2 |
AD Adult Social Care |
1.0 |
67 |
£105,438 |
Health & Adult Service |
AD2 |
AD Adult Social Care |
1.0 |
64 |
£97,647 |
Health & Adult Service |
AD1 |
Alliance Director |
1.0 |
62 |
£92,453 |
NHS joint funded |
Children & Young People |
AD3 |
AD Children and Families |
1.0 |
69 |
£110,632 |
Children & Young People |
AD2 |
AD Education and Skills |
1.0 |
67 |
£105,438 |
Children & Young People |
AD2 |
AD Inclusion |
1.0 |
65 |
£100,244 |
Environment |
AD3 |
AD Highways, Transportation, Parking, Parks & Grounds |
1.0 |
70 |
£113,229 |
Environment |
AD2 |
AD Environmental Services Climate & Waste |
1.0 |
67 |
£105,438 |
Environment |
AD2 |
AD Regulatory, Registration, Bereavement, Coroners |
1.0 |
64 |
£97,647 |
Environment |
AD2 |
AD Transport |
1.0 |
64 |
£97,647 |
Community Development |
AD3 |
AD Planning |
1.0 |
70 |
£113,229 |
Community Development |
AD3 |
AD Housing |
1.0 |
68 |
£108,035 |
Community Development |
AD2 |
AD Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism & Skills |
1.0 |
65 |
£100,244 |
Community Development |
AD2 |
AD Culture and Leisure |
1.0 |
64 |
£97,647 |
Community Development |
Director Harrogate Convention Centre |
1.0 |
Spot |
£116,111 |
Resources |
AD3 |
Director of Transformation |
1.0 |
70 |
£113,229 |
Resources |
AD2 |
AD Resourcing |
1.0 |
67 |
£105,438 |
Resources |
AD2 |
AD Resourcing |
1.0 |
67 |
£105,438 |
Resources |
AD2 |
AD Resourcing |
1.0 |
67 |
£105,438 |
Resources |
AD2 |
AD Resourcing |
1.0 |
65 |
£100,244 |
Resources |
AD2 |
AD Resourcing |
1.0 |
64 |
£97,647 |
Resources |
AD2 |
AD Customer, Revenue and Benefits |
1.0 |
64 |
£97,647 |
Resources |
AD2 |
AD Property, Procurement and Commercial |
1.0 |
64 |
£97,647 |
Resources |
AD2 |
AD Technology |
1.0 |
65 |
£100,244 |
Legal and Democratic |
AD1 |
AD Legal Operations |
1.0 |
59 |
£84,662 |
Local Engagement |
AD1 |
AD Communications |
1.0 |
62 |
£92,453 |
*Market supplements and other temporary payments such as merit and incentive payments eg thank you payments are excluded.
Changes since 1st April 2023
Reduction of 1.0 AD2 Assistant Director Economic Partnership TUPE’d out 1st February 2024
Reduction of 0.4 Director of Corporate Services and Commissioning (TUPE post)
Reduction of 1.0 Corporate Director – Operations (TUPE post)
Appendix 3
TUPE protected Senior Manager roles from District and Borough Councils: legally protected on grades and pay arrangements that are separate from the NYC pay policy
Fte |
Salary |
1.0 |
£86,965 |
Commercial Director |
1.0 |
£86,965 |
Director of Services |
1.0 |
£89,630 |